Chap. 2

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{edited 6/11}

That night, Olivia and Sophie stayed up late last night with me, so we ended up having a sleepover. Our dorm mom, Florence, didn't mind, since she was never actually in the dorm like she was supposed to.

I woke up the next morning, finding Sophie gone, probably back to her dorm to change into her riding outfit, and I found Olivia flopped on her belly on the ground, drool slipping out of her mouth. I laughed silently and checked the clock. It read 6:58. I took off the comforter and hobbled into the bathroom with a crisp white Ralph Lauren polo and another pair of tan Kerrits breeches with belt loops, a black belt with snaffle bits along the sides, my tie dye Zocks, and, of course, my Sergio Grasso Boots.

I turned on the light switch, closing the door softly not disturbing Olivia, and took off my clothes. I reached for the handle in the shower and turned on the water for a medium warm temperature. I hopped in and took a long, soothing shower to calm my nerves. I knew it was a big day and I didn't want my imagination getting the best of me.

An hour later, realizing that it was getting early and Olivia would wake up soon, I came out of the shower. I grabbed a teal bath towel, drying myself off and a medium teal towel and dried my hair. After 15 minutes, I came out in my riding clothes and put my hair up. I was debating wether or not to put in a braid, ponytail, or bun for breakfast. I decided on a medium high bun and out my wavy brunette hair up. By then, Olivia was awake and walked into the open door of the bathroom.

"Good morning..." She said to me like a monster.

"Yea to me. Not so much to you though..." I held up a mirror and she gasped with horror.

"I need to get changed! I look hideous!" she said and with that, ran out the door and into her room.

I brushed my teeth and applied minimal makeup, but just enough that wouldn't make me look like a complete zombie. Olivia came back in all dressed up. She had a coal black polo, black belt, white breeches, and Ariat tall boots.

"You cleaned up quickly," I told her. She strikes a pose and we laughed, causing one of our neighbors to come storming out of her room.

"It's," she checked her phone, "8:25 and your up soooo early!" she whined, "I don't have to ride until 10:00!"

"Well sorry to bother you Ms. Cranky Pants," Olivia joked.

"Well, either be quiet or go outside," she pointed towards the door.

Olivia started walking towards the door and we headed towards the cafeteria. I checked my phone when we got there and the time was 8:36.

"Ok we have two hours to eat and get to the barn. We should eat for about an hour and wait for Sophia. Then, we should head to the barn twenty minutes early, in case we get lost," I stated the agenda for the morning.

Olivia nodded with me and we picked up breakfast and headed towards the same seat we sat in last night. I looked at my plate and saw a bagel with cream cheese, two pieces of bacon and a glass of apple juice. I was finished half of my bagel when Sophie walked in with cereal and orange juice.

"Hey guys! I'm riding at ten with you guys!" she cheered.

"Yay!" Olivia gasped.

"Okay, okay. Let's eat. Don't want to be late for our first lesson," I said.

An hour and a half later, we were all walking towards the barn. The stables were glamorous. The cobblestone fountain and rearing horse fountain was magnificent. We walked in with two other girls and found a crowd next to a sign labeled Stables Office.

We headed towards them and stood in a semi circle around a tall, muscular man with a red polo short. He started talking as soon as we got there.

"Ok everyone! I'm Anthony Monroe, your riding instructor. You will be the first group of every day. Please arrive here on time. Now for rules," he looked around at everyone and laid his eyes on me for more than a second. I shifted

uncomfortably and he continued.

"The rules are simple. Groom, feed, water, and care for your horse. Assist the farrier, vet, and dentist whenever they show. Muck out your assigned stalls everyday between 12 and 4. There will be a list over by the bulletin board with your assigned stalls. There will be at least 3 stalls for you to do. Please show up on time for any scheduled meetings with me or you groups. Only ride your assigned horse and care for them like it's your life unless otherwise notified. That is all. Now, the time you've been waiting. Horse assignments."

My stomach did a flip and Sophie grabbed my arm and violently shook it, making my body shake up and down. I grabbed her wrist and looked into her eyes. She let go and a smile crept onto her face.

"You are to come up here when I call your name and take the horses information packet and look in it where you will find his or her stall number, paddock, and tack locker. The way the lockers work would be the combination is the horses birthday, therefore only you and I should know it. Ok?" He said. We all nodded and he continued.

"First, Rebecca Thompson, Lazy Daze." she walked up to grab the black folder labeled "Lazy Daze" and wondered off.

"Olivia Browns, I Can See The Light." Olivia happily skipped and started jogging off to find her horse. I giggled softly and Anthony continued.

"Derek Williams, Tomorrow's Happiness."

"Sophia Martinez, A Bumpy Trail." Sophie walked casually towards Anthony but I could tell she was excited.

"Sebastian Anderson, Thanks For Noticing,"

"Roxanne Matthews, Full of Optimism." I tried to act cool but I knew it took all of my strength to even let out a sigh.

Unfortunately, I didn't hear the rest of the creative show names. I opened up the folder and looked for the stall number. I searched for his still number but had no luck. I did find out that he won several Grand Prix shows, competed at Maclay Finals and Regionals and was a chamiopn there, was an overall champion at most of the Rated shows too, qualified and tried out for the Olympics but didn't make it, and has competed at top level shows and is also called Tigger. Wow, I wonder why they would give such a good horse.

I'm not even that good..

Eventually, I found his stall in the fifth page. 5B. I turned around the corner and saw up top 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B...I held my breath and walked slowly towards stall 5B. I poked my head in the stall opening and saw a beautiful dark bay Dutch Warmblood Cross eating his hay in the corner. I softly tapped the stall and he perked his ears up and lifted his head and looked at me with confused eyes.

"Hi boy," I walked over and looked at his nameplate. It read Full of Optimism on the first line and the second line read Tigger. I let that process through my head. Tigger. I like that.

Sophie walked by and tapped my shoulder, causing me to jump.

"Hey! Better get your tack or else all the grooming stalls will be taken!" she informed me. I gasped and hurried after Sophie.

I looked down at the information on Tigger and saw his birthday. February 19, 2000.

He's fourteen.

I walked towards the locker labeled Tigger and twisted the lock to two-one-nine-zero-zero. It opened effortlessly and I stopped myself from gasping. Tigger had a beautiful Tad Coffin Jumping Saddle and soft, supple leather bridles and girths. I slid off the saddle cover and plopped the saddle on my right arm as my left arm grabbed the saddle pad, a white fluffy half pad, padded leather girth, bridle, and martingale; along with his grooming brushes and his Veredus Nero Carben Gel Open-Front Jumping Boots. I smiled at the gorgeous tack and hurried toward the grooming stalls, which thankfully was across from Tigger's stall. After I had that down, I went back to the locker and grabbed his padded leather halter and lead.

Tigger nickered softly when I arrived at his stall. I hooked the halter and lead to his beautiful profile and lead him towards the grooming stalls. His walk seemed like he was walking on air. I tied the crossties to his halter and started grooming his shiny coat. He wasn't very fussy while tacking up, and I was thankful. After twenty minutes, I slipped on my helmet and led Tigger outside with the crowd.

I walked towards the two medium-large sized arenas. They had a field of grass in between them with a judges booth in the middle. I waited in line for the mounting block. I led Tigger towards it and halted him. My left leg was placed in the stirrup and I swung my right over his croup, careful not to hit him. I gave him a squeeze and we headed towards one of the arenas, which had no jumps.

"Ok! Everyone! Start with some transitions from walk to trot and back and forth. Get used to your horse. I expect good performances from some of you," he looked right at me. I turned my head and focused on Tigger's big trotting stride.

I sat up an down to the rythym of his bouncy, but smooth, trot. His ears were still flicking back and forward, giving me his full attention. He bounced up and down. I sat down in the saddle and pulled on the reins slightly and realeased, Tigger slowed to a walk. I kept my leg on slightly, making sure not to make him slow down even more. I gave him a little tap on his stomach with my heel and he picked up the trot easily. We kept doing transitions until Anthony thought we were ready for the next step.

"Now I want all of you to pick up your canter. Try to sit in half seat or two-point. Keep your hands up and your heels down. Don't let your leg swing around in the breeze," Anthony told us all.

I was in the middle of the long-side, so I just decided to canter then. I stood slightly in the saddle, raised my right leg back just a bit behind the girth and kicked softly but forcefully. Tigger gladly accepted the aid and worked his way into the canter. I rocked back and forth with his neck in half seat and he was happily gliding along the arena. His canter was very smooth and I loved the feeling of the wind breezing past my face. I stretched my heels down and squeezed with my calf. I lifted my hands up from his neck, just below my ribcage and he lifted his head up.

"Derek keep your hands up! You're letting Annie get on her forehand!" Anthony shouted across the arena.

We cantered around a few laps, switched direction, did some leg yielding, and we all halted in the middle.

"Bring your horses back to a working walk and let them stretch their neck. Head over to the other arena where there is a small two-three vertical to begin and next to it will be a two-three, two-six spread oxer. After you are warmed up I will make a course so be prepared. I expect you to stay in half seat and go into two-point over the jump like a normal rider. Don't be dramatic and if you need to, shorten and lengthen your horses' stride so they don't jump big or chip in."

I nodded, along with some other riders, and watched Anthony set up a vertical next to the rail. We all formed a line on the other side of the arena and Rebecca went first with Lazy Daze.

She picked up her canter smoothly and her horse did a small buck. She cantered toward the jump and popped over it beautifully. Next was Olivia. She asked for a canter while sitting and her horse did just that. She started rushing to the small jump but couldn't control her horse. I looked away and heard a pole fall down. I looked towards her and I could see her head hanging but her hand patting his neck softly.

Derek followed her and his horse refused it. I knew exactly why. He was getting nervous, picked up his heels, let his reins drop and lost his communication with Annie. He tried again but knocked over the pole.

"Derek, good job for trying again but you need some improvement." Anthony complimented.

Sophie was after. She picked up her canter and pointed Rocky towards the jump. He pricked his ears and they flew over it. Anthony clapped and complimented her form.

In front of me was Sebastian Anderson. He was good looking for sure.

He's pretty cute, I think.

I shake off the feeling just as Sebastian picks up his canter on Thanks For Noticing. They looked like one as they cantered through the short side and towards the jump. They flew over it and I could tell he was smiling slightly.

Why were guy riders always so cute and talented?!

I was next. I trotted up to the corner and asked for the canter. Tigger was happy and started speeding. I slowed him down and he agreed to do so. I turned him around the corner with my outside leg while still having him pick up his feet. He looked at the jump and pricked his ears forward. The bright yellow and white poles were distracting him and he felt like he could jump it like a Grand Prix jump. I slowed him down just in time for the jump. I fold into two-point as Tigger tucked his knees neatly over the jump. His front hooves landed in the soft sand, heaving a thud. I let out a breath and sat back in the saddle.His back hooves landed right after, also causing a thud. I smiled at our performance and hoped that no one could notice.

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the picture to the right is a picture of Full Of Optimism, Roxy's assigned gelding.

dedicated to: @poniesrmylife for giving me the show name!

also there is supposed to be 10 people in the lesson but I'm having a brain fart on names for riders and horses so anything will help me! Gracias! (love speaking in spanish!)


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