Chapter thirty-three

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Velma lights an oil lamp while Sam and Den had flashlights. You used the light from your phone to see so that you wouldn't get left behind. It annoyed you that Scooby and Shaggy kept freaking out and a few times Scooby tried to jump into your arms. It was very awkward for you to hang on to a huge dog that could talk, not to mention you could definitely pick up on a supernatural presence. Sam, Dean, you, and the Gang walk through the hallways of the mansion. As they pass an open window, the wind blows through and handprints appear on the glass. " Huh?" Scooby asked. You dropped the confused dog not wanting to hold onto him anymore. A door in the hallway is cracked open, light shines from behind it, there was also a ton of screaming. 

"No! No! Aah! Oh!" A voice cried out as he was ripped apart. 

"It's in there," you said to Sam and Dean. "I just don't know what it is," 

"Sam," Dean said suddenly. All the doors slam shut causing the gang to freak out. You looked around in suspicion for any sign of what creature could be causing this but all you could see was closing doors. Which meant multiple things it could be a witch, some kind of demon, a ghost, or maybe even an angel. Sam goes to grab the doorknob and a ghostly, purple hand reaches through the door and tries to grab Sam, knocking a flashlight out of his hand. 

"Dad!" You exclaimed in fear for his life. Dean held you back before you could move since the entire ghost materialize through the door. 

"Phantom!" Shaggy screamed. Shaggy and Scooby jumped into Castiel's arms, you told the rest of the Scooby gang to stay back so that you and your family could take down the phantom. But Fred didn't listen and lunged right at the ghost thinking it was a man in a costume, Fred instantly went through the ghost. Sam and Dean run towards the ghost and he swipes at them, leaving large claw marks on the wall. 

"Stay back why aren't you guys listening to me?" You asked ducking so that the phantom couldn't scratch you. He managed to get a small blow on you and you covered the tear in your jacket so that no one could see the red mark. 

"Now you know how I feel," Sam responded to your question. Fred tries again to catch him but he disappears through the wall. Fred touched the wall in confusion since he hadn't even been able to hit the thing. 

"g-g-ghost," Scooby stammered pointing at the wall. 

"Guys, no. It's not a ghost." Velma said sternly. At that exact moment, Castiel dropped Shaggy and Scooby, the angel hadn't been pleased with them since they never asked to jump into his arms. The lights flickered back on and the five friends discussed possible explanations for what had just happened. You shook your head knowing that all of Velma's logic was wrong.

"Y/n are you okay?" Sam asked you. 

"Yeah it's just a scratch," you responded. Sam didn't believe that and said that you really needed to be more careful. "Case first lecture later," you said after listening to him rant. While the two of you were talking Fred opened a door and they find the dismembered body of Cosgood Creeps in the room. 

"Well that's not good," Fred commented. Sam immediately covered your eyes with his hand so that you couldn't see the scattered body parts all around the place. You managed to find a loophole by looking through his fingers and you heard your uncle say he was going to be sick. "Come on, gang!" Fred said leaving the room with his friends. Just like the first murder all of the members were completely unfazed by the scene. 

"So do they always just walk away from dead bodies?" Sam asked. He finally took his hand away once Castiel closed the door. You were relieved that you could see clearly again but felt a little nauseous from the scene. 

"Sam,  Y/n the cold spot, fritzing out...that was a ghost -- our kind of ghost. I think this cartoon is haunted." Dean said leaning down to inspect the scene. 

"Great that's just what we need," you sighed in annoyance. "But how did it get here I thought you said there were no real ghosts in this show?" 

"There isn't ESP," Dean responded. "But now there is and we need to stop it," minutes later everyone regrouped on the first floor. The Scooby gang was going on as if this was another one of their mysteries but that worried you. They didn't know anything about hunting real ghosts so they were easy targets for the phantom. "All right, Prepmeister Fred, what's your plan?" Dean asked. 

"We should all split up and search the house for clues," Fred answered. You looked at Fred like he was crazy and it seemed your family was thinking the same thing. 

"That's a plan?" Castiel asked. 

"A really bad one," you whispered under your breath. Sam told you to remember to be respectful and you stopped talking for the time being. 

"-I don't think we should separate. It'll be easier for Dean and me to keep you safe if we're all together." Sam said. Velma casually walked up to him and placed her hand on his shoulders much to your displeasure. 

" Really, Sam? I wouldn't expect such a big, broad-shouldered fella like you to be as chicken as Shaggy." Sam didn't seem to get that he was being hit on and just stared at Velma in confusion. You cleared your throat hoping that Velma would stop but she ignored you and when you cleared your throat a second time, she asked you if you needed a cough drop. Eventually, she did walk away to rejoin her friends, you sighed in relief thankful that Velma had stopped. 

"I don't think Y/n likes your new superfan Sammy," Dean teased. You became a little embarrassed and told your uncle that there wasn't time to talk about that. 

 "If this is a real ghost, these guys are in trouble. We can't let anything happen to them," Sam said. 

"Exactly. So, for now, let's follow ascot boy's lead," Dean answered. Almost immediately he ran to Daphne and you rolled your eyes a bit. "I call teaming up with Daphne," 

"Great it will be just the three of us," Fred said happily joining them. Your mouth twitched for a split second like you were about to smile. 

"Sam and I will check the attic," Velma said. You were about to tell her no but she moved with lightning-fast speed and rested her head near your dad's shoulders. "I mean unless you're too scared," 

"What? N-no, I-I'm...Let's check the attic," Sam answered. You stood there in frozen shock unable to follow them which meant you were stuck with Shaggy, Scooby, and Castiel. 

"Like, man, I guess that leaves me and old Scoob with you two," Shaggy said as he walked up to you and Castiel. 

"Wonderful. I once led armies, and now I'm paired with a scruffy Philistine and a talking dog." Castiel commented. 

"Don't forget about me," you pointed out. "Maybe I can just leave you three and go follow my dad," 

"No Y/n I can't let you go off alone," Castiel said to you. Unknown to you Castiel had made a promise to himself that he would keep you safe after what almost happened with Lucifer. Not only were you unaware of the power you had, but you were like family to the angel. "I'm certain that your father would rather have you be with me," you saw his point and nodded. The four of you walked through the mansion looking for any sign of the phantom. It was hard with Shaggy and Scooby's chattering due to fear and Castiel constantly checking on you. But you made it work putting your shield up and sensing the negative emotions of the ghost. 

"It's close Cass I can feel it," you said to the angel. Before he could respond the hallway suddenly became cold. 

"Like, did someone open a window?" Shaggy asked trying to warm up his body. 

"Yeah, it's cold in here," Scooby added in. Shaggy, Scooby, Castiel, and you were walking and the ghost was directly behind them, unnoticed. The ghost starts to growl and the four of you turn around as the ghost rises up and glows purple. Shaggy and Scooby ran away leaving Castiel in a cloud of dust as he observes the ghost. You tried to stop him but he touched the ghost to see if it was real. 

"I've never seen a ghost wear such a ridiculous costume," Castiel said. 

"That's not a costume!" You exclaimed. The phantom screeched and acting fast Castiel grabbed onto you and ran after Shaggy and Scooby. As the four of you ran past Dean and Daphne, who is hiding behind Dean. He goes to hug her but comes up empty-handed as she runs off with Fred. If you weren't running for your life you would have laughed at his scowl. The phantom was still hot on your trail and what followed was a ton of running in and out of various rooms along with hiding in a bunch of large vases. The whole group ends up colliding in a pile in the middle of another hallway. The lights flicker and the ghost came around the corner. They run into a large room and lock the door. "Oww my everything," you groaned a little scrapped from the fall. Sam helped you stand up and went into full-on Dad mode while checking you for any broken bones. "Nothing is broken, Daddy," you told him. 

"We have to stop this ghost," Fred said. 

"Dean almost did he had him by the thigh," Daphne pointed out. 

"What?" You and Castiel asked at the same time. 

"I almost had him that's the point," Dean answered. Velma once again said there was no such thing as a ghost but almost as if the phantom was insulted by her comment. Velma's breath turned cold and her glasses frosted over. The lights flicker again as all the windows frost over. There is a banging on the other side of the door. The doors slam open and the ghost is standing there. 

"That costume looks really real," Velma said fearfully. 

"I'll get him," Fred declared. 

"Fred don't !" Sam exclaimed. Fred again runs towards the ghost and is thrown across the room, hitting a sculpture before falling to the floor. But the phantom didn't stop there Daphne and Velma were levitated off the floor, much to their confusion, and pinned against the wall. 

"Like, that's our cue to get out of here! Aah! Run!" Shaggy exclaimed but was held in place. Then the ghost flicks his hand and Shaggy is thrown through the window. 

"Shaggy!" Daphne exclaimed. 

"We have to do something," you said not wanting anything else to happen to them. Sam took notice of three candle holders and tossed one to his brother and one to you. "Thanks, Dad, eat Iron you son of a bitch!" You exclaimed and hit the ghost near its chest causing it to vanish briefly. It quickly came back so you stood back while Sam and Dean hit the ghost with their candles. The candle holders stick into the ghost's back and purple sparks emanate from its back. As the sparking continues, the ghost shrieks as if in pain and then disappears in a flash of purple light, as the candle holders fall to the floor. The lights come back on as Fred wakes up and Daphne and Velma fall off the wall towards the floor, Sam and Dean are there to catch them."Is everyone alright?" you asked. 

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