Chapter twenty six

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Sarah couldn't believe the words she was hearing, it was the worst thing she had ever heard in her life. Why in the world would Sam's brother take you? You were just a kid, you hadn't done anything wrong.
"Where is he?!" Sarah finally asked. She was going to give this guy hell for taking you. Sam didn't answer mostly because he was blaming himself for all this if hadn't let you go outside. You never would have gotten taken.

"He gave us this address, " Dean explained. "Believe us we have our own questions and demands about all this, " he continued. "And believe me I want to rip the guy limp from limp for daring to take her, " he kept going. "But we need to find out why he did it, " Dean wasn't sure how else to explain it. He had no idea why Adam would take you, how did he even know about you? He also wasn't lying about wanting to tear his half-brother apart. You were his niece so why shouldn't he want to, but he couldn't blow up now.

He had to keep it together for everyone else,  Sam may be hiding his pain and other emotions with silence. But he knew that his brother was barely holding it together, you were the only person that had managed to pull him out of his sadness. After everything that happened with their mom and everything before that, they had both had lost so much. Including their hope that they could ever be happy, but that changed when you appeared. Suddenly Sam had someone to live for since you were the one waiting for him to come home. Now without you being there, Dean knew his little brother felt helpless again.

Sarah also wasn't holding it together either, but Dean couldn't blame her. She was your mother and from what Sam told him, she hadn't been able to completely interact with you since she had been a ghost. Not to mention that Rani being inside her made her miss almost five years of your life.
"Take me with you, " Sarah said immediately. Sam was about to protest but he ate his own words since he realized that Sarah was feeling the exact way he was feeling. You were her daughter as well, so there was no talking her out of it.

"It's going to be dangerous but I know that I can't change your mind, " Sam answered. "No one would be able to change mine as well, " he continued. "I'm sorry I ran out on you all those years ago, but we have to save Y/n together, " Sarah was touched by his words. As much as she wanted to kiss him, she knew she couldn't since there was no time and she was legally still married to someone else.
"Well then let's go the hell on with it, " she said instead.

Dean cleared his throat to remind the two of them that he was still there.
"Yes well I'm all for nice talks and saving Y/n, we need a plan, " he said. They couldn't just waltz in Adam could kill you, have you get possessed, or maybe both.
"I have one, " Sam said. "Ever use a gun before?" He asked Sarah pulling out one of his handguns.  She shook her head no but took his gun anyway.

You waited nervously behind the forcefield as the minutes passed by. It had almost been an hour and you were worried about what Adam planned to do with you. How did he get out of the cage anyway? Your dad only got lucky since he got pulled out. Shaking your head you realized that you had to do something. Sitting here wouldn't do any good, so Adam sharpened his angel blade in the corner. You looked for a way to disable the forcefield, it seemed to be controlled by a small device. No way could you stick your hand out and grab it, the forcefield would burn you.

So you needed another way, seeing that the device was out of reach. You played with the bobby pins in your hair, and quietly took them out.
"You've been awfully quiet, " Adam commented.
"Maybe because my own uncle kidnapped me, how could you do this to your own family?!" You screamed at him. Behind your back, you looped all of the bobby pins together to make a chain.
"My issue isn't with you Y/n, " Adam responded. "It's with my brothers, "

"Is this about your mom because that wasn't their fault, " you answered. If he was angry at them for that then he really needed to let that go. Because Sam and Dean had no idea that a ghoul killed his mother until it was too late.
"This is bigger than that, " Adam explained. "But I don't expect a shut-in kid like you to understand, " you scoffed at him. Adam was obviously blinded by revenge but you didn't understand why, what had Sam and Dean done that was so terrible?

You heard shuffling coming from outside and realized that your family was here. Not only could you hear them, you could also sense them. Your father and uncle were here and wait a minute was that your mother? "Looks like we have guests, " Adam turned off the forcefield and pulled you close to him. You fought against him as placed the angel blade under your neck. Well, so much for him not having an issue with you. "Come on guys I know you're both hiding out there, " Adam said. "Don't make me and the little princess wait, "

The answer Adam received was the power in the warehouse being cut. You looked around for any traces of your father and uncle trying to figure out what their plan was.
"Take your hands off her, " a voice said. You recognized it as your mother but that wasn't possible, she was a ghost. The most she could do was make the room cold and maybe push Adam across the room. But he had the power of the archangel Michael on his side, so you were sure that he wouldn't get affected.

But sure enough, your mother stepped out of the darkness holding a gun and she was alive.
"Mom?" That was all you could say. Adam told you to shut up since he hadn't gotten the response he wanted. You wrestled against him again each time making it harder for Adam to hold onto you.
"You are supposed to be dead, " Adam said to Sarah.
"Yeah well I'm not anymore, " Sarah responded.

You had questions but before you could even say anything, you saw through the darkness that your dad and uncle were sneaking inside. Now you realized what the plan was, your mom was the distraction so that they could surprise attack, Adam. Sam put a finger to his lips when he locked eyes with you. You nodded at them and remained silent as the conversation continued.
"You do know that a gun won't hurt me right?" Adam asked. "Now tell me where my brothers are, or I'll take the girl swimming," you paled at those words.

Water had always scared you since you couldn't swim, maybe something else from your childhood caused it. But you couldn't remember, everything from before Rani was blank.
"I can't swim, " you whined putting on your best performance. If this was going to work you had to make Adam believe you were a helpless little girl.
"What's the matter Y/n do you need Daddy to come to make everything better?" Adam mocked.

"Ugh you have the brain and emotional range of a slug Adam!" You screamed punching him. Surprised by the attack he was forced to realize you, and as he tried to recover you punched him again. It actually hurt your head but at least it made Adam let go of you. You did a summersault by accident while trying to avoid Adam's grip and landed in your father's arms.
"Y/n do you have any idea how worried I've been?" He asked. "Don't you ever run away from me again, "

You didn't answer and just clung to him, you would take his lectures or punishments over being kidnapped any day. Sam was relieved that you were alright but he was also incredibly livid that you had run away, he hugged you tightly. 
"So you finally decided to show up, where's Dean?" Adam asked now recovered. He didn't see his oldest brother and figured that he hadn't come.
"Enough of your taunting," Sam said pushing you behind him. "You messed with my kid and now there's going to be hell to pay!" He declared.

Adam asked what he was going to do and that's when Sarah shot him. It was a normal bullet so it wasn't fatal but it gave Sam enough time to push his younger brother into the wall. You gasped at the sight and your mother came over to you.
"Mom?" You asked for the second time. Sarah told you not to look and just stay calm.
"All part of the plan but close your eyes baby,"

Sam trapped Adam in a headlock and knocked him over. Adam's eyes flashed blue and fought back, he forced Sam to let go of him and made a gash appear on his face. The sight of the blood made you cry out, but there wasn't time to dwell on injuries.
"So now what you just kill us?" Sam asked as he tried to recover from Adam's attack.
"If I wanted you dead you would be, " Adam answered. "Not that it wouldn't be justice, you and Dean betrayed me, "

You didn't know what Adam was talking about, he was the one who choose to run off to Zachariah.
"And for what first for a bunch of strangers?" Adam asked. "Then for a silly little girl?"
"She is family and we are loyal to each other, " Sam responded.
"You weren't loyal to me, " Adam pointed out.

You gasped and you could feel your father's emotions change drastically. "I was one of you maybe you don't remember but I do, " he continued. Adam ranted about how he had been left in the cage for hundreds of years, and not once did they try and help him. "All those decades in the cage I survived only by my pure hatred for you and Dean, " he said. "So now I'm going to take away everything you've ever loved, "
"Hey!" Dean called out from behind them. Adam turned around to see his older brother by the wall, a bottle was in his hands. He threw at Adam along with a watch leaving a ring of fire surrounding him. "Do us a favor and shut up, "

"You're both making a grave mistake, " Adam warned.
"Yeah I don't think so, " Dean responded. "You okay kid?" He asked you.
"Yeah, " you answered. Physically you were okay but you didn't know about mentally.
"You plan all this out?" Adam asked both his brothers.
"It was a team effort, " Sarah spoke up. "So who are you taking orders from?" Adam laughed at her question.
"Quit your laughing and start talking!" Sam screamed at him.

He was one hundred percent done with Adam and his stupid vengeance plan.
"Oh that's funny you both think someone ordered me to do this, no I take orders from no one, " Adam responded. "How many sleepless nights have you both had trying to figure out who's giving the angels order?" He mocked. No one answered him so he kept talking. "Very well but let me give you a little hint, good soldiers follow orders, " Adam snapped his fingers and caused the area around him to be pouring with rain. It put out the fire and he stepped out of the trap.

"Being good doesn't mean you have to follow orders, " you spoke up. Adam looked at you almost like he was trying to figure out what he could do with you.
"Don't look at my daughter or even pretend to look at her, " Sam threatened. You weren't used to seeing this side of your dad, he had always been protective but you had only seen him threaten his enemies.
"Don't do this Sam, don't become my enemy," Adam warned.
"Far as we're concerned you already made that choice, " Dean responded. Adam gave them both hated glances and snapped his fingers making him disappear. You knew he wouldn't be gone forever but the question what did he have planned?

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