Chapter thirty-four

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" What just happened?" Fred asked realizing he had a bloody nose. You felt like you needed to say something since at this point they had seen pretty much everything. 

"Where's Rhaggy?" Scooby asked looking around for his best friend. You suddenly remembered that he got thrown out the window and saw Shaggy hanging onto a beam for dear life outside. Your scream altered everyone else to what you were seeing and Scooby jumped after his best friend, once he began falling. Castiel followed them both using his wings to slow down their fall, despite that Shaggy still got his arm broken. Shaggy is laying on the ground, moaning and holding his arm, the remainder of the gang came running outside. 

"Shaggy are you okay!?" Daphne asked. 

"Like, do I look like I'm okay?" Shaggy sarcastically asked. 

"It appears his arm is broken," Castiel explained. 

"What? That's not -- I have jumped out of a biplane in a museum and was fine!" Shaggy exclaimed. "How did this happen?!" Velma made Shaggy a sling while her friends tried to process what had happened. 

"I don't I...Something threw me across the room," Fred said still a bit shaken. At least his nose wasn't bleeding anymore, realizing that they needed to know the truth you pulled on your Dad's arm. 

"Dean, we have to tell them the truth," Sam said picking up on what you were trying to say. 

"What truth?" Daphne asked. 

"The truth about the phantom," you finally said. It felt good to finally tell the truth, even though the entire gang blinked at you like you were crazy. 

" Look, this phantom isn't like other ghosts you've faced. He's real, he is a real ghost," Dean explained. 

"Huh?" The Scooby gang asked standing up. 

"I'm totally not following you," Fred admitted. 

"Look, that isn't a guy in a mask and a costume. It's a vengeful spirit that's come back from the dead," Sam explained. Velma took her glasses and asked if everything he had told her up in the attic had been true. You wondered exactly what had happened up there but you didn't have time to think about it, since the entire gang began to freak out once your Dad nodded. You stood there unsure what to say and thought that maybe telling the truth hadn't been the best move. 

": We've been stopping real estate developers when we could've been hunting Dracula?" Fred asked as he banged his head against a tree. " Are you kidding me?!" he continued. "My life is meaningless," 

"Now I wouldn't say that," you said trying to help them feel better.

"If there are ghosts... that means there's an afterlife. Heaven. Hell. Am I going to hell?!" Daphne screamed. 

" We told you every freaking time! But did you ever listen to Scoob and me? No!" Shaggy exclaimed. 

" We're doomed," Scooby added in. 'Oh dear,' you thought to yourself. Luckily your uncle managed to boost their confidence after an inspirational pep talk. 

" All right, knock it off! Come on! Scooby Gang does not have nervous breakdowns," Dean said sternly. "Now you may not have tangled with the supernatural, but you've fought monsters, real freakin' psychos." he continued. "Well, you stopped Zeke and Zeb. Shaggy figured out that the sharks Old Iron Face rode were really just torpedoes disguised to look like sharks," he kept going. " And what about the Black Knight? Huh? Mamba Wamba?" 

"The Space Kook," Sam added in. A sudden thought came to your mind as he said that and you remembered for a brief second reading picture books about the Scooby gang. 

"Don't forget about the Witch's Ghost and the Mummy," you said. 

"I knew it! You love this show, too," Dean said to both of you. Your Dad shrugged and you planned on asking him later about his experience with the Scooby gang. "Space Kook, Ghost Clown, Miner 49er. You guys have all jumped into danger with no thought for yourselves," Dean continued. "You're heroes, and together, we're gonna take down this phantom. Are you with me?" He asked. The Scooby gang cheered and rose their fists into the air. 

"But how we don't know the first thing about hunting real ghosts," Velma pointed out. "We don't have the proper tools or weapons," 

"That's okay Velma," you told her. "We do," Seconds later you were standing by the impala as your Dad opened the trunk. He picked up one of the shotguns and handed it to Velma. 

"Here Velma take this," Sam said. 

"Sam are you crazy?" Dean asked taking the gun away from his brother. You took this chance to grab a shotgun since you knew the debate would take a while, you were more familiar with your dagger but were no stranger to a gun. " They can't use this stuff. That's a Scooby-don't," Dean continued. 

"Dean we gotta do something," Fred responded. "I mean you guys are amazing," 

"Aww I feel like a celebrity," you commented. 

"Thank you, Fred," Dean answered. He had a big smile on his face and you laughed a bit seeing that he was no longer trying to compete with Fred. 

"But we can help. We have to," Fred said. Your uncle cursed and told Fred to do what he did best, build a trap. After getting everything from the trunk you went back inside the mansion with the group and were tasked with salting the windows with Velma and Daphne. 

"So how did you get into this Y/n?" Daphne asked. 

"It's a long story but let's just say it runs in the family," you answered. "Make sure that the lines are thick even one slip up will allow the phantom to come through," you explained taking charge. You hadn't even had the chance to do that once but here you were taking charge like you had been doing it for years. Sam noticed this and couldn't help but be proud of you, even though you had stolen a gun from the truck when you thought he wasn't watching. "By the way Velma you're actually not that bad," you said. "Sorry about earlier," Velma told you it was fine, but now wasn't the time to chat. 

"Ahh. That should do it," Fred said observing the scene before him. 

" Lay it on me, Freddy," Dean responded. 

"Well, you see, Daphne and Y/n have covered all the exits except that one with salt," Fred explained pointing to the front door. "So the phantom will enter there, tripping the iron chain that'll activate the ax, which cuts the rope that holds the coconuts," 

"Where did he get coconuts?" Sam asked. 

"Cartoon logic, don't question it Dad," you said walking to his side. Your uncle hushed you both so he could hear the rest of Fred's plan. 

"The coconuts are gonna roll, tripping the phantom, sending him careening down a slide of soap, " Fred explained. "Right into the washing machine which we'll secure with those iron chains." 

"A bit Rubert golden berg but I'll take it," You commented. "And with the ghost captured we can finally figure out what's going on," 

"Now all we need is bait," Velma said. Much to your displeasure even though Castiel, Shaggy, and Scooby went out to be bait. And Fred's plan seemed to be working except Shaggy, Scooby and Castiel ended up tripping on the coconuts, going down the slide and get trapped in the washing machine. Sam and Dean peeked out from behind a stuffed bear where they were watching the action. While you attempted to rescue Castiel, Shaggy, and Scooby. You were successful but only Castiel thanked you since Shaggy and Scooby had to split up for the backup plan. 

"I told you it wasn't going to work," Sam said to his brother. 

"Yeah, Fred's traps never work," Dean answered. "Daph, Plan B! Operation Bookworm is a go!" Everyone ran in opposite directions and you distracted the phantom by shooting with a rocksalt gun. The ghost became visibly agitated and started searching for who attacked him. He upends a couch in the library and finds Fred, Velma, and Daphne hiding behind it. Nearby Scooby threw a book at the phantom causing it to look up. 

"Good shot, Scoob old buddy," Shaggy said from the balcony. Purple sparks emanate from the ghost's back. "Give him another one," The ghost turned toward Shaggy and was hit with a book in the back. He turned around and ran towards Scooby, who is standing next to a bookshelf, holding a pile of books. 

"Scooby now!" Daphne exclaimed. As the ghost approaches, Scooby hands him the pile of books and uses his tail to pull out the 'booby trap book' on the bookshelf. The floor opened up and the ghost slid down the slide into the basement. He found himself in a circle made of salt. He tried to escape by flying out of the circle but hit an invisible barrier each time. 

"That's a salt circle you're stuck," Sam said to the ghost. 

"!" The ghost shrieked. Just like when you fought the giant stuffed dinosaur you could feel the negative emotions of someone who was angry, sad, and lost. 

"Happy to Sparky once you tell us who you are," Dean said to the ghost. It continued to try and escape shrieking like a wounded animal. 

"If you tell us we can help you," you said to the ghost. After hearing your words it seemed to calm down a bit, The ghost tried several more times to escape and then finally, collapses to the floor, morphing into a small boy on the way. You hated that the ghost was a little boy because, like most ghost children, he was lost because of something an adult did to them. 

"It's a child," Castiel said in surprise. 

"Yeah, creepy ghost kid. You get used to 'em," Dean answered. The boy didn't like being called creepy and turned to you ready to burst into tears. 

"It's okay we just want to help," you told him. "Why are you trying to kill us?" You asked. 

"I'm not I never wanted to hurt anyone. But the bad man, he makes me," The boy explained. 

"The badman?" Castiel asked. 

"His name is Jay," The boy explained. You recognized the name as the shady man from the pawnshop. " When I died, my soul was tied to a pocketknife," he continued. "My dad gave it to me. It meant everything, when Jay found me, he used me to...Sometimes, I get so angry I break things, hurt people." he kept going. "But I don't want to, I just wanna see my dad again," you couldn't help but relate to his situation. If someone was keeping you from reuniting with your Dad after you had both died, you would be angry too.  

"I'm sorry it was wrong of him to do that," Castiel said to the boy. 

"None of this was your fault," Sam added in. As he said this he put his hand on your shoulder almost as if he was reading your thoughts from earlier. 

" Look, if you get us back to the real world, we can set you free," Dean said. 

"Do you promise?" The boy asked looking up at you. You said that your uncle was telling the truth and the boy smiled. However before the five of you could leave, something had to be done with the Scooby gang. Your uncle opened the door to see them freaking out again worse than the first time. Castiel joined Dean at the door and even from inside the room you could hear their words. 

"Oh geez," You commented. 

"We can't leave them like this," Sam said. Dean asked the gang for a moment alone and closed the door. 

"Kid we need a favor," Dean said to the boy. After allowing the gang to come back in you and your family managed to convince the Scooby gang that the ghost hadn't been real. "Hey, guys, do your thing," Dean said to them. "This is my favorite part," he whispered to his brother and soon after to you. Velma and Fred walked over to the ghost. Velma reached out and pulled its mask off.

"Cosgood Creeps?!" The Scooby gang exclaimed. 

"Yep that's right," you responded. 

"But the flying?"Daphne asked in confusion. 

"Wires," Sam answered. 

" What about the walking through the walls? And the bodies?" Shaggy asked since he was also confused. 

"Well that was just a projector as for the bodies..." Sam began. 

"Bodies filled with corn syrup," Velma finished for him. Sam praised her for being right and even though you didn't dislike Velma anymore, you still made sure to get between them in case she went in for a kiss. 

"Looks like you were right," you said to Velma. 

"Mind your manners sweetheart," Sam reminded you. While he understood your reaction to Velma liking him, he didn't want you to be disrespectful. 

"Of course! Cosgood was trying to drive everyone from the house so he could get the money for himself." Fred realized. 

"Right. But the joke is on him because the money's worthless," Dean said opening a briefcase full of old southern money. "It's all Confederate dollars," 

"Aww," Scooby said in disappointment. " Oh well easy come easy go," 

"What part of that was easy?" Castiel asked. 

"I don't know," you answered. 

"So... I was right. I told ya, ya big lug. There's no such thing as the supernatural," Velma laughed and arm punched your Dad. At the same time, Castiel healed Shaggy's arm with his grace and you laughed at his whistling. 

" This is great news! Let's meet at the malt shop and celebrate," Fred said. 

"Sure, Fred. And hey, you're not so bad," Dean responded. For now, it seemed that he was putting that aside and much to your amusement your uncle tried to hit on Daphne when he was saying goodbye to her. She didn't pick on it and went after Fred instead, you gave your uncle a sympathy pat on the back. 

"Sorry Uncle Dean I don't think you're her type," you said to him. At the same time, Castiel was hugging Shaggy and Scooby tightly. 

" I will miss your wise words and your gentle spirits," Castiel said to them. You once again laughed since the angel wasn't aware how tight his hugs could be. "Thank you. You've shown me the great strength of laughter in the face of danger," as soon as the two heard the word danger, Shaggy and Scooby ran off as quickly as they could. 

"Great working with you Velma," Sam said holding his hand out to her. He made sure to keep you behind him so you wouldn't try standing in between them again, Velma thought about kissing Sam but out of respect for you, she just gave him a peck on the cheek. 

"Those shoulders. Jinkies!" she said walking away with her hands raised triumphantly. 

"I thought this was a kid's show," you growled not happy with what you just saw. 

"I don't think Y/n likes your new girlfriend too much Sammy," Dean teased his brother. The gang all laughed and once they were gone, it was finally time to go back home. The boy let his disguise fall and used his powers to send all four of you back to the real world. Purple light flashed and everyone was transported back to the 'Dean-Cave' in the bunker. You were relieved to have your normal look back since being animated made you look cross-eyed. 

"Okay that was something," Sam said 

"That was the coolest thing that's ever happened to me. And that includes the Cartwright twins," Dean responded. 

"What did you do with the Cartwright twins?" Castiel asked. You gagged realizing what your uncle meant, he gave you a smirk as he left to go grab a hammer. 

"I don't think I want to know," Sam said to Castiel. 

"Umm hello thirteen-year-old standing right here," you reminded him. Before your Dad could respond your uncle came back and smashed the tv screen after apologizing to it. "So much for a nice tv," the boy reappeared now free from the tv as well. 

"Time to go kid," Dean said to him. 

"What about the bad man?" The boy asked. 

"Don't worry about him, we'll take care of him," Sam assured him. Your Dad placed the knife on a metal tray and starts burning it with the blowtorch. The boy goes up in flames and disappears, he managed to whisper a thank you to you before vanishing for good. 

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