Chapter three

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You couldn't relax after seeing Chuck, why was here? And why did he want to hurt Sam and Dean? Wasn't he their alley, he was a prophet, at least he was the last time you checked.
"Y/n what are you doing I need some help with these files, " Rani said snapping you out of your thoughts. Chuck by now was long gone, but still felt uneasy about him being here.

"Sorry I guess the visit from earlier surprised me, " you admitted not really wanting to talk about it. Rani said nothing as you looked through all the patient files, strangely a ton of patients had the same injuries. Near blindness or stab wounds, that couldn't be a an accident. Something was up and you needed to find out what, as you picked one file up. You overheard Rani talking with two men outside and you reconized the voices.
"I don't understand I already went over this  with the cops, " Rani said walking in with no other then Sam and Dean.

They both looked a bit shocked to see you, and maybe you were imagining things but Sam seemed a bit uneasy, like he didn't want you there.
"Right but in the past week a ton of men and woman, come in with the same injures, you don't think that's strange?" Dean asked.
"I'm a nurse boy not a cop, " Rani answered and you tried hard not to fidget. You had been concerned about all the people coming in, so far only one of them had survived. Which meant that you saw their faces at night because you were the ones who had to tell their families.

"Can we talk to her?" Sam asked pointing to you. It was the first time someone had asked to speak directly with you on the job.
"No talking with my daughter is not an option, " Rani answered putting an arm around your shoulder. You felt incredibly uncomfortable because Rani never showed this much affection towards you. Not to mention you were worried that Rani was planning to do something bad to them, due to her talk with Chuck. "Isn't that right sweetie?" She asked in a fake sweet tone.
"Yes, " you answered and that was all you could say. You couldn't call her mom, especially not infront of Sam and Dean. The two people you admired more than anyone, and if you weren't such a wimp. You would have told them that you wished one of them was your Dad. They both had all the qualities a Father should have, at least in your opinion.

"Mam we only want to ask her questions nothing more, " Sam insisted and Rani looked reluctant to let you out of her sight. But she left the room leaving you alone with the brothers.
"You two shouldn't have done that, " you said not wanting to look at them. You still felt ashamed about earlier.
"What are you doing here kid?" Dean asked. "Shouldn't you be in school?" He continued.
"I'm homeschooled by Rani and before you ask no she isn't my Mom, " you told them.
"Does she treat you poorly?" Sam asked and you didn't say anything giving him his answer.

"Look you guys I can't talk about it, okay, " You finally said. "I don't know why the patients injuries are similar, " you continued.
"You don't need to be afraid to tell us anything Y/n,  we're here to help, " Sam said to you. He had been hunting a long time and he reconized the signs of a case. He also reconized the signs of abuse, something was keeping you from telling him things. And he didn't like that, because he wanted you to feel safe talking to him.
"I'm guessing this is what you were discussing earlier, " you sighed.

"These people were attacked by angels we just don't know why, " Dean explained to you.
"Most of them died," you answered in a sad tone.
"Any connection between the victims?" Sam asked and you couldn't think of any besides they were all adults.
"They were all young adults, " you responded. "Do you think... " you were cut off when Rani came bursting into the room screaming.
"Y/n a patient is flat lining I need you right now!" You whispered a quiet apology before running off down the hall.

"I think we should follow her, " Sam suddenly said. Dean gave his brother a confused glance, he wasn't sure where Sam's sudden interest in you came from.
"We shouldn't involve a kid in this Sammy, " Dean said.
"I don't want her involved in this anymore than you do, but she's the only lead we have, " Sam reasoned. The last thing he wanted was to put you in danger, but he needed to know what you knew. Because Rani was never going to tell them. Dean wanted to protest but he couldn't, he was honestly growing a bit attached to you. Not like his brother was, but he wanted to get you away from here.

"I shouldn't agree to this but the little firecracker can't stay here, Rani isn't going to keep her safe, " Dean finally said. The two boys walked down the hallway and saw you assist a number of doctors with an young man who was flat lining. He had the same injury as the other victims did, but it wasn't anywhere fatal. So it seemed like something else was killing him, but for now the boys couldn't be sure. You pressed on the man's chest attempting CPR but nothing worked. Your face feel as you felt your eyes water, you couldn't save him.
"Call it, " one of the doctors from behind you said. A young girl probably no older than you came rushing into the room with tears running down her face.

"Daddy no!" She screamed and your heart sank. This man had a family it wasn't fair that he was killed.
"I'm so sorry, " you said to the girl and couldn't bare to listen to her response so you walked out of the room. You couldn't help but wipe the few tears that fell from your face. You couldn't take seeing these deaths anymore, you had to stop this from happening again.

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