Chapter 11

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      Ireland's P.O.V

 I couldn't shoot Clint. We needed him.


"I know how we can find out who you are/use to be. That archer you had caught he works for some place called S.H.E.I.L.D. I had written down some notes to help me know who's bad and who's good he's on the good side. He should be able to help find out who you use to be." I paused for a moment. "That's why I haven't been trying to escape from him once I found out who he worked for. If we can find a way for him to trust us and not turn you or myself in we can find out what all has happened to you and who you use to be." he looked at me as he thought over every thing I just said. He nodded his head and said "There is another one coming, she was sent out after the first car exploded." wasn't sure how he knew that and I wasn't going to ask how he did. "So what?" "I saw her a week ago on my last mission you look kind of like her. if I can get her to stop and try and stop me we can get you to pretend to be her and go get that archer." he explain, I nodded and also thought to myself this was a terrible idea.

 Bucky managed to get the lady to stop the car and try to get him, he lead her into the forest in the opposite direction of Hawkeye. I ran up to the car and got in. I search for I.D cards so I could find out who this person was. I found 4 I.D cards they read; Clint Barton aka "Hawkeye", Natasha Romanoff aka "Blackwidow", Marie Hill, and Steve Rogers aka "Captain America". they all had the same sign as Hawkeye/ Clint had shown me. each one had a picture the lady's name was Natasha Romanoff, I read more of the card and file that it was attached to.


 "Why are you doing this?" he questioned me. "I need your help, and I know you won't help if I ask for it!" I said, holding the gun up as he held his arrow back read to let it fly again. This time I knew he won't shoot me in the leg he'd be shooting to kill me. "Try me. You put the gun down and I'll put the bow down. Then we'll talk." he said, lowering the bow as I lower the gun. I threw the gun to the side as he did the same with the bow.

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