Chapter thirty one

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At the mansion, Sam and Dean pull alongside the Mystery Machine and get out of the car, you laughed as you heard your uncle complain. There was just something amusing about seeing him get upset for losing against a cartoon character. "Look, all I'm saying is that, aerodynamically speaking, there is no way my Baby should lose to...that," he pointed to the Mystery Machine. "Unless Fred cheated which he clearly did," 

"Dude get over it," Sam said to his brother with a smile. Dean said no instantly and you asked him if he wanted a participation award for losing. 

"No," he said a second time. 

"Don't worry Uncle Dean be like Elsa and let it go," you responded throwing his own words back at him. Dean gave you a look but you just patted him on the back in fake pity and ran to your father's side. 

"Now do you remember the rules?" Sam asked you. 

"Stay close to you at all times and don't wander off," you answered. Dean sarcastically asked if the two of you were going to attend a father-daughter dance once they got back. "That actually sounds awesome, can we?" 

"He's just kidding," Sam answered. "He just feels a little left out," before you could say more. The three of you met up with the Scooby Gang outside a spooky-looking mansion. 

"A Night of Fright is No Delight." Dean suddenly said as he gazed up at the mansion. 

"Um, what?" You asked. 

"That's the episode we're in, I've seen it, like, a million times," Dean answered. 

"Oh how wonderful," Sam sighed. You grabbed your father's hand to pull him inside saying that maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Once you got inside you stood in between your father and uncle observing everyone around you. Sam, Dean, and the Scooby Gang and relatives of the Colonel are sitting in a room with a man standing beside a record player on a desk. 

"Attention, everybody. As you all know, I am Cosgood Creeps, attorney of the late Colonel Sanders." The man said picking up a briefcase. 

"Shut up," Dean commented. No one besides you or your dad seemed to pick up his comment. 

"Last name certainly fits," you whispered to your dad. "I mean look at his face, his eyes are even creepy,"

"My client was a bit odd, his only directions were to play this record for you." Cosgod picked out a record from the briefcase and placed it on the record player. It started playing instantly and all you could do was listen to Conoel's instructions. He greeted all of his relatives as if he was in the room and declared that whoever stayed overnight in the house would get one million dollars. 

"Is that even legal?" You asked your uncle. He hushed you polity since he wanted to hear what the Conoel said before the record ended. Apparently, the house was haunted. "Haunted?" You asked at the same time as your Dad, as well as Scooby who began shivering as the record ended with Sanders laughing. Cosgood puts the record back in the briefcase and everyone except Sam, Dean and you leave the room. 

"What kind of a weirdo sets all this up? I mean, spend the night in a haunted house for $1 million? That can't be legal," Sam said. Out of nowhere, Velma came up to him and you blinked multiple times at the scene since you thought Velma got the message that you didn't want her to hit on your Dad.  

"Sam, come on. The house isn't really haunted," she said. Sam and Dean turned to look down at her and you cleared your throat. Velma continued as if you weren't there and you bit your tongue to avoid blurting out. "Besides things like this happen all the time," 

"Yeah well maybe in a car..." Dean covered Sam's mouth before he could finish. He also covered your mouth sensing that you were about to burst. Velma walked away and Dean removed his hand. "Dude, what's wrong with you?" Sam asked. 

"And your hand smells," you commented even though that wasn't important. 

"They don't know that they're in a...a C-word. And we're not gonna tell 'em about anything." Dean responded pointing to the Scooby gang standing not too far away. "Not where we're from, not about monsters. Nothing. Capiche?" he continued. "they are pure and innocent and good, and we're gonna keep it that way." 

"If you've seen this episode why can't we just skip to the end?" Sam asked. Dean answered with a fake quote stating that it was sometimes about the journey, not the end. You however weren't fooled and knew what he really wanted. 

"Uncle Dean you are not fooling anyone you just want more time to hit on Daphne, let's just skip to the end," you said before he could say more. 

"Don't ruin for this me!" Dean growled as he walked over to the gang. You sighed used to grumpy behavior by now and stayed close to your Dad. Cosgood Creep had packed his briefcase and was preparing to leave. He was probably the most obvious bad guy ever since he cackled and talked like he was expecting all of the visitors to not be there in the morning. "Turns out he's the bad guy," 

"You don't say," Sam responded like he hadn't figured that out. Cosgood soon left and Dean went over to Daphne attempting to get her to sleep with him. She turned him down flat and you weren't sure if you should laugh or be disturbed by your uncle's actions. So instead you just sighed again and shook your head. 

"Oh, Dean! Boys and girls don't sleep in the same room, silly," Daphne responded giggling. "Come on, Velma and you too Y/n," You didn't want to share a bed or a room with them. 

"Wouldn't it be easier if I just slept on the couch or something?" You asked trying to find a way out of this. "It's not that big of a deal," 

"Nonsense we'll have a girl's night!" Daphne exclaimed. You forced a smile as you were basically escorted upstairs. On the way up you heard Sam trying to come after you but Dean stopped him saying that you were too old to sleep with either of them. Which was a good point though it was amusing to see your uncle's reaction when Fred placed an arm on him. At least thinking about that would help you fall asleep, still, something about this whole thing was off. To manage your thoughts you decided to sleep on the smaller bed in the room while Daphne and Velma shared the queen bed. "So your family is kinda groovy," Daphne said trying to make conversation with you. 

"Yeah they're pretty special," you answered. "But all this is kinda below their paygrade," you laughed at your own joke. Hunting didn't pay bills or receive much praise but your Dad and Uncle had saved the world, more than once. So staying in an old house was mild compared to what they did. "Just wish my mom was here," 

"Oh, so your dad is married?" Velma asked looking almost disappointed. 

"Not exactly," you answered. "It's complicated," 

"Huh," Daphne commented. Velma asked her what she was thinking but Daphne's words made Velma blush while at the same time making you want to throw up. "I don't know, just thought big lugs like Sam were your thing," 

"Umm no that's not happening," you said sternly. "I've already had one stepmother I don't a second one, no offense Velma," 

"Not that I care," Velma blushed. 

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