Chapter five

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Later that day Sam, Dean, Castiel and Jack managed to track down another angel. He had cornered a female hunter, and had an angel blade in his hand. The hunter shot the angel with her gun and her knife, but nothing left a dent.
"Good soilders follow orders, " the angel kept repeating over and over.
"Get off me you creep!" The hunter yelled trying to push the angel off when he grabbed her.

"Hey feathers!" Dean yelled getting the angel's attention.
"Winchesters you came too late, " the angel answered and showed his true form to them. Castiel shielded Sam and Dean with his wings, and Jack used his powers to knock the angel out. However that didn't help the woman, as she was already dead.
"What should we do that with him?" Jack asked.
"We need answers, but restrain him first, we're dealing with an angel, " Sam answered.

Rani wasn't pleased with you, she dragged you to her office by the arm and forbid you from ever seeing the boys again.
"I don't want you speaking to those men ever again, do you understand me?!" You cowered under her in fear.
"Yes mam, " you answered shaking.
"Good now stay here, I don't want you anyone else talking to you, " she told you.
"But Rani.. " you began but were cut off.
"Do as I say Y/n!  I can handle the rest of my patients without you, " you stayed silent at her words but nodded. "Good now I'll be off, " she said leaving you sitting there.

You were unable to relax in Rani's office. She was so angry that you actually felt sick to your stomach. Yet it seemed to lessen when she left you alone. She was up to something, you knew she was. And it wasn't just what you had heard her say to Chuck. Something was telling you that she was up to no good. The question is what? Since she left you in here, you decided to look through her office for any evidence. You knew it's what Sam and Dean would do, and you had to be brave like were. You couldn't allow your fear of her, keep you from doing the right thing.

The office was very messy, everything from the desk to the cabinet drawers were filled or covered with papers.
"Come on, " you said to yourself as you looked through everything expecting something to just appear. But the papers were just medical records, old patient files, and bills. So Rani's office looked clean, but then you noticed her a list of names in her address book. You recognized some of the names as patients who had died already, a few others like Sam and Dean Winchester.
"She has a list of victims, " you whispered.

Someone knocked on the door and your heart began beating faster. Sweat dripped down your face as you took a picture of the list. Before stuffing it under all the papers, Rani couldn't know you had seen this. If she had list then she must be an angel, the brothers had told you that angels had been killing hunters. The question was why were they doing it. You opened the door and saw your boss.
"Y/n what are you doing in here?" She asked.
"I got lost sorry it won't happen again, " you answered.

You were allowed to tell anyone about Rani's punishments. If you even came close she would appear out of nowhere and act like she had lost track of you. Now that you know she was an angel, it made sense as to how she always knew where to find you.
"I certainly hope not, after today I can't have you slacking on the job, " she said to you. "Come on out of there, I need you to make some phone calls, " she continued. You gulped worried that Rani would see you but followed her anyway. Hours later after making a bunch of phone calls to the paramedics, and scheduling appointments. You made your way back to the office. Rani came by a few minutes later, and told you it was time to go home.

The angel woke up restrained to a chair with angel handcuffs. He breathed heavily as the Winchesters glared daggers at him.
"I see you're still carrying the traitor and freak with you, " the angel mocked referring to Castiel and Jack. Furious, Dean punched him and the angel's head went back. "For a human you hit hard, " the angel commented.
"Enough talk, we know that angels have been killing hunters, " Sam said sternly.
"Yeah so?" The angel asked like it was no big deal.
"You're going to tells us why, " Dean answered. He didn't rise his voice but he was still making a threat.

"I was following orders, good soilders follow orders!" The angel screamed.
"You've said that, give us real answers, " Castiel commanded.
"You're in violation of the order Castiel, all hunters are to be terminated, and the girl must be brought to our father!" The angel yelled.
"What girl?" Sam asked hoping it wasn't you.
"The descentdant of Gabriel, she is called y/n l/n, " the angel answered. Sam saw red and grabbed the angel roughly, ready to kill him if he laid his hands on you.

"What does God want with her!" Sam demanded.
"Sam!" Dean said to his brother trying to calm his brother down.
"I don't know, I'm just following orders, " the angel answered. He didn't get to say anything else because Castiel stabbed him with his angel blade. He didn't know why the angels wanted you, but obviously as a descendant of an archangel, it made you vauleable to Heaven.
"Why do the angels want Y/n?" Jack asked he was angry and wanted answers. 

"I would like to know that as well, " Dean added on.
"If she's a descendant of Gabriel, then she must be an empath, " Castiel answered .
"What does that mean?" Sam asked he was confused and worried for you. He also wanted to strangle any angel who tried to hurt you.
"Empaths are individuals who can feel others emotions, they possess other abilities as well, " Castiel explained. "They can detect when others are lying, harness a certain element to use as a weapon," he continue. "Some can feel when something is going to happen, others talk to animals, and some even have the ability to heal injuries," he finished.

"So Y/n is basically part angel?" Dean asked wanting clarification.
"Yes but she is not like Jack, she doesn't have the abilities he does because she is only an empath, not a nephlim, " Castiel explained.
"Then we're going back for her, " Sam declared. There was no way he was leaving you alone while angels were hunting you. He needed to make sure you were safe, he didn't allow his thoughts to surprise him this time. He couldn't explain why he cared about you so much, but he wasn't going to let it stop him from protecting you.

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