Chapter twenty five

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You had been walking for hours and were getting tired. So far you had managed to use your phone to find your way out of the parking lot. But that was hours ago and now you were walking around in the middle of nowhere. And it was freezing, you sat down on the park bench and looked through the duffel bag for a jacket to wear.

"You won't find anything in that, " a voice from behind you said. You jumped and turned around to see the man from your visions. He felt like an angel but also a human, you weren't sure if that was because the angel was letting his vessel speak.
"Who are you?" You asked. It came out more as stammering question then a threat since your teeth were chattering.
"You don't have to be afraid Y/n, we're family and I'm not going to hurt you, " he answered.

"Family I've never even seen you before, " you responded crossing your arms. What right did this man have to call himself your family. You had a real family, one that you had just run away from. Realizing that you had made a terrible mistake by going off on your own, where both angels and demons could find you. You planned on turning around and going back to the hospital, you were still angry about being lied to you. But no other creature was going to love you the way your family did.

The demons would kill you or torture you until you died, the fallen angels would take you away, any other monster would try to kill you, and a human would take you into foster care. No way did you want to end up in a place like that.
"I'm your father's brother, " the man said. Hearing this you realized who this was and your mouth dropped in shock.
"Adam?" You asked.
"That's right, " Adam smiled. "So glad I can finally meet you my wonderful niece, "

He came closer to you, and your heart began racing. Something about him felt extremely off, the waves coming off were pure hate. It was unlike anything you had ever felt before, and it certainly wasn't what you were expecting from him. A demon yes, but not Adam, he had always been a down to earth guy. At least you thought so, you didn't know that much about him.
"Please don't... touch me... " you stammered. The cold was really getting to you, it wouldn't be long before you got frostbite or something.

"Here have something to warm to drink, " Adam said using Michael's powers to create a chalice of hot chocolate. You wanted to resist since your gut was telling you to run, but you were so cold. You took the chalice gently and Adam gave you his jacket, after taking a sip you felt so much better.
"Thank you, " you said to him.
"Of course, " Adam responded. The drink helped and you had never tasted anything so good in your life.

Your phone went off in your pocket and you saw that it was your dad calling in. He had called you almost twenty times and up until this point you had been ignoring him.
Now you actually wanted to talk to him, before you could answer you suddenly felt sleepy. "You're looking quite green sweetheart maybe you should lay down, " Adam said to you.
"You did something to me, " you responded. Adam said he didn't do anything and that you were merely reacting to being so cold.

Being the smart thinker you were, you put your phone behind your back and answered the call. Adam however wasn't stupid and took your phone away, you feel asleep right afterwards finally succumbing to the drink.
"Hi Sam, " Adam said into the phone. On the other end Sam couldn't believe his ears when he heard the sound of his half brother. He had been searching for you all day, and was close to stealing Dean's car just to find you. Dean told him he didnt need to steal the car, since he was just as worried about you.

"Adam, " was all Sam could say. Adam told his brother to put him on speaker since he knew Dean would be there as well. "What have you done with my daughter!?" He screamed.
"Calm down she's right next to me, " Adam answered. He kneeled down next to you and wiped a piece of hair from your face. "She's asleep but she won't be for very long unless you do exactly as I say," he continued. "Come to this address in an hour and we can talk terms, or I can drop the princess here into a nearby river, "

"Adam you son of a bitch, are you crazy!?" Dean exclaimed. "She's just a kid, " he didn't stop there and called his half brother every name in the book.
"Yeah and yet she ran away, clock is ticking," Adam hung up before either Sam or Dean could say anything. He gazed down at you and all the plans he had for you, turned in his head. Michael tried to reason with him and say that you hadn't done anything wrong. Adam said he knew that and that he didn't plan on killing you yet.

Using the archangel's powers he flew off and landed into an old warehouse. He lay you down gently on the floor and waited for either his brothers to come or for you to wake up.
"Let me out of here!" You demanded as you woke up and realized you were trapped. Adam had created a force field around you making it impossible for you to get up.
"Afraid not, " Adam answered. "Don't cause any trouble Y/n it will only create problems, "

"When my dad gets here you are going to be sorry, " you responded. Adam said he was planning on it and disappeared for the time being, you had no idea why he was doing this or what he wanted. How could he do this to his own brothers? Meanwhile Sam had hacked into his phone to track your number. It was very time consuming process and because he was so worried about you he kept messing up. He didn't understand why you had run away in the first place. Did Adam get into your head? And if so what did he say?

"Sammy we'll get her back, " Dean said to his brother.
"I can't lose her Dean, she's my everything," Sam answered. He wanted to cry, he really did but he refused to do it until he had you back in his arms. Dean said he understood how Sam was feeling since that was often how he felt when it came to his brother. Before either brother could say more, Dean spotted a woman on the street and he slammed on the brakes so that he wouldnt hit the lady.
"Wow!" He exclaimed in suprise.

Sam realized it was Sarah and figured she was here because of what happened. He got out of the car to try explain himself but she punched him.
"Oww, " Sam said holding his nose.
"You have five seconds to explain where our daughter is and how in the world I am alive?!" She screamed at him. As soon as she got back to the hospital she noticed you were gone. Sarah was suprised that she hadn't been taken with you, but before she could continue her search a man appeared in front of her. Then suddenly she wasn't a ghost anymore, she didnt understand why so she sought out Sam.

"Wait hold on you were brought back to life?" Dean asked in confusion. Sarah said she didn't know how but somehow she was brought back.
"It doesn't make sense but I'm back now and I want to know where my daughter is," Sarah responded.
"She's been taken, " Sam answered. "Our half brother took her, "

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