Chapter thirty

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You walked inside the Malt Shop to see Daphne, Fred, Velma, and Shaggy dancing. After your uncle had explained everything to you, a few old memories of watching them as a kid began to come back to you. The place smelled really good and you were tempted to beg your dad to get you a milkshake or something. 

"Oh! That's the freakin' Scooby Gang!" Dean exclaimed. At a nearby table, Scooby-Doo was slurping down an entire milkshake. You laughed at the scene while your Dad rolled his eyes, there wasn't time to get excited about things like that. Someone or something had sent you all here and he intended to find out what. 

"Great. So we're stuck in a cartoon with a talking dog," Sam complained. 

"Not just any talking dog the talking dog," Dean corrected. You didn't say anything since you found their conversation entertaining, you only wished you had popcorn. "The greatest talking dog in history. Now come on! Dibs on Daphne." You sighed realizing that your uncle was going to try and hit on Daphne. The Scooby gang stopped dancing and sat down at the table with Scooby, you tried to play it cool but something about this whole thing was still off. 

"Jeepers those sure were some super groovy tunes,"  Daphne commented. You had to admit that all of the members seemed funny and relatable but you weren't sure if you could take them seriously. They had a talking dog drinking a milkshake and eating large food. 

"So do we just go up and talk to them or what?" You asked out of curiosity. 

"This is like a dream come true," Dean responded. 

"Your dream is to hang out with the Scooby gang?" Sam asked in disbelief. 

"Sam, growing up on the road, no matter where Dad dragged us, no matter what we did, there was always a TV," Dean answered. " And you know what was always on that TV? Scooby and the Gang," he continued. "These guys, they're our friggin' role models, man. Except for Fred. He's a wad." 

"Dean not in front of a thirteen-year-old!" Sam scolded. 

"What does wad mean?" You asked. The subject was dropped since Dean ranted about how similar all three of you were to the gang. "Um, Uncle Dean our ghosts don't wear masks," 

"And we don't have a talking dog," Sam added in. 

"I don't know Cass is kinda like a talking dog," Dean commented. You were torn between laughing at those words or disagreeing. But if Castiel was the talking dog, who were you, Velma? "Now how do I look?" Dean asked messing with his hair. 

"Two-dimensional," Sam responded. 

"And very animated," you added in. 

"Perfect," Dean answered. "Follow my lead kid," he approached the table like a shy fan and introduced himself. "  Uh, uh, I'm Dean, My brother, Sam, and my niece Y/n. Mind if we join you?" To be polite you waved but didn't say anything, you didn't have a lot of experience talking with other people besides patients, your former co-workers, or your family. So you couldn't help but be a little shy around these new people, even if they seemed quite friendly. The gang blinked at your uncle like he was crazy but then Fred smiled. 

"Of course not there's plenty of room," he said. ". I'm Fred. This is Velma, Shaggy, Scooby, and -" Fred was interrupted by Dean approaching Daphne and kissing her hand. 

"Daphne Enchanté," he said like something out of a romance novel. You forget your shyness momentarily to pull him away sense you quickly realized that Daphne was with Fred. 

"I'm sorry my uncle is just a really big fan," you said a bit embarrassed by his behavior. No one seemed to mind your words and you sat down next to your dad. He looked annoyed and you couldn't blame him since you were starting to feel that way as well. 

"Of course, I am you guys are famous," Dean told them. 
"Famous?" Scooby asked. You had to bit your tongue to avoid laughing at the annoyed expression on your Dad's face. Maybe this whole cartoon thing wasn't so bad after all.
"Like, the only thing we're famous for is our eating skills. " Shaggy said. All over the wall there were pictures of Shaggy and Scooby winning awards for eating.
"That's a big hot dog, " you commented.
"So, looks like you guys are celebrating something, " Dean said.

"We are!" Velma exclaimed. "We just found out that Scooby's been named as one of the heirs to a fortune, " she continued. "Left to him by an old southern colonel, " Velma held up a newspaper and your Dad looked through it.
"Really?" You asked.
"Yep Scooby saved him from drowning, " Daphne explained. Scooby declared that he was a hero and placed a napkin around his neck, causing wind to come out of nowhere to make it flow like a cape.

The gang laughed and your uncle chuckled, but you didn't understand where the wind had come from.
"Okay but he's dead now right?" Sam asked.
"Oh yeah cancer, " Fred answered hesitating a bit.
"That is really sad, " you said.
"Could you give us a sec?" Dean asked. "Y/n stay with them okay, " you nodded.  Obviously your father and uncle were about to have a grown up discussion.  Which meant things might get ugly so to distract yourself, you grapped one of the milkshakes.

"Hey that was mine, " Velma said to you.
"I'll buy you another one if you promise not to try anything, " you answered. Even if you were only thirteen you weren't stupid and knew that Velma had a thing for your dad. It made you uncomfortable but hopefully she wouldn't try anything. "This is really good, " you said once the milkshake was gone. Velma dropped the subject and the gang began discussing things, you lost interest and easvedropped on your guardians.

" Hey, you wanna pull that stick out of your...nether regions and just play along here?" Dean scolded.
Play...There are no words in this newspaper, Dean. " Sam responded. "We should be trying to get out of here and instead, " he continued. "You-you're hanging out with Marmaduke. "
"How dare you?" Dean asked. Now hearing that made you laugh but since the Scooby gang was always laughing about stuff, it looked like you were laughing at them.

"And hitting on Daphne when she's clearly with Fred, " Sam pointed out.
"She is settling alright, " Dean responded a bit frustrated. "Oh, Daphne could do so much better, " he continued.
"Last time we got zapped into TV, we got out by playing our part.  This is probably like that. The gang, they're about to get a mystery, "
"Excuse me, " you said getting up to leave the table. Fred said that he felt like they had a mystery on their hands, so you took it as your cue to leave. "Dad this guys are nuts, "

Sam was about to say something but Dean spoke up before he could.
"You know, uh, the three of us  are actually mystery solvers, too. Mind if we tag along? " he asked.
"That's sounds like a swell idea, " Fred answered. "In fact I think its time we hit the road, "
"You know what that means road food!" Shaggy and Scooby exclaimed in unison. You watched in suprise as the two of them pilled up food to make a ridiculous large sandwich.
"How is that even possible?" You asked shocked by the scene.

"Oh heck yes!" Dean exclaimed. Dean sat next to Scooby and made a ridiculously large sandwich also. He stuffed the sandwich into his ridiculously large mouth. "Sam Y/n look how big my mouth is!" You sighed at the same time as your dad.
"How long is this going to take?" You asked. "I honestly don't know but this is still a case so stay close, " he whispered back. You sarcastically asked what could be dangerous about a cartoon but nodded.

Mintues later you were seated in the back of the impala as Fred and your uncle challenged each other.
"Hey, why don't you guys follow us up to the Colonel's mansion?" Fred asked.
"I don't know Freddie I'm not sure baby can go that slow, " Dean responded.
"Well the Mystery machine is a lot faster then it looks, " Fred laughed. The two agreed to race and you shook your head
"I still think this is ridiculous, " you commented. "Why do you hate Fred so much?"

"I've been wondering that as well, " Sam added in.
"He thinks he's so cool, with his perfect hair, his can-do attitude, that stupid ascot, " Dean explained. " Let's do this!" Both engines started as the lights changed color and the Mystery machine took off, leaving the impala in the dust. You coughed since some of the dust came into the back, Sam and Dean coughed as well leaving all three of you confused and annoyed.
"Did you just get beaten by a mircovan?" Sam asked.
"The light was red...the light... Fred!" Dean screamed as he banged on the steering wheel.

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