Chapter twenty seven

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Days went by since the incident with Adam and you became worried about the future. The angels all of sudden stopped killing hunters and while that should have relieved you, it only made you worry. How were you and your family supposed to figure out who gave the order. A few other things worried you, your parents seemed to be avoiding each other.

While you at first thought it was because neither of them wanted to discuss custody of you. Now you were thinking they were having some kind off emotional affair or something. Since every time your mom was around she got incredibly nervous and your dad was no better. Maybe there was a small chance they would get back together and actually get married. But your hope seemed to go down the drain with Sarah leaving to go find her husband and your half sister. Sam seemed to fall into depression after that, but you weren't sure if it was because of what happened to you or something else.

Sam's mental state caused the two of you to fight a bit. Since you could feel his depression which made it hard to be around him. So you took to spending more time with your uncle. Sam didn't like that you weren't staying by him, since he never wanted you out of his sight after what happened. It didn't last long as once you occupied them a hunt that involved their friend Donna's niece.  And immediately after that when two witch sisters put a love spell on Dean. Since you had disobeyed him on both hunts be sneaking in to rescue them, he lectured you. But he also realized that his mental state was pushing you away.

"Y/n... " he began but you cut him off.
"No don't say anything!" You screamed. "I know what you're going to say, this is exactly why I ran away, " you continued. "You keep secerts and leave me in the dark!" Dean recognized the scene as a parent and child matter. So he left the room to go on a beer run, hopefully things would be resolved when he got back.
"Don't raise your voice at me young lady, I am only looking out for you, " Sam scolded. "I have done things that I never want you to know about, "

"So you just decide that lying about it well make it go away?" You responded. It was a low blow and you knew it, but you couldn't handle his depression anymore. You wanted him to back to being your hero who never gave up, and was fearless. Not someone who was drowning in his own self pity.
"Y/n enough, I won't have you speak to me that way, go to your room, " Sam ordered. You groaned and stormed up the stairs hoping that he would just let all that self loathing go.

"Ugh life is so unfair I'm moving out and I'm never ever coming back!" You screamed at the top of your lungs. Sam sighed and sat at the table in the war room, at the same time Dean came home witnessing how the scene ended.
"Well that could have gone better, " he commented.
"Out of my way stupid door!" You screamed from upstairs. You slammed your door so hard that all the stuff on the wall almost came off. "Maybe we should take everything off the wall until Y/n goes off to college or let's be fair marries a prince, "

"You're not helping, " Sam told his brother. He didn't know what in world he was going to do with you. No one told him that raising a teenager would be this difficult, should he have gotten a book on parenting? Was that even a thing?
"Sam don't look at me like that, I've tried to tell you to get out of this dark place, " Dean said to his brother. "She's been worried about you and frankly so am I, " he continued. "Look I know that things with Sarah are compilatcated and we blow our chance at saving mom, "

"Its more than that and you know that, " Sam answered. He rubbed his fingers through his hair in frustration, it seemed he really hadn't grasped this whole parent thing. All he wanted was for you to be safe, but how was he going to do if you kept wanting to run away? "The point is I don't know what to do, " he admitted.
"Well for one thing she's a lot like you at this age you were slamming doors all the time, " Dean answered. "and if I picked up anything from those years, sometimes being willing to listen is the best thing, "

Sam hadn't thought of that, but Dean did have a point. Losing his temper with you all time was only going to push you away, and he definitely didn't want that. So he forget all about his dark thoughts and knocked softly on your door. You didn't answer since you were still mad at him. But he didn't force you to open up, he just sat down and waited for you to talk.
"Y/n I am sorry instead of losing my temper I should have just asked you what was wrong, " he said. "This whole thing has just been so new to me and I didn't want you to get wrapped up in it, " he continued. "I know I was being overprotective but if you're ready to talk I'm here to listen, "

"Really?" You asked through the door.
"Yes I wish my dad had listened to me more or thanked me when I was worried about him, " Sam answered. "The whole thing with Adam just made me realize how much I've messed up and I don't want you to see me that way, " he continued. "I just wanted you to be a kid, ever since I met you that's all I've wanted, " you could feel that he wasn't depressed anymore so you let him inside.

"But daddy you don't have to lie to protect me, " you told him. "I'm with you, " you continued. There were other things you wanted to get off your chest, so you decided to bring them up. "If it helps you sleep better I haven't been exactly honest either, one minute I feel normal and the next I'm angry, " you admited. "I don't know why but small things like Mom not being here makes me want to smash everything in my room, "
"Welcome to being a teenager, " Sam responded. He was trying to lighten the tension but you didn't think he would get it since he was a guy, no way did he feel like this as a teenager.

"You just don't understand, I don't know what's going on with me, " you told him.
"I was thirteen once too and I felt very out of place, " Sam explained. "I wanted to leave the hunting life and be normal, but of course my dad didn't like that, " you hadn't thought about that. Maybe if the two of you worked together on this, there would be less fighting, screams and tears.
"I'm sorry Dad, " you told him. "I just really want this to be over, and I don't want you to be sad anymore, "
"I'll do my best to get better, I don't want you to sneak away again, " Sam answered.

You laughed breaking the tension and asked him if your uncle really had gotten put under a love spell. He said that it wasn't as funny to experience since Dean had tackled him to the floor.
"If Uncle Dean ever gets a girlfriend I'll walk on my hands, " you commented.
"Don't tell him that, he consdirs his car to be his girlfriend, " he responded. You laughed again and hugged him.
"Let's never fight again, I don't like conflict," you declared.

"Everyone fights with their parents sweetheart, " Sam told you. While he didn't like it either it would have be bad if you two didn't fight.
"Well I don't like that, " you responded.
"Alright honey but enough of that, we need to figure out how to get Jack and Grandma back, " he answered.
"We should call Castiel he might now, " you said. "And maybe he can help us find out where Adam went, "

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