Chapter twelve

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That night Sam wasn't surprised to find you laying on the couch reading a bible. You were still in your day clothes because you didn't want to change with so many guys around. Rani had been a terrible guardian but she had made sure to educate you in all subjects, so you knew all about gender differences.

"The father ran as soon as he saw his son and when he spoke to his father, he said. Father I am no longer worthy to be called your son, for I ran away with all your money and now its all gone. " you read out loud. Sam remained silent wanting to hear the end of this story you were reading. "But the father praised the Lord said that his son was once lost and now he was found, then he threw the biggest party anyone had ever seen, " you finished.
"Nice story, " Sam said and you smiled when you saw him.

"Its my favorite, " you said to him. "I read it all the time, " Sam had to admit that the story sounded inspiring. He wondered if the lesson in it, was that parental love was forever. He asked you why you liked it so much and you told him.
"I like the aspect of the father who loves his child even after all that had happened, " you explained. Sam felt he could almost relate to the story, he was the father and you were the child he had lost. But now he had found you and he didn't plan on letting you go.

Still at this moment he was hit with the dilemma of telling you the truth. He knew that you deserved to know that you were his daughter but he also knew that a revelation like that, would cause your whole world to crash onto you. He didn't want to cause you that much pain so he wouldn't tell you, not now and maybe not ever. You interrupted his thoughts by yawning.
"Sounds like someone needs to get their sleep, " he said to you.
"But I'm not tired, " you claimed even though you yawned in between your words.

"Yes you're, " Sam said taking the bible from you and placing it on the table.
"No I'm not, " you declared as you feel asleep.
"Wow I can't believe that worked, " Sam whispered to himself. He gently placed a blanket over you and put his hand on your forehead before walking away. He was already crazy protective of you, and know could blame him. You were quite small compared to him, only 5ft and 3 inches. Sarah had been a bit taller than that so he had no doubt you would be her height or taller when you got older.

Castiel noticed Sam near you and asked what was going on. Sam shushed the angel and told him he would explain everything later. Sam then left and went to bed himself, Dean was already snoring much to Sam's annoyance. He wondered how in the world you didn't hear him when Dean was so loud. Jack came up to Castiel doing research on his laptop, he didn't know you were asleep, so his words woke you briefly.
"And then there were these angels and they tried to kill me, " Jack said. You held back a gasp at his words, you didn't like that angels disliked Jack just because he was half human.

"But I thought that angels were supposed to be good, " he continued. They're good you thought to yourself, some of them just had fallen because of the stupid demons in Hell.
"Well in Heavsn good is a relative term, " Castiel answered.
"What is Heaven you like?" Jack asked. You wanted to know the answer to that as well. Maybe your parents were there, if they were you hoped they were happy.
"Well that depends, " Castiel answered.
"Depends on what?" Jack asked before you could ask the question. "Is it nice?" He continued.

"It can be, " Castiel answered. Even from your spot in the room you could see Jack smile. He talked about his mother was in Heaven and you could relate as you hoped yours was as well. You wished to stay awake to hear more but your body refused to stay awake any longer.
"Do you think we should help Y/n with her abilities?" Jack asked once you feel asleep.
"Only another Empath can teach her to use them, I will do what I can for her, but it is up to her to master them, " Castiel answered.

"Like I have to master mine?" Jack asked,  Castiel nodded before responding.
"Jack your mother thought you were capable of great things, said you would change the world, " Castiel said. "I know she was right and I feel the same way about Y/n, " Castiel continued pointing to you. "She isn't just special because she is an empath, there is something else about her that I don't even know about, " Jack was going to say something but then his laptop dinged.
"I found them, I have to tell them!" Jack exclaimed rushing to wake Sam and Dean.

Castile tried to stop him knowing that Dean was an angry sleeper but Jack woke them both anyway.
"Ahh!" Dean screamed grabbing the gun under his pillow. Jack held up his arms in defense and Dean put the gun down.
"I told you he's angry sleeper, " Castiel commented. Dean asked where the coffee was while Jack went to wake you up. He tapped your shoulder gently and you bursted awake immediately.
"Where's the zombie!?" You exclaimed searching for the threat and your dagger.
"Outside, " Jack told you.

Some time later, after sunrise, Dean pours coffee into a mug in the motel room and shuffles over to slump down on the sofa and slurp his coffee as he wakes up. You were half asleep and kept dozing off while everyone else was talking.
"You look well, " Dean said to you. Annoyed you gave him a glare before almost falling asleep again.
"Okay, so "code three" means an officer down. Looks like the victim was–" Sam but was cut off by Jack.

"Covered in bite marks, from the zombie, " Jack finished.
"If that's the case then we might have an upcoming zombie apocalypse, " you said trying to be helpful. All four of them gave a suprised look but you feel asleep on Sam's shoulder.
"She can have caffeine right?" Dean asked just being curious. They couldn't have you falling asleep during this hunt, it would slow them down.
"I'll make an acception just this once, " Sam said. He knew what his brother was thinking and he wanted you to wide awake during this hunt.

"All right, change of plans. Jack, Y/n and I will hit the graveyard. You and Cas hit up the crime scene, " Sam continued.
"Works for me, " Dean answered and before leaving left his coffee so you could drink it. He also made himself another cup so he would be able to stay awake himself. You woke up to the smell of coffee and cursed a bit for falling asleep on the job.
"Good morning, " Sam said to you with a smile.
"No it is not, " you replied taking the cup and drinking the coffee to wake yourself up.

Jack laughed a bit at the scene, normally you got up easily in the morning but today seemed to be an exception. Sam also found the scene funny but told Jack to stop laughing as they had to focus.
"So where are we going?" You asked now wide awake.
"To the graveyard, " Sam answered.
"I'll get my hat, " you responded leaving the table.

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