Chapter twenty

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A few days later after hearing nothing from Patience, you got restless and desperately wanted to go out on a hunt. As you sat on the couch your Uncle came in carrying a large paper bag while talking on his phone. Unfortunately like the few times he tried, the only thing he received was Patience's voicemail. You could tell that your uncle was getting frustrated as this was the 6th time had called.

"Patience, hey. This is, uh, Dean Winchester. Listen, I know that I, uh, told you to avoid this life, but, uh... me and my brother, we're– we're looking for someone. " he said into the phone.

"And we put an APB out with every hunter we know, and... nothing. We really could use a psychic's help on this. So... if you could call me back. Thanks, " he continued. The beep sounded meaning that the message ended. You sighed heavily thinking that Jack just didn't want to be found. Your uncle hung up and approached your dad asking if he had heard from Cass.
"Yeah, Uh he says he's still looking for Jack.  Working a lead in Tucson, " Your dad answered.

"What if Jack doesn't want to be found?" You asked hoping that was okay to ask.
"Don't think like that ESP, we've lost him before and we can find him again, " your uncle said to you. Before you could say anything, Dean's phone vibrated. He made an unreadable expression as he showed the picture to you.
"Hmm, " your dad said recognizing the picture as Jody mills.
"who is that?" You asked not aware of who the woman was. Instead of answering your uncle answered his phone. You pouted briefly thinking you were being ignored but stopped once your uncle spoke.

"Hi Jody, " he said. You gasped unsure how to react to Jody calling, she was so cool but you didn't know that much about her.
"Hi Jody what's going on?" Your dad asked. He realized that you were going to have questions, but if this was a case he wanted you to stay away from it. You may have gone through training and survived a few hunts already. But you barely made it out of the last one and he didn't want to take any chances.

You could sense your Dad's fear and wanted to tell him that everything would be alright but now wasn't the time.
"Hey boys, I got something for ya. Friend of mine from Bismarck PD called with a lead, " Jody explained through the phone. She was on speaker so you could hear everything she was saying. "He said that a local artist was found dead with his eyes burned out, " she continued.
"Sounds angely, " you commented. Jody didn't say anything for a few seconds confused by the sound of a new female voice.

"You guys find a new girl or something?" She joked and though you knew Jody couldn't see you. You felt the urge to hide feeling embarrassed that she had heard you.
"Its a long story, anyway what do you got for us?" Your dad asked. He figured that it would take time for you to get used to all this, and for faces she hadn't seen before.
"Your girl is clever, I thought it was angels as well except for that there was a witness. " Jody explained. "The victim's girlfriend, she pegged someone at the scene, " she continued. Listening to all this you suddenly got an uneasy feeling in your stomach. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up as you sensed something bad happening.

"She gave the police a description. I think its your boy, " Jody finally said and you felt like crying. You knew Jack was powerful, and could sometimes accidentally lose control, but you knew he would never kill anyone. Not on purpose anyway, so you knew that something more was going on. Your father and Uncle looked at each other with concern even after the call was over. You finally broke the silence by speaking, not able to handle the quiet anymore.

"Daddy I don't think... " you started but you were cut off.
"Y/n I know what you were going to say but we need to check this out, get yourself ready okay, " he said. You sighed heavily but nodded, there was still a man dead. His eyes were burnt out which meant this was a hunt, you left the room to go change into your dress. Much to your displeasure it was still uncomfortable and you wished you didn't have to wear it.

Moments later after sitting in the back seat of the impala, lost in your thoughts. You and your family finally arrived at where Derek had died. The whole place felt like your old apartment because of the faint presence of an angel's grace. It give you a bit of flashbacks so even though you knew it would look unprofessional, you moved closer to your dad. Just feeling his comforting presence made you feel at ease.

"That's him, he said his name was Jack, that he was a buyer, " Derek's girlfriend explained. As soon as she saw the picture of Jack that Dean was holding she recognized him. You could sense the waves of griefs from her as well as anger directed at Jack. As much as you wanted to defend the half angel, it looked very bad.
"A buyer?" Your dad asked. Paula pointed to all the paintings around her. Some of them were beautiful but some of them also creeped you out. The one with red eyes felt like something you would see in a nightmare. "Ah, " your dad said. He seemed to guess that you were getting uncomfortable so he moved you closer to him.

Some people would call him paranoid, he called it being prepared. He wasn't going to let anything happen to you.
"Derek must have been very talented, " you said to Paula.
"He was, " she answered sadly.
"Some freaky stuff here. Derek had quite the imagination, " your uncle commented. You were glad he agreed that some of the paintings in the room were a bit freaky.
"He hated that word, " Paula scoffed.
"Freaky?" You asked.

"Imagination, he liked to think of his art more as reportage, " she explained. "Derek was a dream walker, " she continued. "He visited other places in his sleep, " before you could be shocked about this news for too long a certain painting caught your eye. You recognized it as structures from your nightmares and it seemed that you weren't the only one who recognized the scene.
"Sam, " your uncle called out. Your father turned and grimaced once he saw the painting, it was an exact scene from apocalypse world.

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