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Here part two for ya!'smiles '


One year later

It's been one year since that day we change seats"f/n!!!!"u turn around seeing failin and shizuku coming down"hi shuzsuku failin"U said as she took a deep breath and 

"Chelloneedtototellusomething!"U blink and use your  nen real quick to calm her self down so her breathing will be even"neat when u learn that"failin ask"hm couple weeks ago didn't prefer something else mine nen don't do much u know"u told him he shrug"I think it's fine"u rose a brow at him"says the one who has multi nen and gen "U stated as she look at you"than.k u"she said now regaining her breath"now speak clearly cause I did not get one word of what u just said"

U told her calmlybrushing mine c/h out of your right eye"U said chello need to talk to u it's something important "U sigh and nodded as we walk saying hi to hosika and illui

As you and the others pass them pass them but you guys stay to the shadows this time there were girls out and You didn't need them to yell and glare at you try to fall over for failin and boys wink and shizuku

"Knock knock its piano "U said"come in "U slum as U open letting the two come in"hi chel I heard u wanted to speak with me?"U said as cunfused moving mine h/c out of your left eye 

U beginning to let it go around them since it felt so right since they already know and they o oh wonder if it itchy at some point or not

"Yes I think u may like this"he said as he lift a capsule up"what is that?"u went to the level he set it at and try to look inside"it's an eye "U look at him shock"see u helping the troupe so much this past years and I thought since your birthday b/d(brithday date ) is this Friday we can give u an early present" u started to tear up"I i have no clue what to say"u stutter looking at the eye capsule and then at them 

Failin rub your head"everyone may be around the world studing right now but where still here and not leave u "failin said u wipe your eye that had tears that came out"don't worry! Look f/n beeing with another eye may be weird now but it will show that u are happy and we happy that u are!"she stated I sweatdrop how she more...lively

Since she started to date some dude who was number 11#(note in the manga or in the show didn't tell who number 11 was so I have no clue who it is)in the group

"Thank u!"u said giving them a hug and even chello smile!!

"Your welcome now don't u have class u three?"u blink looking seeing it almost time for u to be in home room"I already told the teach that I'm talking to mr.chello"shuzuku said U look at her then look at failin"nope kinda forgot"U sweatdrop"fine I'll use mine gen"you only work on one ability of your gen and u can make someone and u go reallly fast but it will be like one a min pass if u sit down if u run and stop then it be like a sec"Kay"he said shrugging as he held mine wrist 

"Yosh lets go!"u said but right before u move chello pushes h/c over your left side "your getting your eye transplant on Saturday failin or I will get u"he told u as you smile and nodded

U took one set and suddenly your at the door of the home room"comeon"u remember what happen in there and U look at him horror how he trick u as he drag you in because of what u did yesterday "how dare u trick me! I was wondering why u held mine wrist now mine shoulder!"this wasn't the first time u had to use your gen but u don't use it because u are trying to fix the rest to normal on your nen since u have only two U can unlock five and u did but u can work on two on two since u finshed one that master so u working on two the calming one and the one to control like hisoka with f/c kind but it's more like glue and rubber then gum and rubber

"Nah u don't now face it like a girl I knew"u remember that u knew failin before your eye was out and what u did yesterday u acted like that all the time without getting caught if u are careful

"Miss.l/n mr.failin nice of u to join us"we turn our head to see remney smiling as failin lean down and gave her a kiss on the cheek"hi sweety"she said smiling at us

"Hey remney"u wave she nod to your way she the only girl other the biskey who don't care That you hang around the fact is she didn't even heard of the troupes till she started dating failin couple months ago

"So how u doing with kurapika-chan?"she ask you as failin sat down she use her nen since she started to get the hang of it and made a chair for u as u thank her and sat down"hm I think I'm going tell him yah I'm going tell him!"u said nodded" well hope he don't over hear he also here early to witch by the way why are u hear early?"rem the new nickname for her u came up with said 

"He trick me useing mine gen so that I can face what I did yesterday "u mutter as she crack a smile"oh yah when I bluntly told the teach that he was soooo wrong on what he saying then ask me if I could attach the vocal to u after makin a copy of the teach like him after changing the vocals on u and u said it in his voice makin him go red and resin "she said chuckling

"Not mine fault he told us that kurapika-Kun will be on trial because he miss one day...."u mutter angrily"and don't forget she made me sent killer intent to a fangirl"failin intersect U look at him in horror"how u figure out it was me??"u said shock 

He look at u and bluntly said"who wouldn't do that to one of mine fangirls for kurapika and me?"

U turn and twirl your hair "so I been wondering"she said whisper In your mine ear u turn red

"N-no!ne-never!!"I answer immediately failin look at us t hen sigh "I'm going talk to kurapika-san"I rose a brow same with rem Since he use suffics


As the girls began to look at me strangely I went by kura"hey kura"I wave he wave back as I sat next to him"what's going on?"I ask he shrug"nothin much oh gon and killua got together "I nodded"I thought that since they spent so much together that they were together how long or they just got together?"I ask"for a couple years now I think since 7 grade man where in our last year and we only found out from when we walk in on them" I shiver trying to get rid of the possible sanaros he walk in

"So I have a question for u its about f/n and since u hang out with her"he started

"U figure u can ask me since I know her like the back of mine hand?and no remney and I are dating and no we never dated if your wondering"he sigh in relief I rose a brow at that"okay then does she like anyone?"I smirk 'oh this is good' I thought since not a lot of people from middle school came here only a few did like them us and f/n

"Oh she does he came from our middle school"I said trying not to laugh when he try to figure out"hm cant be gon or killua can't be from your group hmmmmm"he slice of I surprise he figure that out much

"I'm surprise"I said "what?"he said looking at me"hm never mind"he look at me with narrow 

Eyes"what where u going to say"he said almost growling since f/n ask us to get along it's been Almost a year like one moth after becoming friends with him she ask us with her e/c puppy look and beg chello and us to become friends 

And of course chello thinks of f/n like a daughter since her father p/n is a a**hole 

"Nothing but! He do have blonde hair"I said smirking he thought about it"that don't help "he bluntly said I felt a hand on me I turn to see f/n looking at me like I just sign a death wish'she probly heard what where talking about'

I thought getting up I lean in and said"I didn't tell him u like him but i did give hints your welcome" and walk off 


Ohhhhhhh I officially do not like his sneaky side!!!"hey f/n"kurapika said I wave hi sitting down"your still shy not compare to yesterday "he told me I got fluster"um well he um "I stutter a bit"because he made u look bad"I mutter lowly hoping he didn't hear

But luck wasn't on mine side right now

"Wait u did that because he was saying I had to make it up?"kurapika said shock"well um yah?"I said unsure and worry what he might say

He smile big"well I'm glade that someone can take a stand but u cant do that all the time I don't want u to get into trouble ok f/n?"I nodded as he smile we began talking about our favorite books and stuff we like to do

"Then gon littlery jump up in the air saying he going beat his dad at a game of pong!"kura said I giggle like no tomorrow "hm f/n" he suddenly said with a sly smirk I didn't know it then but boy I wish I move away

"What is it?"I ask tilting mine head as he told me to come closer with his finger I gulp'oh kami'I thought worryly as I scoot over and lean in"um ku-"u stop mid sentence when u felt a laugh burning in your throats U look down seeing he tickling u'noooo'

I thought as I clap mine hands over mine mouth trying not to laugh 

"Come on f/n I heard u laugh before and it was enchanting now come on"u look at him wide eye acdently letting your hands over your mouth drop as he go back more so then ever no time to react u bust out laughing and giggling

"K-kura!p-please s-stop!"u mange tos ah threw your laughter from the corner of your eye u saw the two leave but not before failin took his phone out and takin a pic 'traders!'i thought but we heard a click we froze"um did"

Kurapika said I sigh getting breath back into mine body again"lock the door yah"I said as he look at me"wait what's today?"I suddenly ask seeing its 8 and no one was here to stop him or us talkin"um"he check"Sunday....."

I look at him with a small frown "where u trick?"I ask wondering this wasn't the first time I knew it wouldn't be the last bu-'

"I don't think so I got a message from our new teacher mr. Leno that I needed to come in to do work "I cover mine mouth at the name 'oh kami why chello!'I thought knowing that his use name to trick someone and looks like he our new teach for class 

"Why u laughing?"he ask"u did get trick our new teacher mr.chello who is chello he use that to trick people im use to it but I still come to see what they plan but I'm wondering now why they get u here"I said but I can think of one reason why maybe two but mostly one

"Huh I wonder why then do u got any ideas?"he ask I thought even though I had two"well-"I use the second one"maybe there testing us to see how we're together like friends and all"

Huh friends feels weird on mine tounge when I say it to him I may love him but I know he never will go out with me 😔

"Maybe but it may be"he trail of having that adores look on his face I could control mine self with people but without I can.not!

"So cute!"I said rubbing his head smiling h look at me shock then chuckle "I'm guessing u been holding that back "I turn red "well um u alawys have this cute look on your face and"I try to say fluster he shrug"it's fine with me if u want u can pet mine head all u want"he told me mine smile got bigger as I continue to pet and play with it I stood up and play with his hair

"Your hair very soft kurapika"I tell him he hum reading a book 


After a little bit I yawn hiding it from kurapika'hm maybe a name would be nice'I thought looking seeing its 2  o'clock "hey f/n"he suddenly ask snapping out of mine thoughts"yah?"I answer seeing mine hand stuck in his golden locks I try to get them untangle without hurting him"is um is it okay if I lay on your lap?"I froze what I was doing at what kurapika just said'lay on mine ....lap?'I thought getting fluster after few seconds

"U-um s-sure"I said finally getting mine fingers free

'Okay not to worry not to worry'I thought gulping slightly as I lay mine back down by the walls (the corner side your right next to it so that u don't fall on the side in case u fell asleep)

"Thanks"he told me looking sideways are are his cheeks red? Nah(-.-)

"No problem "I answer looking away as he lay his head on mine lap I try not to blush in front of him not that I already did 

'This is to much'I thought as he close his eyes "um kurapika?"i said in a hush/ whisper tone seeing if he fell asleep 

He did "okay let's try not to talk out loud as I go over mine section of today plan"I said in a hush tone as I go over what I had after kurapika wakes up

"-then after going to the library to turn in all the books and get new ones go to the meeting at 7 so mine father don't get mad" I said listing of the second to last thing

"Then visit mine ma friends to find out where she went"I list remembering to move that for tomorrow as well"after that what else"I said trying to think "nope got nothin after 8 and before that got nothing till 6 since all that can be bum up to right when I leave then if I could I may use mine gen to do the library move that up for after 2 "

I  utter as I push it back since it takes a while for me to pick a book out well about 10-30 minutes since I go all the way to another town to read there books since I'm almost done I can almost remember and start mine personal library" maybe I can also move the meeting so that right when I get home I can go to it then move mine visit with Ma friends and probly start on the personal library I been pushing off so "u list makin papers and an a couple pencils also a shaver for them come to u and wrote down all mine f/b and kurapika since he told me and some of mine friends as well 

"Okay and done!"u said almost hell it u clap your mouth and look down seeing kurapika still asleep'hm what would I give mine crush a nickname?' I thought "hm Kura ....nah boys call him that his normal name kur?nah hmmmm"I said in a hush but questionable tone "how about pika?" I nodded"yes! Pika is just right he seems like he would lik-"I froze'wait '


'Wait a min'U thought looking down seeing kurapika looking at u you turn red"o-oh kurapi-"he cut u of"I said pika call me that u agree didn't u?"u got fluster"oh u heard me trying to give u a nickname p-pika ?"u said strutting a bit he blink yawning rubbing his eyes with was so cute!!!!!!!!

"u kinda woke me up with all the writing u did "he told u in a sleepy voice "I'm sorry"u mutter"I didn't mean to wake u"u added"its fine"he told me I smile"u have a good nap?"U ask he nodded

"Hm so I wonder is this 'crush'me u where saying?"u turn red 'I said it out loud!?!?!'u thought turning more red"well I'm glade"u look at him since u look another way "f/n would u be mine girlfriend and since you look like you have plans we can set a date for a date for us"u turn even more red"I-I'm free at 5!"u said strutting telling him since u can move everying before four no later no less  he smile at that and chucked a bit"okay pick u up here?"he ask u nodded"o-ok"u look down side ways  pika got up and tilt your head makin u look at him his eyes red u wonder why that 

There red right now "um pika your eyes are red"u told him"I know"he said 'what he means I know ??'u thought"eh-"u where cut of when he gently kiss u u turn even more red but kiss back

Pulling back he smile his eyes back to normal'Baka'U thought blushing "sweet like candy rocks" he told me I smile "I had some while u slept want one?"u ask he nodded u forgot the plans for the day and spent time with pika'wink' 

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