Chapter twenty one

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A few moments later you were seated in the backseat of the impala. Unsure if you should say anything, your Dad was in the passenger seat reading through his father's journal.
"I've never heard of a dream walker, what are they?" You asked trying to start a conversation.
"I'm not sure really, I've never encountered one either, " your Dad answered.

You weren't sure what else to say so you just decided to let your Dad work. He was obviously taking this whole thing hard as well, and was trying to distract himself.
How does he do that? You wondered as your uncle came back holding a tray of coffee. He handed you the herbal tea you always asked for whenever you were stressed. You thanked him and wondered if you should have asked for something else to distract yourself. So much was going on around you and just as much was racing around in your head.

A man was dead, and it certainly looked like Jack had been the one to kill him. But it was possible that it wasn't him right, I mean the angels were still out there killing hunters. But Derek wasn't a hunter and so far it seemed like the angel killings had lessened. But you knew that wouldn't be the case for long, and as soon as you found out who was making the angels go bad. You were going to make sure that they paid for the people that died and all the angels they corrupted.

Your thoughts were interrupted by your dad speaking.
"So the lore on dreamwalking is pretty inconsistent. Uh, there are stories about it across numerous Native Amer–"
"Sam we gonna talk about it?" Your uncle asked cutting his brother off mid sentence.
"What?" Your dad asked.
"You saw the painting," Dean answered. "It looks like Jack gave up on us and went looking for daddy, "

"But what if he didn't " you argued.
"She's got a point Dean, we don't know that," Sam responded. He wanted to believe that Jack was innocent just as much as you did, possibly more since he almost saw the half angel as a son.
"Don't we? A guy is dead, " Your uncle pointed out. You tried to think of a possible agruement to defend Jack. He was your best friend and you didn't want to kill him.
" Look, I hate this too, but we've gotta be prepared. " Dean continued.

"To kill him, " you and your Dad said at the same time. The two continued to discuss how much they disliked this situation, and how Derek had been talking with another dreamwalker named Kaia.
"I think there's more going on here, I could sense the faint presensse of angels, " you commented hoping it would at least help.
"As is in more then one?" Dean asked.
"Yes but that probably isn't important, where can we find this Kaia?" You asked.

Meanwhile at the same time Jack had managed to find Kaia. He wasn't expecting to find her in a place full of junkies and drug addicts. But if his plan worked he could finally do what Sam and Dean wanted, plus he could see you again. While he didnt really understand how human attraction worked. During his travels he had noticed that girls and guys around your age, often did things together calling it a date. That wasn't always the case since sometimes it was just friends hanging out. But ever since he found out about that, Jack wondered what kind of affection he had towards you.

He had cared for you immediately, even before he met you. You were his little sister he even said so, but now he wasn't so sure. Siblings didn't do the things you did together, they often spent time arguing with each other. Jack knew that Sam and Dean were brothers, but the two had a unusual relationship. Realizing this Jack began to wonder if the affection he had for you, wasn't family but maybe something else. He couldn't focus on that now, he had to retrieve Kaia and find Mary Winchester.

Jack talked with Kaia and tried to get her to trust him. However once he put someone in the facility to asleep and unlocked a door that was triple locked. She freaked and tried to run off, he didn't get the chance to go after her since the door was slammed down by Sam, Dean and you. There was a brief moment where you locked eyes with Jack, at a loss of words after not seeing him in awhile.
"Jack!" Your Dad screamed.
"Sam?" He asked. Kaia used the moment to kick Jack so she could get away.

Even with your untrained abilities, you could sense how much the girl had been through. But you forget all about that once you raced over to question Jack.
"Jack what are you doing?" You asked him.
"She hit me, " Jack responded still suprised she had.
"Yeah good, " your uncle said. Immediately Jack noticed that Kaia had run off and tried to follow her.
No! She's getting away!" He called out. Your Dad and Uncle both grabbed him leaving you to calm Jack down.

"Wow take it easy Jack, " you said holding your hands up.
"I am taking it easy now please let me go, " Jack argued but still wasn't released. You couldn't sense malicious intentions from him, so that meant that he couldn't have killed Derek right? Or maybe he was just so powerful that you couldn't feel his true feelings.
"No you're not going anywhere until you tell us what's going on, " Dean responded.

"Please Jack just listen we just want to talk," you reassured him.
"But I need her, " Jack protested referring to Kaia.
"What like you needed Derek?" Your Dad asked. Feeling waves of confusion and determination coming from Jack you suggested he be let go.
"What are you talking about Jack?" You asked once he was released.
"I'm only doing this for you, " Jack explained.
"What does that mean?" You asked not getting it.

"You killed Derek for us?" Sam asked also confused.
"Derek is dead?" Jack questioned. There were too many questions being asked so you just said that someone had a lot of explaining to you.
"Y/n its okay, " Your dad said to you. "I'll explain everything to you, but first Jack tell us what happened?" he finished. Jack explained how he left to get control of his powers and was attempting to do what Sam and Dean what him to do. You didn't know what he was talking about, but nothing could prepare you for learning that your grandmother had been brought back to life.

"Grandma Mary is alive, but how?" You asked.
"Its complicated kid but basically a friend of ours brought her back, " your uncle explained. You felt your heart swell realizing that you could actually meet her. But of course she had to be saved from the apocalypse world.
"She's in danger, " Jack pointed out. You suddenly became very worried and so did your family.
"What does that mean, what kind of danger?" Your dad asked.

"Its easier if I just show you, " Jack answered. He gestured for you to hold your father's hand, so you did without asking questions.  Jack places his hands on Sam and Dean's temples. His eyes glow yellow, as do Sam and Dean's. Your's did as well and could see your grandmother trapped in cage, all around her sharp spears poked at her. Her cries for help haunted you even as Jack pulled his hands away.

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