Chapter seven

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After hearing what Sam had said, you briefly thought about calling him out. He hardly knew you at all and now he and his brother were going to get hurt.
"I won't leave this place until I know I can free you, " you said to both of them.
"Kid that's too risky, " Dean said to you.
"Please don't talk to me like I'm six, I know I'm a kid but I can help, " you responded.

Sam told you that it wasn't about your age, but you know it was a white lie. It was also that with you being this close to him, that  he realized something you had his eyes. Sam wasn't sure how that was possible but pushed the thought of you being his daughter almost immediately. There was no way, you were his child.
"Y/n we can't involve you in this, " Sam said to you. Even though it was kinda fruitless, since the angels were after you. Before he could even say more to you. You took notice of the vent shaft in your room.

"That's it, " you said heading over to the vent.
"That's clever firecracker but we won't fit, " Dean said to you.
"Maybe you two won't, but I will, " you responded. "I'm going to get word to Castiel somehow, " you continued. Sam and Dean were impressed with your quick thinking but before they could protest, you were already inside the vent. "Kid is quite ambitious, " Dean comments.
"Time to go!" Rani called out from as she opened the door. However she got suspicious when he noticed that you had vanished.

"Where's the girl ?" Rani asked.
"What girl?" Sam asked playing dumb. You overheard this as you climbed up to the vent and found an hatch. It was just above Rani's head, and you began pushing down on it.
"Don't play that card with me!" Rani screamed grabbing Dean and putting an angel blade to his throat.
"Take it easy lady, " Dean said playing it cool.
"If you don't tell me right now I'll kill him, " Rani spat into Sam's face. You pushed harder until the hatch feel on top of Rani.

You feel with it, and despite her recovering quickly. It gave Sam and Dean enough time to free themselves. Rani realized quite quickly what you had done and tried to grab you.
"Let go!" You screamed as she grabbed your arm.
"Oh no you're not going anywhere!" Rani yelled back. However then Dean got her attention.
"Hey ice princess!" He called out and when she turned around. Dean gave her a punch causing her to fall back. Sam then stabbed her with an angel blade killing her.

You watched the scene in shock, unsure if you should cry at the sight of your guardian supposingly dead.
"Y/n are you okay?" Sam asked you immediately and you only nodded not sure how to answer him. However there was no time to reflect as three more angels came  in.
"Grab the girl!" They all yelled. You gasped not knowing why they wanted you, but you didn't get the chance to ask questions because Sam picked you up.
"close your eyes, " he said  and you obeyed.

Because you had your eyes closed, you didn't see him draw a sigel on the wall. While Dean kept them busy, you tried to look a few times but Sam told you to keep them closed. He pressed the sigel sending the angels away and the two brothers ran away with you.
"Can I open my eyes now?" You asked not sure where they were taking you. Dean said you could open your eyes and the first thing you saw was Castiel teleporting and Jack using his powers against more angels.

"What's going on?" You asked. "Why are you all here? Am I being kidnapped?"
"No Y/n we don't wish you to make you nap," Castiel said to you not knowing what the term meant. "We came back to rescue you, " he explained.
"You came back for me?" You asked. Even though you thought they would it shocked you, because no one had ever done that for you.
"What do you say kid you wanna come with us?" Sam asked you, and you nodded. This was your dream to be with Sam and Dean. You know the road with them was dangerous but its what you wanted.

You had more questions but didn't get the chance to ask because Castiel teleported everyone away. Jack followed soon after and he instantly was happy when he saw you. He asked if you were okay and you told him he was very nice. Unsure where you were you observed the bunker and asked what it was.
"Is this place a castle?" You asked. Everyone laughed except for Castiel who didn't know why you asked that.
"No this is the bunker, " Sam said to you. "Its where we live, "

"It looks like a castle, " you said sastfied with your words.
"She does have a point, " Jack said.
"Oh I see it is funny because the place is big," Castiel said finally getting your question. You laughed and called him funny. "I will contitne to be so, " he responded.
"Y/n why don't you let Sam show you around, " Dean suggested. He wanted to discuss what they could do with you, because having you with them made you a bigger target.

Being an empath was bad enough but being around hunters was even worse.
"Okay, " You said unaware of why he said that,  or in the danger you were in.
"Dean what is it?" Castiel asked once you were out of earshot.
"We need to find out more about her, " Dean responded. Meanwhile you were in awe as Sam showed you around.
"Can I use this?" You asked picking up a small dagger.
"No absolutely not, " Sam said quickly taking it away.
"But I need to have something, I'm going to hunt with you, " you protested.

"Y/n.. " he began but you stopped him.
"It's not safe I know and I know I will make mistakes, and I have a lot to learn," you told him. "But you don't have to protect me this is where I want to be, " you declared. Your words suprised Sam but he saw your point.
"To tell you the truth kid I guess I've got a lot to learn to, " he said to you.

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