Chapter thirty-two

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 Sharing a room with two older girls didn't turn out as bad as you thought, but you couldn't sleep. Every time you tried your mind was plagued with visions of Adam doing something to you, he had done something to you before you were rescued. That much you knew since you kept feeling like everywhere you went he was watching you, but you couldn't remember anything due to the trauma. Sighing heavily you wondered if your father and uncle were still awake, you knew they only slept four hours a night. Which couldn't be healthy but you didn't have any room to talk.

You turned over in your sleep and felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Before you could even say anything you heard a blood-curdling scream from across the hallway. The scream woke everyone else up and ran into Cousin Simple's room, you could feel that something had been here. 

"What happened in here?" You asked rushing to your father's side. He told you to stay close as he observed the bloody corpse, it wasn't your first dead body but you weren't aware that people could die in a cartoon. 

"Oh no," Daphne said as she touched the bed and heard a squishy sound. 

"Wait, wait, wait. No, the dummy bodies don't show up until later." Dean said as he walked into the room. 

"Dean this isn't a body, this is blood," Sam explained touching the body with his bare hands. "He's dead like actually dead," Sure enough he was right. You pulled the covers away and saw a knife wedged into the man's side, his blood was everywhere and you felt a little sick to your stomach. 

"Jinkies!" Velma exclaimed. 

"Jeepers," Daphne said in surprise. 

"Zoinks!" Shaggy screamed almost jumping into the air. 

" Ruh-roh!" Scobby yelled out. 

"Son of a bitch," Dean commented. The gang seemed to not react to the dead body any further since Fred said that they had a mystery on their hands. 

"Are you kidding me?" Sam asked Fred. 

"Fred someone is dead," you scolded as your Dad covered the body back up. "Show a little respect," 

"Yeah Fred," Dean said standing in front of Daphne and acting like an immature boy. "He can be such a jerk, right Daphne?" He asked once again trying to hook up on her. Daphne didn't seem to get it and turned him down flat. Daphne then left with Fred and you were torn between laughing or rolling your eyes at your uncle's actions. 

"We should look for evidence, like fingerprints or fluids," Velma said. 

"Fluids?" You and Sam asked at the same time. The rest of the gang left the room and your uncle grabbed the front of your dad's jacket. 

"Dude, this is not the way things went down in the episode. I remember everything that happened in Scooby-Doo," He declared. "And no one ever got stabbed in the back and ended up in a pool of their own blood," you looked down at the dead body and remember your bad feeling from earlier. 

"Not just that he was attacked," you added in. "I could feel a strange presence from across the hall," you continued. "I think whatever it was came in here and attacked him," 

"If that's the case then we have to be extra careful," Sam responded. He gestured for you to stay near him and you nodded, despite thinking his overprotectiveness was getting a bit old. " If that guy can die for real in this cartoon, that means we can, too." 

"Oh," was all you said. Now you realized why your Dad wanted you to stay so close, there had always been a chance of you dying on a hunt. You knew that as soon as you decided to leave Rani to go hunting with them. Your Dad would always say that you would get yourself killed if you kept going on cases with him, you would always protest and say that it was your birthrate since you were a Winchester. But here actually thinking about dying bloody as this man did and in a cartoon of all things, part of you just wanted to hide behind your Dad. 

" It doesn't matter if we die, Scooby-Doo could die! And that's not happening, not on my watch. I'd take a bullet for that dog." Dean responded snapping you out of your thoughts. 

"No, I don't want anyone to die,"  You thought to yourself as you walk into another room. The lights were flickering and while Shaggy and Scooby were freaked, everyone else seemed to be perfectly calm. 

" There has to be a logical explanation for what's going on," Velma said to her friends. 

"Besides a ghost hunting us down to collect an inheritance!" Shaggy screamed. You wanted to say that you and your family could take care of the ghost, but the gang continued talking as if this was something they had dealt with before. 

"What would a ghost need with money?" Daphne asked. 

"Precisely. And besides, there's no such thing as ghosts," Velma said. As Velma is talking she walks around the room. As she passes a large window, a lightning flash illuminates the outside and shows a man approaching the window. As he gets closer, the wind blows his coat around and Scooby sees him. You saw him as well but couldn't make out his face due to the darkness. "once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." She continued. 

"Look!" Shaggy shirked pointing at the window. Sensing a fight was about to happen you hid near the curtain ready to launch a surprise attack on him. Sam and Dean stood on either side of the window and get ready. As the man pushes open the window, Fred jumps him and pushes him to the side. 

"Fred no..." you trailed off. The man got wrapped up in the curtain and stumbled into the room, eventually falling. You had to back away to avoid being crushed by the man, Dean ran over and leans over to punch him. 

"No today freak!" He declared ripping the curtain off. To his surprise, it was none other than Castiel. 

"Cass?" Sam and Dean asked at the same time. 

"What are you doing here?" You asked helping him stand up. "I thought you were in Syria," 

"Like you know this guy?" Shaggy asked. The rest of the Scooby came up behind to meet the newcomer. 

"Yeah he's a friend of ours," Sam explained. You wondered how the gang would react to him being an angel since they didn't believe in ghosts. 

"Neato," Daphne said happily. Alright apparently they didn't have any problem interacting with anyone new, what else can these guys do. 

"Castiel this is the Scooby gang," Dean said introducing the angel to them. Castiel was a bit awkward when shaking their hands but watching him react to a talking dog made your day. 

"Nice to meet you," Scooby said shaking Castiel's hand with his paw. 

"Sam, Dean...Y/n this dog is talking," he said confused by the scene. You giggled a bit and said that Scooby didn't just talk but also ate a lot of food. 

"Cass, how did you get here?" Sam asked. The angel explained how he had come back to the bunker looking for the three of you but only found the TV. Castiel also said that he saw purple sparks and bright lights when he got sucked into the TV, just like you did. 

"Wait you saw all that?" You asked putting the pieces together in your head. "Dad it's just like the pawnshop," 

"You're right Y/n, that's like with the killer stuffed dinosaur," Sam answered. "And they were both in that pawnshop, maybe this is all connected, " 

"Umm killer stuffed dinosaur?" Velma asked appearing out of nowhere. You were able to cover up the tracks by seeing it was a book that the four of you were working on and that you drew the story from an old toy you had. 

"Nice cover," Castiel said to you. 

"Thanks but we need to figure out what happened,"  you responded. Before you could say anything more the lights began to flicker on and off, and the temperature began to get colder. "Oh no," you said 

"Like, somebody turn up the heat in here, man. It's getting cold!" Shaggy exclaimed. A menacing roar was heard and the lights went out for good. 

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