Chapter two

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You felt bad about causing such a big scene, you felt even worse when you heard the manager kick the Winchesters out. You didn't mean to get them in trouble, but you weren't sure if you should even talk to them. Would they yell at you? Demand you walk away because you got them in trouble?

Your answer was no clearer once they left and you followed after them wanting to apologize despite your fears. "Hey you guys wait up!" You called out. Sam rolled his eyes a bit once he heard your voice, it made him uneasy that you were so comfortable around him. "The fight was my fault and I'm sorry, I should have been the one to get in trouble. " you admitted once all four of them turned around to look at you.
"Please we've been in worse situations, plus I kinda found it amusing. " Dean answered. You giggled at his words and you only laughed more when you saw the annoyed look on Castiel's face.

"Dean please don't corrupt the youth." the angel said sternly.
"What does that mean?" Jack asked having never heard that phrase before.
"We will tell you when your older Jack, " Sam answered. "Look kid.. " he started but you cut him off.
"I do have a name!" you shouted a bit annoyed. Was everyone you encountered going to treat you like a five year old?
"Right Y/n we appreciate what you did for us back there, but if you know us as well if you claim to, " he explained. "Then its best if you keep your distance, got it?" Sam asked and you nodded. He had this certain authority to his voice that told you to do as he said.

"Sam we gotta go more angel sightings, " Dean said pulling on his brother and Sam didn't hesitate to follow. He watched you walk back to wherever you came from, and wondered if you would be okay. He didn't even know you, yet he was worried that something might happen. "What's going on little brother?" Dean asked as they walked back to the impala.
"nothing, " Sam answered he didn't feel the need to dicuss his thoughts about you to Dean. He would probably just make a joke about you having a crush on him. Sam really hoped that wasn't the case, he didn't want a Becky repeat. But there was something about you that he couldn't figure out. But he couldn't dwell on you, at the moment, hunters were dropping left and right everywhere. And angels always seemed to be ones who had killed them.
"We need to address the other situation now, more hunters have died here, " Castiel said interrupting Sam's thoughts.

"You thinking someone is sending angels to kill hunters?" Dean asked and the angel nodded.
"Yes but there seems to be more to it, the only people who are dying are hunters, " Castiel answered. "Its almost like the angels can't help themselves, " he continued.
"What should we do?" Jack asked.
"We find out whoever sending the angels, and we fight, " Sam answered.

As you made your way back home you suddenly remembered that Rani was expecting at the hospital. You quickly picked up the pace so you could drop the bags of food at home, and make it to the hospital. Once you got inside you placed the bags on the table and went to the shed behind your house, to grab your bike. It wasn't in the best of shape a beat up f/c mountain bike, that you usually had to fix up on your own. But it got the job done and before leaving you grabbed your helmet just in case you fell.

It took a few minutes but you managed to arrive at the hospital and parked your bike into the bike rack. However the second you got inside and prepared to change into your medical assistant clothes, you overheard Rani talking to someone. It was a man that much was clear, but it stumped you because Rani never talked to anyone really.
"You are certain they're here?" The man asked. You couldn't help but easedrop on their conversation, you wanted to know what was going on.
"Yes father I am certain, I have eyes and ears everywhere around town, " Rani answered.

You almost jumped in surprise at those words, just who exactly was Rani talking to? And why did she call the man father? She never knew her father, at least that's what she told you. Was it possible she had lied? And had she lied about other things as well? You thought trying not to move so they wouldn't hear you.
"You've done very well Rani, soon the Winchesters won't know what hit them, " the man answered and you couldn't stop a small gasp from escaping your lips. "What was that?" The man asked, oh you were so screwed. He would come out and know you heard everything.

You hid behind the wall as the man came out from Rani's room. You forced yourself not to move or breathe as sweat ran down your face, who was this man and why was he after Sam and Dean? You felt your heart speed up as he looked in your direction.
"Don't worry it's probably just Y/n, " Rani said to the man as she walked out. Since he turned away to look at Rani, you finally got a good look at the man. He looked very familiar, like you had seen him somewhere before. "Y/n sweetie come out from behind the wall, I know you went back there so you wouldn't disturb us, " Rani said and you walked out slowly.

The man smiled when he saw you and you were uncertain if the smile made you feel safe or uneasy. "Y/n this is Chuck, " Rani told you without a second thought.
"Chuck?" You asked now realizing why he looked so familiar. You didn't have time to panic as Rani gave a fierce glare at your silence. She didn't approve of your behavior and you knew, you would be punished for it later. "I mean it's good to meet you sir, " you said to him as he shook your hand. But you managed to give him a fake smile.
"So good to meet you Y/n, I'm sure I'll be seeing a lot more of you, " he said to you.

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