Chapter thirty five

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"I can't take you seriously in that ascot," you told your uncle as the four of you drove back to the pawnshop.

"I think it's cool," Dean responded. You rolled your eyes and kept quiet until you walked through the doors of the pawnshop. "Not so fast,"

"Is that an ascot?" Alan asked in surprise.

" Yes, Yes it is," Dean answered. Jay greeted everyone but you know it was all an act, which is why you were happy that in just a few minutes he would be exposed.

"Hey, Alan, your friend here, he's been driving people off their property so he could buy it on the cheap," Sam explained. "And he's been using his own personal ghost to do it,"

"You see, he'd plant the haunted object, then let the ghost go to work," You added in.

"Then they would possess something, like a big dinosaur or a perfectly beautiful TV," Dean explained.

" And scare people so much that they'd be desperate to sell," Castiel said. You could say Jay tense up as the conversation progressed, allowing more of his secrets to be exposed.

"When we got nosy," Sam said. "He sicced his pet ghost on us,"

"But now, that spirit is freed," Castiel added in holding up the burned-up pocket knife. Jay turned his head to Alan and tried to deny the claims, which only lasted for a few seconds before he started defending himself.

"You think anyone's gonna believe that?" Jay asked angrily.

"No, but that's why I hacked your financials. Turns out you're not so big on paying your taxes, are ya?" You asked the man. Jay said that you were a bratty teen but you rolled your eyes at him and channeled your best angsty teen. "Whatever old man it seems you haven't gotten wise in your old age," you told him. "Must be all that crime filth going to your brain," Police sirens sounded in the background, and you smiled as Jay was handcuffed.

"Good enough for Capone, good enough for you," Dean said as Jay was pushed outside.

"Huh Ha! Velma was right. It was a shady real estate developer after all," Sam commented.

"Please stop saying she was right," you grumbled. With everything that happened you didn't feel like admitting that Velma was right.

"It's not fair would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for those meddling kids." Jay declared as he was shoved inside the cop car.

"He said it! He said the line!" Dean said excitedly.

"If you a Scooby do impression I'm going to throw up," you told him. Your uncle said that you were no fun and you playfully pushed him. Hours later you were exhausted and were getting ready to head to bed, but as you sat in front of the mirror in f/c nightgown brushing your hair. You could feel your head start to hurt, it was mild at first but got worse and without realizing it you fell to the ground being pulled into a vision. It lasted only thirty seconds but once's thing for sure you saw an angel talking to you in it. You didn't understand it since you couldn't recall meeting any angels in the past besides Rani and her followers, but the angel looked at you and asked you to help him. You didn't know how you know who it was, but once the vision ended you woke up on the floor. "Gabriel he's alive,"

Sam was walking by your room talking on the phone with Sarah. It was awkward for him since he still had a few feelings for her, and he was hurt she was married to someone else. "So umm I feel like we really need to meet up and talk," Sam said to her.

"Sam if this is about custody you know I don't want to discuss that," Sarah answered. "I already told you that you have to keep her safe,"
"Yeah I know but you also have not explained why she can't be around you or your husband," the last part left a sour taste in his mouth. He tried not to sound bitter but Sarah could practically hear the anger and jealousy in his voice. She wished she could explain why you couldn't be around Ian. But Sam would just blame himself and he didn't need anything else on his shoulders.

"Sam please," Sarah almost begged. Maybe Sam missed it but he thought that he could hear Sarah crying on the other end. "It's not what you think I promise you," she told him. "I do want to see her,"
"Then what is it?" Sam asked. "What are you not telling me," before Sarah could answer, a loud thud came from your room. Worried that you had gotten hurt somehow he apologized to Sarah and hung up, he rushed in to find you on the floor. You hadn't hit your head thankfully but you were quite shaken.

"Honey are you okay?" Sam asked helping you get up. You blinked a few times still recovering from your vision before clinging to him.
"I'm sorry I scared you but my vision knocked me off my chair," you told him.
"Y/n there isn't going to be a time where I'm not going to be concerned about you," Sam said to you. "But before you call me paranoid, can you tell me what happened?"

While his overprotective nature sometimes annoyed you. You didn't discourage it and were arguably equally as clingy if not more. Not many thirteen-year-old girls would cling to their father as you did, but you could care less about that. Those girls didn't have amnesia or gone through most of their childhood without a father. You didn't have any memories of Ian and you guessed it was because you didn't like him. Despite your constant attempts with your mother to discuss your stepfather, she always brushed it off. You were starting to get a bit worried that Ian might be abusing your mother in some way. Oh, how you wished you could just regain your memories and use them to figure everything out.

But of course, it seemed that Winchester luck had struck you even at a young age. Stop beating around the bush Y/n you have to say something before Dad freaks. You told yourself and let him go.
"I wasn't sure at first since there were people everywhere getting hurt," you explained. "But there was an angel and he looked at me like he saw me," he continued. "I think it was Gabriel,"
"Sweetheart he died a long time ago," Sam told you.
"I know Daddy but I saw him and I think he's in trouble," you answered.

That was all the information you had from your vision, Sam realized pretty quickly that the place you had seen was Hell. If that was the case it was possible that you were seeing what Asmodeus was hiding, and if he had Gabriel captured. It was a problem and as Sam tried to figure out what to do, you called out for him confused by his silence.
"Dad?" You asked and Sam shook his head pulled out of his thoughts.
"Sorry Y/n I was lost in thought," Sam said.
"It's okay just don't scare me like that again," you told him.

Sam promised you that he would try his best not to, but the conversation was quickly changed when you asked about the phone call. "I heard you talking with Mom is everything okay?" You asked.
"Honestly I don't know," Sam answered. He was trying to figure out how to answer your question without scaring you. Sam wasn't an idiot and knew you despised the fact that he and Sarah weren't together. He hadn't actually met Ian and as jealous as he was, he wouldn't get in their way if Sarah was happy. She deserved that much since she was a wonderful person and was given a second chance to live. His only worry was that he would lose claim to you in the future.

"Is Ian going to take me away?" You asked fearfully almost as if you were reading his thoughts.
"No he won't and if he tries I'll kill him," Sam responded. While Sam was against hurting people even if they were bad he couldn't say, he would have that mindset if the man Sarah was trying to keep you away from. Showed up at the door and tried to take you.
"But what happens if he does?" You asked. "I don't want to go I want to stay,"

"Hey don't think like that okay," Sam said to you. Tears welled up in your eyes and you hugged him again, this time however you refused to let go.
"But it could happen and I could lose my memories again," you responded now crying. Sam told you that he wouldn't let anyone take you away but still, you sobbed in his hold. "Rani made me forget about you and Mom before, and I still don't know how, " you said. "I don't want to forget,"
"Y/n I promise that will never happen," Sam reassured you.

You nodded softly and asked him to stay with you, he didn't protest at all, and eventually, you stopped crying and fell asleep. Sam sighed in relief since he was worried that your extreme reaction would trigger an asthma attack. Thankfully it didn't and he give you a kiss on the forehead. "I promise you, Sarah I won't let our daughter suffer this way again," he said even though Sarah couldn't hear him. It was his way of promising both you and your mother, that he would protect you.

You turned a bit in your sleep most likely from a nightmare. Sam thought about waking you up but he knew that could be risky, so he spoke to you gently. "Everything will be okay Y/n, you're safe with me,"

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