Chapter twenty two

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"I was so close to her. I could've touched her. But, Derek wasn't strong enough to hold the connection, " Jack explained. Hearing this you realized that Jack didn't kill Derek, and while you were glad about that. You were still worried since someone or something still killed Derek, either for information or just for fun.
"Wait you didn't burn him out?" Sam asked.

"No, I stopped Derek, he wasn't strong enough, but he knew someone who was. Kaia, she's the key. " Jack answered. Your father and uncle looked at you to confirm that he was telling the truth.
"It's okay he's being honest, " you said before they could say anything. "I've missed you, " you gave Jack a hug since you really had missed him. He was surprised by it but didn't force you away. "Dad I saw Kaia run this way, maybe we can catch her, " Jack was shocked by your words. The last time he checked you didn't know that Sam was your father, but now you were practically attached to his hip.

"Does she know?" Jack asked Dean. He was the only one who hadn't said anything, mostly because he was shocked that his mother was still alive. Ever since he saw her sacrifice herself by pushing Lucifer through the portal. He thought she was a goner for sure, apparently, he was wrong.
"Yeah Y/n knows, " Dean responded. You overheard what your uncle and Jack were discussing, hoping you weren't in trouble or anything you spoke up.
"What are you guys talking about?" You asked.

"Y/n I know you have questions, but we have to find Kaia, I promise I will answer all your questions later okay, " your Dad said to you.
"Okay, " you responded. As much as you wanted to continue figuring everything out, you wanted to meet your grandmother so much more. Minutes later you were in the backseat of the impala while your Dad talked on the phone.

"Yep, all right thank you," he said hanging up. "Cops are looking for Kaia, too. We gotta find her fast." He continued. You wanted to say something but figured it was best to remain quiet.
"You were right, about Mom. You were right, This whole time, we should've been looking for her." Your uncle said. You could feel the waves of determination and anger coming from him.
"Dean I was just hoping I didn't actually know, " Your dad responded.

"We find her, no matter what it takes, " Dean answered. He noticed that you were being quiet and asked if you were okay.
"Just surprised I guess, " you answered. "Jack are you okay?" He hadn't said much either. You figured it was because he was upset that Sam and Dean thought he had killed someone.
"Jack?" Sam asked when Jack didn't answer.

"You thought... You both thought that I could do that, that I could kill Derek." Jack answered. His voice was shaky and it made your heart hurt. You didn't want him to think that you thought he was evil, you knew he wasn't.
"No it wasn't that, " you told him.
"Jack, we, um... We didn't know what happened, " Sam added on. You were grateful that your dad was backing you up.
"We figured, m-maybe it was an accident or– or..." He trailed off.

"Like the security guard?" Jack asked. Dean explained how they thought he went looking for his father. You flinched a bit at the mention of the devil's name but overcame your fear when Jack said that Lucifer meant nothing.
"You, Castiel– you're my family, " he declared. You felt your heart flutter at those words but now wasn't the time for that. Dean said that Jack did good and that they needed to find Mary no matter the cost.

"You okay you've been quiet back there?" Sam asked you.
"Hmm oh sorry just lost in thought, " you answered. Sam figured that you had gotten scared when you heard the devil's name, but before he could even reassure you. Jack held his head in pain, you wanted to ask him what was wrong but then you heard voices in your head.
"We have the girl, and the Winchesters have the nephilim, "
"Dad its angel radio, " you told him. "I think they have Kaia, "
"She's right and I know where, " Jack explained once the voices stopped.

You knew a fight was about to happen and all you could do now was hope that all your extra practice helped. When you and your family arrived at the warehouse, the prescense of two unfamiliar angels caught your attention. But that wasn't what made you run out of the impala without saying much it was the sense of someone very familiar.
"Rani, " you muttered. Without saying anything else you ran off at full speed kicking the door opened.

You saw Kaia tied to a chair and sure enough Rani was standing there, along with two other angels.
"Hey stranger, " she said waving at you. She was in a new body and instead of her white hair and purple eyes. Now she had blonde hair and blue eyes, resembling the white witch from Narina.
"You should be dead," you responded with anger. She faked hurt and said that you shouldn't talk to her like.
"Y/n... " Sam said coming in after you. Jack and Dean were with him, they didn't seem to pick up on what you were looking at until Rani opened her mouth.

"Nice to see you both of you again, " Rani said. "I gotta say getting stabbed hurt a little, " she looked directly at Sam. He realized who she was and asked how she was still alive. "My boss brought me back, and he's quite angry with the both of you, " she continued. "If only he had the ability to create more angels, " Dean shoved the male angel and placed the angel blade under his throat. Rani said there was no need for violence and Sam demanded that she shut up.

"Give us the girl, " you said taking out your dagger. The second female angel said that your tiny weapon wouldn't do much and said that Kaia wasn't what they wanted.
"Jack we don't want to hurt you, I want to help you, " she said. "You should be among your own kind, " Jack scoffed at that statement. He said that the angels only killed people and while you knew he had a point, you knew something was controlling them.
"No you're doing this because you've been corrupted, " you spoke up. "Who gave the order?"

Rani said it was none of your business and that they were just following orders. The second female said that they didn't have time for this and tried to convince Jack to join them. Jack refused and used his powers to send two of the angels flying. You were shocked by how much he had improved, but somehow Rani wasn't effected by it. She screamed in anger and let her eyes flash blue.
"You son of a bitch, " she said. "If we can't have the boy then I'll just take your lives, "

"Shut the hell up, " Sam said. He went after her harder then ever and you took this chance to untie Kaia.
"What's going on?" She asked.
"No time we have to go, " you responded. The two of you didn't get far since Rani used her angel powers to send everyone in the room flying except for you. No one got knocked out but no one could help you now. It just you and her, just like it had been for so long. "You're going to pay for this, " you told her.

"Y/n sweetheart you know what I want you to do, " she answered. "Or perhaps they haven't told you, " she continued. Rani glanced at Sam and Dean calling them hypocritices and liars.
"Don't talk about my family like that, " you responded bravely. She laughed and asked if you knew everything about that.
"Your family? So I guess Daddy dearest finally figured it out, " she said. "He tell you that he lost his soul?" She asked. You didn't know what she was talking about, so you said she was lying. "Oh yeah went around killing people without a second thought and your uncle over there he became a demon, "

"Don't listen to her Y/n!" Sam screamed. Rani turned and made him cough up blood. Jack tried to help by using his powers but Rani was too quick for him, obviously someone had given her a power boast.
"I've got one more they were there when your mommy died, couldn't save her, " you couldn't help but angrily scream at her to shut up. It wasn't true it couldn't be, she was just bluffing, she had to be.
"Hey!" Sam called out. Making Rani turn around he pressed the angel sigil made with the blood he coughed and Rani vanished. "Stay the hell away from my little girl!"

You knew she wouldn't be gone long but you couldn't move. Her words haunted you and you almost didn't say Rani reappear behind you. She raised her angel blade and tried to stab you, but Dean stabbed her before she could.
"This time stay dead you son of a bitch, " Dean said as he looked down at her body. She appeared to be dead but weren't sure if that was permanent. Dean asked if you were alright but you couldn't find the words to answer.

"I... " you trailed off. Dean suprised you by hugging you and told you to never scare him like that again. You wanted to ask your Dad if anything Rani said was true but the two of you didn't have time to talk, since the two other angels began their counter attack. Everything else that happened next happened so fast, you helped Kaia escaped but she refused to help. You felt sorry for her since you could empathize with having powers you didn't understand. But then Dean got pissed and he threatened her with his gun. You were actually scared and wondered if there some truth to what Rani said.

Kaia agreed to do it and Jack talked with her. He was very empathic with her and for a spilt second you felt a twinge of annoyance. Unfortunately the two other angels were still after you, and hit a roadblock when the impala pulled into a shipment yard.

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