Chapter 3

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            Hawkeye's P.O.V

The girl  had blacked out once I set her down. Her leg was still bleeding, she was losing lots of blood. I gathered some near by leaves, grass and cotton. I placed the cotton on the wound, then positioned the leaves on top and tied it tight with the grass.

After sitting around for a while I decided I better put together a fire. She was still out. I made a small shelter over her, so she wouldn't be seen, I laid the smaller logs up right then placed sticks and leaves on top, from the up right logs to the log she was leaning agenct. I heard a helicopter as I left her, she'd be fin, they can't see threw the trees anyway.

I gathered some logs and leaved for a fire then went to find something to eat. I found wild berries, and hunted down a rabit. "OWW!" I heard, as I walked back. I could see where she was laying, I knew she was fin. She must have bumped her head. Either way I rushed back.

"I'm back," I said, looking in to the shelter. "Where are we?" She asked. "Still in the forest." I said. She had a confused look on her face. What was she so confused about? "Are you okay?" I asked, kneeling down beside her. She shook her head and closed her eyes, then looks at me. "Ya I'm fine." She said. Her eyes said otherwise, she looked like she was scared. "Are you sure?" I asked, she nodded.

That night I built up a fire to keep us warm and so we could cook the rabit. "Why Hawkeye?" She asked, moving closer to me.

"What do you mean?" I questioned, poking at the fire.

"I mean that's not your nae. You won't tell me your name so why Hawkeye? And why the bow?" She explained her question. I stared in to the fire.

"I'm handy with a bow and arrow. I never miss." I said, looking up from the fire. The sun had set a couple minutes ago. "Why don't you call up S.H.I.E.L.D? I know they don't know your here bu-" I cut her off. "S.H.I.E.L.D. knows I'm here. It was that helicopter that thought I was 5 miles away. But not anymore, they know I'm here with you now. And I did call S.H.I.E.L.D. they won't be here till tomorrow." I said quickly.

"Why don't they come now?" She asked. "I can't tell you that." I said. "Why not?" I stayed quiet.

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