Modern!teen!kurapikaxreader(part 1)

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Thank u mine friend who started to watch hunterxhunter for this one!

So she told me this and she gave me a little bit only wanted it to be in school and pika-chan a teen so I made the same with like gon-kun one it's high school but kurapikaF alls in love with u and with the one thing your insaucre about

Your eye

See wait no let u explain it!(see what I did there? Heh)



U force a smile on your face when u said goodbye to your mum and dad

'They just don't understand 'u thought sighing looking up seeing it sunny but a bit cloudy today u smile a small one but lost it later

U are (f/n) (l/n) head of a group your fathers runs and second in line for the seat on your mother side a huge hunter type deal and wants u to join

Of course u desire to do both to please your family and became a hunter at the age of 10 passing due to what u been threw and the help of mum became a hunter 

U do diffrent stuff and even once became an examiner! But u got injure very badly and had to take break and start the father side of bizz for a while this injure well your arm almost came off and got a nasty scar from under your neck(like behind the hair but on your shoulder type of deal or if you know Naruto that spot where orochmaru bit sauske at)

To your hip right side think long and u hated it made u felt even more incurse about your body then one night helping some people u were run in with some gang members who hated your father and disagree on what he did and disied to 'ehem'teach the younging of p/n(pa name or papa name since I'm doing first name or f/n ) a lissen and cut your eye out after knocking u out

U hid your eye after that saying no fake eye to your father since he wanted one that spy on people

'School' I thought as I look at your high school, Ah yes whale high school where your dreams for hunter can come true!well for the ones who get good grades and don't stand out that is (oh and your 16 and pika-chan is 17)

"Hey f/n!!!"u turn around smiling a bit seeing biskey and failin coming over"hi"u said as biskey smile bit failin nod"guess what!"I tilt mien head as we walk in the school"Hisoka and Illumi are together!!"biskey said I stood black face then look at failin"it's ture"he told me I blink"not surprise "I answer she complain that I didn't have any emotion in that statement

U look at failin and talk with him going to your home room about what's going on since u lost your left eye u ask failin after a two year friendship if he could help u Rome the streets at night when u cant he agree saying it's good for the mucels to work out 


"Nothing as of late thought people are talkin about troupes again"failin said shrugging I look at him"u know your in them right?"I said"so are u"he told me back"actully I never was I only hung out with u and chello he good with inolage and I like hanging out with u"u told him he shrug 

"So anyone find out know?"he juester to his eye "not that I know of"u sigh worryly biskey the troupe members and the teachers other then your family know about your eye failin and biskey know about the scars on your back though

"F/n-chan have-"u cut Illumi off"yes I heard u to got together congrats"illumi found out about your scars when he try to fight u not the eye though'and boy was failin piss to hear he found out' u though remembering when u had to put failin in a hypnoses use by your nen to calm him down 

"Thank u n/n"hisoka said I nod "so how was the camp thingy?"he ask still can't say chain camp since kurapika chain him up when he insulted it

"Good "I answer "and I been wondering"biskey said u wonder what she up to with that girl of hers

"I see that u turn red when ever kurapika comes near u"u were gobsmack that she notice u flustered when kurapika around

After u started middle school of yorknew u fell in love the 8 year with kurapika but he was the most popular boys in the school and still is right now so  u never got up the courage to tell him or even speak with him u try once but since your shy a bit girls made a fool of u so u haven't spoken with him since

"Damnit"failin Rose a brow at u you don't normally curse only when u are really really angry at something or u been caught or slip up and got told it

"Oh? F/n has a crush on kurapika-san for a while didn't u know"I glare at failin as he look at me his face show nothing but calmness but his eyes she that he was laughing at me so so much 

'Damn so this is what he meant by getting me back' before u left for the camp u made his hair turn bright neon red when u came back he told u he will get u for it 

"So how long no no I shouldn't ask that....yet"U look at hisoka and illumi "go to class better yet aright u older them us?"U said to them"shouldn't u be I don't know somewhere else?"failin was the one who said it 

"Fine fine!"they rose there clap hands togher and left bitting us bye "see ya later u two"biskey said running to teach her class u and failin just look at each other"hey f/n"u hum as u open the door for him to go in as he did "may I see your eye the left one again?"u barely show it failin turn so occ u said yes he even made u promis unless it's with a huge crowd not to ask that or if he ask and u cant do it u just say your f/f(favorite food) and be done with it

"Sure"u said quietly as the girls glare at u since u hung out with other then kurapika lerido gon and killua u hung out with failin chello and the other troupe members they hate u cause u wouldn't join or let the information on them to them

" there staring again"I told him as he pat mine  head I blink at him while he sit "I'll be fine" I look at him like he crasy"u cra cra"I told him micking a girl once told him in middle school when he said fruits are the apple to his pie

"Haha I cant beileve u remember that!"he said chuckling a bit"of course I do i had to explain what that meant to the girl!" U told him


As I watch the door open failin and f/n walked in 'I wonder why she hides her left side of her face?'I wonder ever since middle school in 8 the grade she hid her left side since one day after spring break and didn't show it again

"There staring again"I heard her whisper I turn mine sights on the fangirl she glaring at poor f/n for no reason 'why do they even do that??' I question as they sat down seeme like f/n said something and cause failin to chuckle "okay okay show me no one looking"failin suddenly said mine ears perk'show what?' I wonder again as I show I wasn't lookin but I was as f/n checked around"okay I'll show u mine left eye" her left eye? As she started to lift her hair from her side of her face our teacher came in stoping her as they face the front

'Man I wanted to know'I thought sadly as the teacher cough"okay students were going have seat changing!"he said I sigh in relief thank kami I don't have to sit next to a fangirl no more

"Okay failin and reminy"

He said I zone out while he spoke the other name  "f/n and kurapika "mine head shot up to that not letting them see I turn mine head to f/n she look at me with her adorable look I wave she wave back as she look in front but not listening to the teacher I wonder what she saying to him?


Oh no oh no I cant"f/n your going to stress over it look I'm littlerly a seat below u"failin said calmly like there isn't a problem with it "um no your two seats below me I'm sitting next to mine crush and it's in the back or the room!"I hiss at him

He shrug"hey maybe u can talk to him more and croutes up to tell him"I got fluster 'Baka'I thought as falin smirk 😏 like he knew I call him that 

"Btw who this remey remney girl?"he look at me"I dunno"I stare blankly "how do u not know your the class rep"I told him"nen rep and I told u I resin from the normal rep to the nen rep where I sense who nen is here or not and when u don't feels your I know why"I puff mine cheeks"hey not mien fault that I can disband mine nen so no one can sense it and still use it"he rose a brow at me 

"U went to fight me"he stated

"The problem?"I said

"U beat me in your condition "

"So I just doing what I did now"

"With a paint brush

"Yep and still can't beileve u didn't see it "

"It was the size of a human! I didn't know it was a paint brush not u!"

 "And this is why I said u should of took effect the class of never undermatted your enemies in battle"

"There no class for that!"

"Yes there is its call being clever and witty and know when to back down"

"U said I was a emo freak"

"U where alawys shearing your hair lay back and with the black coat"

"It was winter"

"Yap u wore it all year round"

"U compare me to our school emneies" 

"U did look like him"

"I'm not a uchia"

he growl I giggle a bit as he smile hearing me laugh"I see your laughing again"he told me softly I shrug seeing the students get up we got up"say what u like fal but u still have the hair of a duck"he scowl at me but sigh in defeat I turn and gulp he smirk an d lean in"I how u don't die"I swat his face away trying to hit him but of course since he loss to me he learn to be more....


Kurapika(so Many changes!!! Ita-book me-yah yah I know)

As I listen to the annousment failin and f/n got into a argument about when they fought? He loss to a paint brush? Didn't he doge it??wow

We stand up and I went to mine new spot right away wanted to get away from the girls and open mine book Romeo and Juliet 

"Um hi"I look up from mine book to see f/n sitting down"hello"I said smiling at her she smile back a small one but her smile made me feel happy inside seeing her happy

"So um how did u like camp?"she ask me camp?what camp did I- Oh chain camp!" I found it very interesting to say the least"I said to her question she nodded "what about u since most people wouldn't know it "I ask "oh I went because it look like fun and it was! I learn how to make chains and what powers they can come with and how that there one the the specialist nen users can creat chains but also have to have like a vow or a bond to them selfs" she said rambling on and on how excited the camp was her eye lit up

Like a kid on Christmas Day

"-and wow I can't wait to go back next time"she said she suddenly got fluster"I-im sorry!"she told me"I didn't realize I might of bored u with mine rambling I'm sorry kurapika-san"she told me"no no it's fine I like how u told me about what u learn and how your eye lit up I'm injoy Kent" she turn red as I told her this

"O-oh"she twitter her thumbs"u read Romeo and Juliet as well?"I saw she was pointing to mine book I had in mine hand"yes I find it fascinating and a bit indifferent at the end how they both die in the end"I told her she nodded 

"I find the story kind indiffrent but if u look in the way of Romeo then if u read it again in Juliet way it makes sense and why they both die together in the end since his father killed her parents and rest of her family she escape she because someone else then falls in love with The son of man she swore venous on and the only way they stay together if they ran away or die together they try running away they fail they try over throwing and fail but in the end they die together  and live on peacefully" she told me I nodded understanding it in her sense of way

"But don't take mine option u can read the way I think it would be or u can see the shakeohere They made for the book"she started out like she was trying to correct her self then mutter at the end looking down "ah I'll do that hey want to come with me sine I have no clue where there playing?"her eyes lit up as she look at me"I know the perfect place and it's almost the same one from back them only with lights and cameras !"she said I beginning to think this would be because a beautiful friendship

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