Chapter twenty nine

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You sat in the library with your dad as he flipped through a book. He had been reading nonstop and you wondered if he had noticed that you were relaxing on the couch, messing with your new tablet.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Dean asked once he walked in on the scene.
"Dad is doing research I don't think he knew I was here, " you joked.

"Of course, I knew you were here by the way where did you get that tablet?" Sam asked looking back at you.
"From the trash, " you answered simply. Sam didn't believe your lie since you had a habit of not listening to him.
"Come on Sammy it makes the kid happy, " Dean commented. You thanked him for his words and promised he could use your tablet later.
"Anyway, it's the strangest thing. I can't find anything on a cursed object that actually physically attacks people, " Sam responded.

"Dude it's over be like Elsa let it go, " Dean answered. You laughed at your uncle's words and laughed harder when you saw your dad's reaction. He looked at his brother incredulously while turning around in his chair.
"Be like Elsa?" He asked.
"Yeah, Dad let it go, " you laughed.
"Anyway come here, I need to show you both something, " Dean said. "It's important come on, " you wondered what he could be talking about. Hopefully, it wasn't a new record player or something.

You set your tablet down and stood up wanting to see what your uncle was so excited about. Sam followed as well since he felt like he really didn't have a choice. Plus he had nothing better to do besides continue his endless search.
"Dad, what's he up to?" You asked as the three of you entered a dark room. Before your dad could answer Dean turned on the lights.
"Behold, " he said. "the Dean-cave or Fortress of Dean-a-tude. Just -- still trying to figure that one out, " he continued. You laughed as he pointed out everything around the room.

"So are you batman? " you asked.
"I'm way cooler than batman, " Dean answered immediately. He knew you were teasing him but he took great pleasure in returning the favor. He already knew that he was going to get you in so much trouble and that it was cause Sam to pull his hair out. "We got Foosball. We've got jukebox -- all vinyl, obviously," he explained.
"Obviously, " you said in mimic. Your uncle continued as if he hadn't even heard you.

"Double La-Z-Boy recliners and, of course, the bar. Still a work-in-progress." He continued. "It's gonna have a kegerator because...Well, it's gonna. And finally... the pièce de résistance."
"Wow this is so cool, " you commented. Dean ruffled your hair and picked up a remote to test out the TV.
"Hold on when did you have time to do all this?" Sam asked.
"When it's important you make time Sammy, " Dean answered. "Let's give this bad boy a test run, "

"I thought you said the TV was a girl, Uncle Dean, " you teased.
"Apparently not anymore, " Sam added in causing you both to laugh.
"Ugh I can't believe you're both turning against me, she's hanging around you too much, " Dean groaned.
"I don't see why that's a problem, " he responded placing his hand on your shoulder. Dean didn't answer as he was too busy humming and turning on the TV.

At first, nothing seemed unusual about it but then purple sparks filled your vision,  and before you could process what was happening you were sucked inside the TV. Something was different you could tell instantly, first of all, you were outside and everything around you looked animated.
"Dean what just... " Sam asked. You turned around to ask your father and uncle questions, but you screamed the second you saw their faces. It caused them to look at each other and realize they were cartoons.

"You're a cartoon, I'm a cartoon!?" They said at the same time. You felt around your face and looked down at your hands, you wanted to be wrong but you were a cartoon as well.
"Oh my gosh I look horrible with this art style, " you said freaking out a bit. "Dad I can only move my head and arms!'"
"Okay no need to panic this is a dream its gotta be... " Sam was cut off from calming you down when Dean slapped him. For a split second, it left a handprint and you ran to his side wanting to be sure he was alright.

"Dad?" You asked.
"I'm fine, " Sam responded shaking his head and the handprint disappeared. "Also seriously dude?" He asked.
"It's not a dream, " Dean said firmly. You didn't like that and tried pinching yourself to make yourself wake up. "That's not going to help kid, " once he noticed what you were doing.
"This is, uh... you saw that light. Did we just get sucked into the TV?" Sam asked.

"Maybe this is an angel thing or the trickster, " Dean suggested. You shook your head at your uncle's words.
"You mean Gabriel no he's dead, " you said.
"Or is he?" Dean asked. He did make a good point there,  but before you could think about it for too long something else caught your eye.
"Umm, how did the car get here?" Sam asked once he saw what you were looking at.
"I had the keys in my pocket? Or maybe -- Wait, seriously?" Dean responded.
"That's what's bumping you about this? Okay, look, are we animated? Yes Is it weird? Yes, "

"It's beyond weird, " you and Sam said at the same time.
"Well beyond weird is kinda our thing, " Dean answered. "So whatever happened we'll figure it out, " he continued. "This is a case so let's work it, " you nodded while your Dad asked how they were going to figure this out. "Same as always we drive, " seeing the world as a cartoon was weird for you. Everything around you was 2D and you couldn't figure out how to keep your hair nice here. It just stayed there unmoving on your head.

"This is so weird, what's next?" You asked. If this was an angel thing which usually meant Adam or Rani you didn't find it funny. The Impala drove down the road as rock music plays, pulling up in front of a malt shop.
"A malt shop really?" Sam asked once he saw it.
"at least we can get milkshakes, " you responded.
" Look, let's just head in, ask around, see what we can see, " Dean said to both of you.

He was going to say more but then he leaned over and looked past Sam seeing none other than the mystery machine. "Oh my God, " was all he could say.
"Hey don't...I don't believe it, " you responded once you saw the van. It looked familiar to you even though you couldn't remember why.
"That's uh... " Sam stammered.
"That's the Mystery Machine!" Dean exclaimed. "We are not just in any cartoon,"
"We're in Scooby-doo!" Sam exclaimed.

You sat in the back confused still trying to put all the pieces together, everything around you seemed familiar. Especially the words Mystery Machine and Scooby do, maybe you watched the show when you were younger. But if that was the case you couldn't remember ever doing it.
"What's Scooby-Doo?" You asked out of curiosity.
"Oh kid you're in for a treat, " Dean responded. He had so much to teach you about this show, the question was where did he start.

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