Chapter 2

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Girls P.O.V

I heard something move behind a tree. I jumped to my feet the arrow in hand. I watched as I waited for someone, or something to appear from behind the tree, where the rustling had come from.

After no movement for awhile I started to walk towards the tree. As I got closer I could hear breathing. I held the arrow tight in my hand, ready just in case.

"Come out!" I commanded.

A man stepped out from behind the tree. He was dressed in mostly black, black jeans with straps on them, black boots, and s black leather vest with some dark red on it. His hair was also short and dirty blond. In his left hand he held a bow and arrow, with arrows on his back.

Before saying anything else I focused on the arrows. From what I could see they were the same arrows as I had in my hand.

"You shot me," I claimed. He gave a grin.

"Ya, I shot you." He said, with no emotions at all.

I looked him over once more. He was about the same height as me, but I could tell he was way stronger then I was.

"Who are you? Why'd you shot me?" I demanded answers. I held the arrow close, as he took a step towards me.

"I'm Hawkeye," he paused. A helicopter flew over, he watched it making sure to stay under the trees, as to not be seen. "I was sent to track you," he said, pressing a button on his bow.

"Well Mr.Hawkeye? Why were you sent to track me?" I asked, looking him straight in the eyed. I watched him carefully, he started to raise a arm. "Don't even try," I said, raising the arrow.

Then I realized he wasn't reaching for an arrow, he reached in his vest. He then pulled out a folded piece of paper. "Read this," he unfolded the paper and handed it to me. I looked at him before grabbing the price of paper to read.

It read; "Hawkeye-Agent of S..H.I.E.L.D." I flipped the paper around hoping for more information. "What's that mean? And Hawkeye's your name?" I questioned him, handing him the paper back. "S.H.I.E.L.D. stands for Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Divisions." He answered, tucking the paper back in his vest. "And no, my name is classified information." He added. "Why'd you shot Mr, if you were sent to track me?" I asked, loosening my grip on the arrow a little.

He just seemed to ignore me. Another helicopter flu over head, Hawkeye backed up so he was under the trees more. I felt like he was hiding from the helicopter. Maybe who ever was in the helicopter could help me. I walked back to the middle of the long grass where I could be seen from the sky.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Hawkeye shout to me.

"Getting away from you!" I replied, looking over at him. He pulled out an arrow. The helicopter was now over head, it started to descend.

"I'll give you a chance. Either come here, or I'll shot you again!" He ordered. I turned my attention back to him, he had the arrow ready.

"Go ahead shot me! I don't care that your some S.H.I.E.L.D agent! There's a helicopter coming down here!" I shouted to him. He pulled the arrow back, then let it fly.

I fell to the ground once the arrow hit me, again it was in the leg. I looked up at the helicopter, it was leaving again. Why would it be leaving? I looked closely at the bottem of it, it had the same logo Hawkeyes piece of paper had on it.

Once the helicopter was completely out of sight Hawkeye came over to where I lay and kneeled down beside me. "That helicopter is with you, why were you hiding under the trees every time it passed by?" I questioned him. He ignored me ad he started to pull the arrow out of the side of my leg. "I'm suppose to be 5 miles from here, or at least that's what they think." He finally answered.

"This may hurt," he announced. "Oww! What the hell! Why would you even shot me!?" I yelled, once he pulled the arrow out. He just gave me a small grin. "Let me see that arrow." I said, sitting up with my hand out. He stood up, took a couple steps back then handed me the arrow.

This arrows tip was different from the last one, everything else was the same. I grabbed it with to hands then started to try and break it in half. It only bent, didn't break at all. Hawkeye just watched as I struggled to break his arrow. "Having fun there?" He said, with a really smile. "No! It won't break!" I replied. Handing the arrow back to him. "And the arrows tip is different." I remarked, he nodded. "Why's it different?" I wanted to know. "The one I shot you with yesterday made you fall asleep. This one is just a normal arrow." He explained, as he tried to clean the arrow of my blood.

I looked at my leg that had been shot at...twice! Both shots were on the outside of my leg. The first one had scared over, the other was still bleeding. I didn't have one side of my pant leg because of him. "Let me see your leg." He said, putting the arrow back on his back. He took a seat beside me. He then gently picked up my leg, and looked at it. "Stay here," he added running off in to the forest. Great he left me. Then I noticed he left his bow. If I could only reach it.

As I waited for him I looked over his bow. It was a verily strong bow, yet it was light weight. "What are you doing?" He asked, stopping at the edge of the tree line. I then heard a helicopter over head again. It stopped above me. "Why don't you want them to find you?" I yelled to him. "That's for me to know," he said, watching the helicopter carefully. "Come get your bow!" I said.

"No, I'm good. But if I were you I'd get up and run." He said, still watching the helicopter. "Why?" I said watching him now. "That's not one of S.H.I.E.L.D.s helicopters." I looked up, then noticed the symbol was different. "Okay, I see that now. But I can't move my left keg very well because of you!" I shouted. He dropped what he had in his arms and started to run towards me.

I was still holding the broken arrow. When he reached me he bent down and picked me up with ease, before running back in to the forest. I had his bow in my hand, I knew it was important. When he stopped running he set me down agenct a log. I blacked out as I hit the ground.

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