Chapter nineteen

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Dizzy spells became a problem for you, after days of staying up late and waking up early. You knew it was because you weren't sleeping well but in all honestly you didn't want to sleep. You saw terrible things every time you shut your eyes, sometimes it was apocalypse world. Other times it was the yellow eyes of a prince of Hell or the blue eyes of an archangel.

The worse thing you saw was Lucifer himself speaking to you, he touched your shoulder, played with your hair and called you pretty. Then he said that he was that way once and that you weren't too different from him. Since you were young, rebellious, and pretty. You also wanting to scream at him but in your nightmares no sound came out of your throat. It didn't take long for your family members to pick up on your constant tiredness.
"Hey ESP wake up, " your uncle said to you once he found asleep on the floor. "You can't sleep there its hard and uncomfortable, "

"Sorry Uncle Dean I was practicing my aim," you told him.
"Yeah I can see that but now we have holes in the target where they shouldn't be, " he answered. You stood up and saw what he meant, instead of your shots hitting the center, they were everywhere but the center.
"Are you going to tell Dad?" You asked softly.
"I'm his older brother so I don't have to but he will see it eventually, " your uncle responded. "He is worried about you kid, when was the last time you slept?"

Truth be told you had lost count of the number of days. Which was definitely a problem since you knew that not sleeping could cause health problems.
"I can't remember but I got at least five hours last night, " Dean wasn't satisfied with that response and he knew his brother wouldn't be either.
"Y/n you need to take care of yourself, " your uncle said helping you stand up. You tried to defend your actions saying that you needed to be ready to save people.
"I can't sleep when I know so many people are out there dying, " you said.

"Kid you won't be able to help them if you can't keep your eyes open, " Dean responded. You groaned realizing he had a point. "Come on enough angsty teen for one day I made breakfast, " he continued. You couldn't say no to that since you were starving. So you left the armory with your uncle and followed him into the kitchen. It smelled delicious like it usually did, as your Uncle was a great cook. Something that surprised since you were sure that he never really had a real once. Save for when he very little, but you didn't want to think about that. It made you think of your grandparents, and how you never got the chance to meet them.

"Is that pancakes?" You asked since the smell snapped you back to reality.
"Yep, " Your uncle responded walking away from you so he could finish making them. "Sam over here is refusing to have any since they're unhealthy, " he continued. You laughed as you heard your Dad respond. It seemed the two of them couldn't even get through breakfast without arguing.
"Dean don't be putting those thoughts into my daughter's head, " Your Dad responded.
"What thoughts?" Dean teased. "That you're a complete health nut and no fun, "

You laughed again and rushed to your father's side. He had his own breakfast was just a bunch of fruit and granola.
"He's got a point that doesn't look exciting Dad, " you said taking a seat next to him. "I'm a doctor and a little junk is okay, " you teased. He responded saying he couldn't believe you weren't siding with him and messing with your hair right after. "No Dad stop, " you groaned.
"Nope I will take great pleasure in spoiling you, " Sam responded.

It was true, since he had missed the past thirteen years of your life he wanted to make up for it. You were one girl he definitely didn't want to lose.
"But I thought spoiling was bad?" You asked. Wasn't that where the term spoiled brats came from? Neither of them gave you an answer as your uncle ended the conversation by putting a plate in front of you. You smiled happy to drown your thoughts out with pancakes.

Sometime later, you sat at the couch looking through a laptop for either a case or information about an empath. You weren't having much luck, as most of the websites you found said different things. Some described the signs of an empath and others talked about different types. Not sure which were fake or legit you gave up and fiddled with your hair. You were displeased with it and wanted it to look less like a rat nest. Okay it didn't actually look that bad but it was so long from always being cut poorly. Rani give you a haircut every six months for years, but it always grew back and she gave up by your twelveth birthday.

But now you weren't with her anymore, you were free. You had your real family now and they loved you. A little lost in thought you started to dose off. You saw a man who looked about twenty years old once you did. At first you thought it was Jack but once you saw his face, you knew it wasn't. He seemed to be sitting on a throne of some kind and stare down at the ground.
"Everything is falling apart, " he spoke. You shook your head awake making the image disappear.

"Y/n, " you heard your dad say. Realizing he had caught you on his laptop you tried to close it but it was no use. "What are you up to?" He asked.
"Umm I was looking at hot guys, " you lied. Your Dad took his computer back and saw your search history. Making you go red in the face with embarrassment.
"Hot guys huh?" He asked giving you a look.
"I'm sorry I just was hoping to find some answers on myself, " you admitted.
"Sometimes the answers aren't on the internet or in a book honey, " he responded.
"Okay but if I can't find my answers in there how will I find them?" You asked.

"I don't know yet, and if I did I would want you to discover it, " your dad told you. It was times like this where Sam suddenly knew how it felt to be the one being asked tons of questions. He didn't mind that you had questions, you were still young after all. And no way was he going to force you to grow up quickly like his own father did to him. He wanted you to grow at your own pace and be your bright optimistic self. "But enough about all that Dean is trying to get in touch with someone who can find Jack, " he continued.

"Really who?" You asked your eyes lighting up. "I'm so happy, I miss Jack, "
"Do you like him?" He teased and you blushed. "I can't have you date yet you're too young, " he continued.
"Dad!" You exclaimed still blushing. Sam laughed and finally stopped teasing you. "So I'm too young to date but not too old to be spoiled?" You asked getting him back. He faked hurt and kissed you on the forehead. Sam was glad he didn't have to hold back being so affectionate with you anymore. He had an absent father and he was going to shower you with hugs and kisses, even if you got annoyed by it.

"I guess you don't want your gift then, " he joked putting his hands in the air.
"No I do, " you argued thinking he was serious. He laughed and told you he was kidding before handind you a small box. "What's this?" You asked.
"Your birthday present, I wanted to give this to you for awhile, " he responded. You smiled and called him sweet. But reminded him that your birthday was about a week ago. "Don't care I owe you thirteen, "
"But my real family is the best gift after all," you told him. "These are nice but I'd rather have you, "

You took the small box and opened it, to your surprise a necklace was inside it. "Wow, " you stammered once you saw it. It was just a simple golden feathered locket with a pentagram on the back making it an anti possession charm. But to you it was beautiful. Especially when you looked inside and saw the diamond ring. "Is that?" You asked.
"It was your mom's, " your dad answered. Ever since Sarah had died he had kept the ring with him. He knew it was disrespectful but he felt so guilty over her death, that he just had to. You could feel the twinge of hurt come from him while he talked about it. You teared up and hugged him tight.
"I love it so much its beautiful, thank you daddy, "

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