Chapter eight

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You had never been anywhere besides the hospital you worked at or the cafe, near your apartment. So having fun wasn't something you normally experienced, so you had more fun living in the bunker. Then you ever had in your whole life, the brothers had developed a bit of a routine with you. One of them would wake you up, (most of the time it was Sam since Dean loved sleeping)

After that you would have breakfast with them, and once the other one woke up. They searched for any cases nearby, normally Castiel stayed with you. But he wanted to be in on the action and so sometimes you were left alone with Jack. This annoyed you because you wanted to go out and hunt with them. So what if you had no training? Sam or Dean just had to train you and you could assist them on a hunt. More hunters also seemed to be dropping dead and you wondered why angels were hurting people.

"Cass can I ask you something?" You asked as you sat on the couch.
"I am hear to listen, " he responded. He could sense from your aura that you were bored.
"Why are these angels hurting people?" You asked him interrupting his thoughts.
"That's what we're trying to figure out, " he answered. You shock your head not sastfied with that answer.

"No I mean why are they turning on Heaven, " you said to him. "As angels they're the protectors of humanity and aren't supposed to harm others without purpose, " you continued. Castiel realized what you were saying and got a bit worried about answering you. How would you react when he told you that the angels weren't like the one you hoped for?
"Y/n there is no easy for me to say this but my brothers and sisters are not... " he started but you finished.

"Some of them don't like humans yes I know, I've read through the books Castiel and I know how some of the angels act, " you responded. "But I don't like it, angels protect you and have kind hearts, " you continued. "So those ones you faced aren't how they all are, " you kept going. "I have faith that angels are good and so is our creator, " Castiel had to admit he was impressed with your statement. For a girl so young, you had more devotion to your faith then anyone he had ever encourted.
"Your words impress me, " Castiel said unsure what else to say.

"Why it is what I learned while reading the bible?" You asked. Why would your words suprise you when he was an angel? He was the one who answered prayers, not you. Castiel told you that he was just surprised that you knew so much about Christianity. Not many humans he had encourted had been as devoted and knowledge about it, like you were. "I may be young but my faith is all I had living with Rani, " you explained. "Well that and my other few belongs, "

Meanwhile Sam and Dean were tracking down a shape-shifter. Who was posing as a store employee at a number of shopping centers. So far this monster had killed four people and framed at least five more. As they walked in digused as regular shoppers, Dean decided to ask his brother something.
"Hey Sammy do you think we should tell the kid about her ESP abilities?" Dean asked. Sam stiffened at the question. Unknown to you, everyone had decided to keep your empathic abilities a secret from you. The reason behind it was because they had little knowlege about them, and weren't sure how to deal with them.

"No not yet at least, "Sam responded.
"Sam you've seen the way she reacts to certain emotions, sooner or later she's going to find out, " Dean argued. There was no use denying that your abilities got to you at times. The first time you reacted to Dean's anger about his mother being dead. You picked up so much of it that you had a mild asthma attack. Sam's heart nearly gave out when he heard your heavy breathing. He was unsure what to do and feared that you were going to die. Thankfully Jack had calmed you down, and Castiel explained that your abilities were always active, and too much negativity made you feel sick.

"Dean we will figure that out eventually okay, " Sam answered. "But right now we have a monster to stop, " he continued. The two argued so more about you until Sam decided that the discussion was over. Before the brothers could agrue any further Sam's cellphone went off.
"Hey, " Sam said answering the call.
"Hey Sam it's Jack I think I found out where the shape-shifter is going next, " Jack explained.
"Where?" Sam asked.
"The police station, " Jack answered. "According to one of the victims the shape-shifter isn't good at covering his tracks, " he continued.

"See if you can find out who it is, we will be there soon, " Sam responded ending the call.
"You think Jack found a lead?" Dean asked. He was still unsure if he could trust the half angel completely. After all he was the devil's kid.
"Yes and maybe think about dialing your paranormia by two notches, " Sam said to his brother. "I trust Jack, " he continued.

Later that day your boredom caught up with you. If you had to stare at the same wall for one second more you were going to scream.
"Castiel can I please get out and do something, " you said to him. Castiel knew he should refuse, as the brothers told him to not let you out of his sight.
"I don't know if that is safe, " the angel said to you.
"Please I can't stay here, " you begged. After a lot more convincing Castiel agreed to at least take you shopping.

You explored the store unaware of the danger hidden inside. Your aura caught the emotions of everyone around you, it was a lot so you put an unattended pair of headphones in. Castiel lost track of you after that as you walked around admiring every item you came across. He panicked thinking of the possible danger you could be without anyone to protect you, not to mention what he would tell everyone else if he couldn't find you.
"Y/n where did you go?" Castiel asked himself.

The angel was so busy trying to locate you that he didn't notice that Sam , Dean and Jack were here as well. By the time he did, he had already bumped into them.
"Cass what the hell?" Dean asked getting off the floor.
"My apologies, " Castiel said to his friend.
"What are you doing here?" Jack asked. "I thought you were supposed to be watching Y/n, " he continued. Castiel was about to explain that you had convinced him to leave the bunker. However he didn't get the change because Sam began to look around for you.

"Castiel did you let her come here by herself?" Sam asked.
"No I came here with her, but she got away from me, " Castiel answered. At the same time the shape-shifter saw you and figured that someone your size would be easy prey. You didn't even hear him as he demanded you to put your hands up.
"Alright kid hands in the air, " he said but you said nothing. "Hey I said hands in the air!" He continued getting closer to you. Still you didn't hear him. "Hey you got a death wish or something?" He asked touching on the shoulder.

You felt his touch and turned around to look at him.
"Yes?" You asked taking your headphones out. Your emotions somehow told you that this man wasn't human, but you weren't scared. Whatever this was, you had a surprise for it.
"Didn't you hear me?" The shape-shifter asked.
"Are you robbing me?" You asked reaching down for the weapon hidden in your pocket. Despite Sam telling you not to take the dagger you took it anyway incase you ever encourted a threat.

"Yeah, " the shape-shifter confirmed.
"Oh, " you answered and before he could even say anything. You kicked him between the legs and kicked him a second time causing him to go flying. All the commotion had attracted attention of the brothers as well as Castiel and Jack. All four ran towards the scene and saw that you had cornered the shape-shifter. "Hey guys I found him, " you said once you noticed them.
"Should we scold her? " Dean asked to his brother.

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