Chapter sixteen

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After listening to multiple lectures about you not listening, Dean came up with a plan to catch Dave in the act. You thought it was clever but something told you that this ghoul wasn't going to be outsmarted that easily. However you didn't get a say, as Sam said you couldn't leave his side until the hunt was over. He was pissed and you didn't blame him, you just hoped this even wouldn't led to more yelling.

In the distance you saw Dave leave the bank and Dean was waiting for the ghoul in the parking lot.
"Dave Mather robbing a bank. That's a bold move, " Dean said to him. Dave was hardly fazed but at least he was distracted so that everyone could get closer. You reached into your jacket for your dagger as Dave responded.
"You must be the hunter, " he said.
"And you must like playing cowboys, " Dean responded. You had to hand it to your uncle, he sure knew how to stall.

"It's my favorite suit, you know, I like to keep a little piece of old Dave on me just to gnaw on." Dave answered and heard Sam loading up his gun. He turned his head and laughed at the sight. Especially when he saw you hiding your dagger behind your back. "Let's make it two, three, four Hunters! Whoo!" He exclaimed. "Must be my birthday, "
"Five hunters you old faced buffoon, " you declared feeling no fear.
"Aww you're so cute, " he mocked trying to play with your hair.

Sam didn't take kindly to his daughter being called cute by a ghoul. That comment made him want to kill Dave even more, for thinking he could touch you.
"Look, why don't you come with us someplace else? We can do this quick and quiet." Sam threatened. You could practically hear the anger and protectivness in his voice. Dave responded by drawing his gun, you held back a gasp worried that someone was going to die. Sam fired his gun but he missed, so Dave tried to take him out.

You ducked behind a stagecoach where Castiel and Jack were hiding. This simple plan had turned into an all out gun fight, and by the looks of it. You couldn't tell who was going to come out on top.
"Are you alright?" Castiel asked Jack.
"Yeah, " he answered.
"I've got to do something, " you said as Dave screamed in delight.
"No Y/n this time you really need to listen and stay hidden, " Castiel said to you.
"But I can't do nothing my.. Sam and Dean could get hurt, " you answered scolding yourself for almost saying Dad.

The gunfight continued and cars around you began to get damaged from all the bullets. Dave purposely shot a window that was close to you, it shattered everywhere and cut you across the face. The glass continued to fly everywhere until your entire face was red.
"Y/n!" Jack screamed at the sight. Castiel held him back and told Jack to stay where he was.
"Stay with her Jack, " Castiel said to him.
"No I've got this, " Jack responded. He was set on killing Dave for hurting you.

Castiel tried to stop him but he had no success and a nearby guard from the bank attempted to help. He saw that you were hurt and helped you stand up.
"Take it easy, " he said to you.
"My... " you slurred out. It was painful to talk, infact you were so out of it. That you didn't notice when Dean grabbed you.
"Come on kid talk to me, " he said to you. You gave no answer which greatly disrupted your uncle. In utter panic Sam ran over to you demanding an explanation.

Dave laughed at this and Jack confronted him.
"Hey!" Jack called out. "You shouldn't have hurt my sister, " he declared. Dave fired several shots at Jack but they had no effect on him.
"What the hell?" Dave asked in shock. At the sounds of more gunshots you suddenly flinched and fell into Sam's arm seeking shelter. Jack fired a blast of power at Dave just as the guard reached him, the impact caused both Dave and the guard to go flying. They both landed until a post killing the guard instantly but Dave walked it off and ran away.

"No, " Jack said in shock. He couldn't believe what he had just done, no one was supposed to get hurt.
"Sam you have to check the guard!" Dean exclaimed. Sam didn't want to leave you, but he knew that his brother was right. He handed you to Dean and ran to check the guard's pulse. Only to find that he didn't have one.
"No no no, " Sam said at his discovery. You forget about your own injuries and jumped to help the man. Dean was suprised at your sudden movement but ran after you incase you passed out. Unfortunately this caused him to lose sight of Dave, but that was less important to him at the moment. 

"Cas, I-I didn't mean to, Castiel, you have to heal him, " Jack cried out. Castiel tried to heal the guard but he couldn't do anything.
"I can't, " Castiel regrettably answered. Before Jack even asked why, you knew the answer. The guard was past dead, as no one could survive a head injury like that.
"He's dead, " you said before your vision went black and you passed out. Sam caught you before you hit the ground, but his whole body went numb. He didn't hear himself scream your name because his ears were ringing.

Castiel acted fast and healed your injuries so that you would wake up. You didn't wake up, but the angel had no doubt that you would eventually. When everyone had returned to the hotel you were still unconscious, much to the dismay of Sam.
Sam blamed himself for this, he never should have brought you on this hunt. Now you were hurt and unconscious on a motel bed. Eventually you did wake up oblivious to all the tension in the room.

Sam reacted immediately asking if you were okay. But you were more concerned about Jack. He was sitting in silence unable to process what had happened earlier.
"Is this the first time he's hurt anyone?" Castiel asked tired of the only sounds being the rain from outside.
"No. No, but it is the first time he's hurt someone that didn't get back up, " Sam answered. You didn't like this, you could feel all the negativity around you and it was scaring you. What would happen if Jack got in trouble?

"All right, you two should get Jack back to the bunker, " Dean suddenly said. You looked up at him in confusion.
"What?" Sam asked. Castiel brought up the fact that the ghoul was still out there. Dean however only seemed worried about the police coming from Jack. Which angered you, shouldn't he focus on catching the monster, besides it was an accident.
"Why it wasn't his fault, " you chimed in.
"Y/n enough the adults are talking, " Sam said sternly making you go silent.

He didn't want you and Dean to start fighting that was the last thing they needed right now.
"No, I'll handle it. Besides, you need to be with the kid in case he… you know." Dean said to Castiel. He gave you a quick which told you that the conversation wasn't over.
"All right, " Castiel answered sighing heavily. With everything going on you decided to go clear your head, but suddenly flashes of Dave talking to Athena appeared in your mind. Completely freaked you almost screamed but the flashes didn't stop.

It dawned on you that you were having a vision and it was showing you were Dave was. Forgetting all the drama from before you ran up to Dean once your vision ended. Sam asked what had happened but you didn't answer him right away. 
"Wait!" You called out stopping your uncle from leaving. "I know where Dave is, "
"Kid you really should be resting, " Dean answered.
"I know but I'm fine besides that isn't important right now, " you responded. "We have to finish this hunt before the ghoul kills anyone else, " you continued.

Dean blinked a few times before answering surprised by your words and determination. Though maybe he shouldn't have been because you were a Winchester after all.
"Alright how do you know where he is?" He asked.
"I saw him in my vision, he went to Athena," you answered.
"Wait when did you have a vision!?" Sam exclaimed. But you didn't answer until your uncle left. You knew he was going to find Dave, you just hoped that nothing would happen to him.

"I had my vision a few mintues ago but don't worry I'm fine, " you finally said. Sam looked concerned since he had visions himself. You tried to tell him that you were fine but your father told you that this was the last time you would ever go on a hunt. Hurt but understanding that he was just worried you nodded. Castiel watched the exchange and wondered how you managed to have a vision. Well it wasn't uncommon for empaths to see flashes of the future. Only one he had come across had managed to do that, and he was a lot more advanced in his training then you were.

That startled him and a startling thought began to form in his mind. If you were Sam's daughter and a descendant of an archangel, then it meant that you had a combination of angel and demon powers. While Sam's powers from Azazel were dormant, they were still active when he sired you. No wonder the angels wanted you so badly, you were technically a hybrid of a demon and an angel. A Nephalem to be specific, a creature he thought only existed in legends.
He was worried about you, because never in history had that ever happened. He also no idea the power you would have, or how he would keep the demons from discovering your heritage.

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