Chapter eighteen

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Sam didn't say anything for a longtime and you were worried that your revelation caused him to go into shock. Unsure of what to do you tried to leave but Sam stopped you.
"Y/n sweetheart you can't just drop a bombshell like that and leave without letting me say anything, " Sam said to you. He had no idea how  in the world you managed to figure out, who he was without him saying anything. Did he act too parental with you and you just put two and two together? Or did you just consider him your father.

"I'm sorry I just needed to tell you, " you responded. "I know I should said something earlier and you probably don't believe me, but I'm telling the truth, " you continued. "I didn't believe it at first either but Mom showed me everything, " you explained. After that you expected your father to yell at you for not saying anything sooner or to not believe you. Instead however he said something that surprised you.

"So you've seen her to?" He asked. You looked at him in surprise wondering if had been aware of your heritage already. "Remember that night we fought?" You nodded still unsure of what to say. "Sarah was in your room and I thought I was dreaming but she told me everything, " he explained. After hearing this you felt like crying since you felt hurt that he hadn't been honest with you.
"Wait did you not tell me because you didn't want me?" You asked.

Sam immediately told you that wasn't the reason at all. He still could imagine you thinking that you were unwanted, he hated Rani for drilling that into your brain. He hated whatever force of nature decided to have you taken from him, and he hated himself for not knowing you were suffering.
"Y/n no please don't ever think that, I love you, I just didn't know how to tell you, " he told you. At this point you couldn't keep your tears at the bay.

"I'm sorry Daddy I didn't mean to think so low of you, " you cried. Sam held you close until you stopped crying, he didn't say anything because he felt that no words needed to be said. The truth was out and there was no turning back at this point. Besides he wanted to let you calm down before he said anything else that might accidentally make things worse. Even once your tears stopped you didn't leave your father's arms, you didn't care if most kids your age considered themselves too old to do that.

"I'm sorry I'm such a mess, " you finally said.
"No baby you're not mess, being a teenager is hard enough believe me, " he told you. "But when you live this life and discover a secret like this, it changes the way you feel about everything, " he continued. It wasn't just comforting words he was giving you, he was also talking about himself in this scenario. Discovering that he had a child made him look at the world differently. Ever since he was kid, he had seen the world as a dark and empty place.

How could not think that with all the monsters he saw on a daily basis. The only lights in his life we're his family but they weren't perfect, so he desired to find a flame to extinguish the darkness. At first he found in Jessica but she once was gone, the darkness in his life was back. But finding out about you, made him feel not only whole, but the world around him seemed so different. While it was still lurking with monsters it seemed full of light and hope now.

"That's really deep, " you commented. "I understand I wanted to tell you as soon as I found out, " you continued. "But I thought you would just laugh in my face, "
"No I wouldn't have done that but I'm glad you finally told me, the truth has been eating at me for awhile, " he answered. You told him you knew how that felt but another uncertainty filled your head. What was going to happen now? How exactly did you be a good daughter or have a relationship with your father after not knowing him your whole life. Okay that wasn't true you knew of him for a longtime, and so far you seemed to have a stable relationship.

"Something on your mind?" Your father asked.
"Just thinking about a lot I guess, " you admitted. "I've never had a father before and I don't know how to be a daughter to you, " you continued.
"If it helps so far you're doing a great job but you really need to start listening to me," Sam said to you. You laughed at his words a little saying that as a teenager you were supposed to rebel a bit. "Oh great now you sound like me at sixteen, " he joked. You laughed again picturing him as a teen rebelling against his father.

"I don't know how to be a father Y/n because my own was very absent, " he explained. You listened without question wanting to know everything he was going to say. "But I want you to know that I'm going to try my best, " he continued. You told him he was already doing a great job since he had saved you multiple times. The two of you talked about the future and how to handle the angel situation. Even with the cases you came across hunters were still dropping dead because of angels, but until the mastermind was revealed. The main focus was saving as many people as they could.

"Jack left didn't he?" You finally asked. That question had been in the back of your mind ever since you saw it in your vision. You didn't want it to be true but so far your visions hadn't been wrong.
"Yeah he did we all tried to stop him, but he vanished, " Sam explained. You were saddened by your father's words, but knew that Jack needed time to himself. His powers scared him which was something you could relate to and needed to figure out if he was truly good. "How did you know?" Your father asked.

"I saw it in my vision before I saw a bunch of other things, it scares me a little bit I've never had visions before," you explained. Sam understood your fear he knew that feeling all too well of unexpected visions. Even if he no longer had them since his powers were dormant.
"Believe me I know but now that you've told me that you have visions, I need you to tell me everything you see, " he said to you.
"Okay Daddy I promise, " you answered. After explaining what you could remember from your vision, you watched him react to everything you said.

When you mentioned the red eyes and your belief it was Lucifer he became visibly disturbed.
"He scares me, he always has, " you admitted. All your life you had dedicated yourself to living a religious life, so you knew all about the devil and his princes of Hell. "I probably shouldn't say that out loud  though he can't reach us because he is stuck in the cage, " you continued.
"Y/n... " Sam started but you cut him off.
"I know what you're going to say, Jack is his son, I put it together when I saw your conversation with him, " you said. "Its going to be very hard to keep secrets from me, " you continued trying to make a joke.

"Well there goes all your birthday presents I guess, " Sam responded playing along. You gasped but then started laughing. "But Y/n sweetheart this isn't something you can share with others, " he continued now being serious. "You can't let any monster we go after know who you are and what you can do, " he kept going.
"How do I do that?" You asked.
"Castiel will be teaching you all he knows but you have to learn how to use your abilities, " he explained. "Dean and I will teach you all you need to know about hunting but I don't always want you to come along, " he continued.

"But Dad.. " you started but he cut you off.
"I'm telling you this because I love you, if something happened to you I don't know what I'd do, " he said to you. Not wanting to agrue when you knew he had every right to worry about you when he had lost so many people, including your mother.
"I'm sorry I just.. I just want to be like you, " you told him. It was the honest truth and you weren't sure if you were saying them as an apology for not listening. Or as a way of understanding his need to protect you and struggle to let you grow.
"And I want you to be be better, " Sam answered.

You didn't know it then but that night when those words were spoken, it became the definition of your relationship with him. As your father had said you spent the following days training with and without weapons. Your Uncle was the one mostly teaching you how to fight hand to hand and while you didn't get many hits in. He commented that you hit hard. It was frustrating for you at times though as your training was always interrupted when a new case happened.

So far you had the unpleasant pleasure of meeting Arthur Ketch when he was killing witches. According to what you had been told he was not someone to be trusted as he brainwashed your grandmother. Among with a bunch of other things that your father refused to tell you. You decided to take matters into your own hands and questioned him on his story, knowing he was lying until he eventually cracked. However he got away, and you hoped to never see him again. As his aura was full of dark intentions which you didn't like.

Another time you got pulled in was when your father and uncle got blackmailed into doing a heist for a crossroads demon. To make sure that they didn't go back on their word since they needed a nephilim tracking spell. He used you as leverage until they finished the heist. You had a lot of questions once it appeared to be over and your family ended up burning the demon's bones. After the incident you wanted to prepare yourself to face demons, so along side your training. 

You practiced making demon traps, preforming excrosims, creating holy water and salt circles. You also practiced creating holy oil and angel sigils in case you ever came across a rouge angel. You worked on these in the early hours of the morning and late into the night. One night after attempting some target practice with a gun, you feel asleep in the armory. Sam and Dean stumbled across you after discussing where Castiel could have gone.
"Well would you look at that, " Dean said once he saw you. "All that work finally tired her out Sammy, " he continued.

"I guess I should give her a lecture on taking care of herself, " Sam responded. He had been wondering why you had been so tired all the time. Just yesterday when he was giving you a pep talk you nearly fell asleep standing up. "She's tough Dean but she's got a lot to learn still, "

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