Chapter thirteen

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You could barely contain your excitement as the Funeral house became visble. Sam had asked you to let him do most of the talking and while you were upset about that, you understood where he was coming from. The only downside was the uncomfortable dress you had to wear. It was itchy and you wished you didn't have to wear it.
"Ugh I hate this, " you said as you messed with the hem of your dress. "Its itchy, "
"Hey if you wanna ask questions, you gotta look the part, " Sam said to you.
"If you say so, " you grumbled.

At the funeral home adjacent to the cemetery where the grave robberies occurred, Messer Chups' "They Call Me Zombie" playing while a mortician wearing pink headphones prepares a body for burial with bubblegum pink embalming fluid. "Can she hear us?" You asked Sam and Jack since the woman hadn't looked at any of you. "Excuse me, " you said trying to get her attention. However she didn't hear you and after several failed attempts, she finally took notice of you.
"What the hell?" She asked gazing at Sam and Jack but mostly at you.

"Sorry. Sorry, I-I didn't mean to scare– Um, there was no one upstairs." Sam explained. The woman said that she was the only one there and maybe you were just being paranoid, but something told you she was lying. "And you are?" Sam asked.
"Athena Lopez, undertaker. And you are?" Athena asked. You felt a strange sense of energy from her, but you decided not to dwell on it. There was no time for that, you had to focus on the case.
"Agent Elliot, " Sam answered. As he was talking Jack began wandering the room in wonder.

"That's Agent Paxton and I'm agent Scarlet, " you told Athena. She furrowed her eyebrows at you after hearing that.
"These two are agents, did their parents sign a permission slip?" She asked Sam in disbelief. You certainly didn't take too kindly to that comment. So what if you young, you were thirteen now so you weren't a child.
"She's a intern and he's a trainee. Both Top of their class. Anyway, we're here about the grave robbery. Uh, you live on the premises, right?" Sam asked.

He was glad that he came up with that quickly, because he wasn't sure how else he would explain you being with him. Athena claimed she was at a concert the previous night and a certain chill ran through your body at her words. It was the feeling of her lying again, it scared you and you wanted to move closer to Sam. But you knew that you couldn't, not only would it blow your cover and his. It would make Sam uncomfortable since despite his fondness of you, he might get the impression you had a thing for him.

You didn't want him to think that, because you didn't have a crush on him. At least not a romantic one, you weren't even sure what that kind of love felt like. You felt a connection with him, but you knew it wasn't love or at least that kind of love. Your thoughts were interrupted by Jack asking a question.
"What about anything weird? Cold spots? Strange smells?" Jack asked. Sam cleared his throat since Jack had asked the wrong question. You took great pleasure in imitating Sam's actions even if you weren't sure.

"I just said I wasn't there, " Athena said with a confused expression. You still knew she was lying but you didnt know how you knew.
"Right. We're just trying to figure out what happened, that's all, " you said covering for Jack.
"You and me both, " Athena answered. "Look, if you guys wanna check out the grave, the cops have it roped off, over on the west plot. " she continued.
"Great thanks again, sorry, " Sam said to her. He gave the woman a nod and gestured for you to follow him.

You were grateful to leave the place because the chills throughout your body finally stopped. When the three of you reached the graveyard, Jack used the emf like an excited puppy much to your amusement. You were also a little disgusted by the smell of the graves but were excited as well.
"Can I use the emf to?" You asked Sam. He laughed at you before explaining that emf was going to be everywhere because you were in a graveyard. Sam had to admit though your excitement was captivating, he was also glad you were happy at the moment. Even though he was still uncomfortable with you hunting, it was so dangerous and you were his little girl and he couldn't let anything happen to you.

"The police report said something about rats damaging the coffin." Jack said as Sam opened the coffin. Most of the pieces were missing and there was no way a rat could do that.
"That's one big rat, " Sam commented as he began digging. You helped out a little when Sam complained about his back hurting and you playfully called him an old man. He wasn't pleased with your comment but didn't dwell on it as a certain bone with bite marks caught his attention.
"What's that?" Jack asked. You remained silent as you were trying to figure that out for yourself.
"I think its... " Sam trailed off.

Back at the motel, Dean inspected the bone and you finally got the chance to take off your itchy dress. Since you were in the bathroom you couldn't hear much of their conversation.
"Leftovers, " Dean said. Sam understand what his brother was getting while Jack on the other hand was confused.
"Yeah bite marks, I'm thinking ghouls, " you heard Sam say as you walked into the room to join the conversation.
"The creatures who posed as Adam?" You asked already knowing what a ghoul was.

Jack gave you a confused look but then turned to Castiel when you refused to say anything.
"Oh, a ghoul is a monster that feeds on the dead, they can take the form of whomever they've eaten. Decapitation kills them, " Castiel explained.
"Or bashing their brains in, " Dean responded tossing Castiel the bone.
"That's true but also gross, " you commented from your spot. Sam gave his brother a look but none of this talk seemed to bother you, so he dropped it.
"So they're like a zombie shape shifter?" Jack asked.

"Pretty much, yeah. And he could have tunnels all over that graveyard, " Sam explained.
"That means he could be anyone, " You and Jack said at the same time. Embarrassed you tried to pretend like you weren't in the room.
"How do we find him then?" Jack asked. You were about to say something but suddenly you felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. A bit terrified you excused yourself claiming you were tired. Sam didn't believe you for a second and followed after you.

"Y/n you okay?" Sam asked you.
"Yes I'm fine, " you lied. wow even to  me that sounded like a false statement, you told yourself. "No I'm not, " you admitted. As soon as Sam heard those words he sat down next to you, and just him being there made you feel better. "Something is wrong and I don't how or why I know but I can feel it and it scares me, " you told him.

Sam knew what you referring to, he had feeling that your empath abilities were going to come up again. He didn't know much but what Castiel had told him, if something bad happened it was possible for you to feel it. "Am I a monster?" You asked fearfully that's why the fallen angels wanted you so badly.
"No Y/n you're not a monster, " Sam answered immediately. He didn't know how to handle this situation but he wouldn't let you think that about yourself. "But you're special, " he continued.

"I'm not special I'm a girl with no parents, " you responded. "They probably didn't want me, Rani made sure to tell me that everyday " Sam almost cried at your words. He couldn't believe that you would ever feel unwanted, he couldn't let you feel that way. He loved you too much, so even though he was fearful of your reaction. He was going to tell you about your abilities.
"Your parents love you Y/n, and you're special, " he told you. "Do you know what an empath is?" He asked. You shook your head and moved closer to him. "Its a special gift that very are blessed with, you can feel others emotions, you can detect lying and you have enhanced senses, " he kept going.

You didn't know how to take all this so you just teared up and asked how he knew. He didn't answer but let you cry on his shoulder. "Y/n I know it doesnt seem like it, but everything is going to be okay and you'll get through this, " Sam responded. You barely registered him saying that and just cried on his shoulder. It was all too much and you just wanted him to tell you it was okay.
"Stay with me awhile, please?" You asked him. He agreed and stayed with you until you calmed.

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