Chap. 3

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{edited 6/11}

I trotted back in line and Sophie, in front of me, smiled at me while I was patting Tigger's shining coat. He gave a small nicker and I softly laughed.

"Very well everyone! Now, you are to go through the line. This should be no problem since I know all of you have jumped higher than three-feet," Anthony stated.

I nodded and saw Rebecca ask her chestnut to canter. They popped over the line smoothly with a little chip of the rail and Rebecca looked back. Bad mistake.

"Good job, but try to remember not to look back. Especially while you're doing a course. It messes up the horses' direction and your focus. Good job overall. Next,"

Sophie trotted her chestnut gelding towards the first jump. He started to slow down, sensing Sophie was nervous, but she encouraged him a bit. They flew over it and headed towards the next jump, which wasn't a problem. At the last jump, they refused and went again. He chipped a little but went over it hesitantly.

"Nice but remember to give him a little effort, Rocky likes to be lazy and slow," Anthony told her and Sophie looked down in embarrassment.

I shook the feeling off and asked Tigger to canter from the walk. He happily gave me his flowing canter and we gracefully headed towards the jump. Tigger sped up a bit and pricked his ears up when we got closer. I sat in the saddle and wiggled the reins back and forth. He slowed a little, but not much. Luckily, I folded into two-point on time and he tucked his dark knees over the jump neatly. I smiled and patted his neck as we trotted into line. We waited ten more minutes before Anthony had us go outside for some cross-country work.

"Now, we are going to work on stamina and endurance," he told us, "We will do some galloping to the end of the paddocks and back up-hill. Try to keep the horses' speed the same and try to complete the task in under five minites," he pointed towards the end of the paddocks, which was about five miles.

"Who wants to go first?" he asked us all.

I looked around and saw no one was stepping forward. We all craned our neck to see everyone and I saw Sophie and Olivia with worried looks as I gave them desperate eyes. I pleaded with them and they shook their head.

"Well, someone's gotta go first," Anthony waited, getting impatient.

I gave a little nudge to move Tigger forward and he was twitching his ears knowing what was going to happen.

"I'll go," I said confidently. Everyone stared at me and Anthony gestured his arms towards the paddocks.

I sighed and looked at him. He opened up the timer.

"Ready?" I nodded, "Go!" he blew a whistle and I took off.

I gave a Tigger a kick as he sprung to life. I slowed him down a little, but not much. He pricked his ears forward and his legs were flying out. I was breathing with the rythym of his thundering hooves. My arms were being pulled with his neck as his dark mane flowed in the wind. I closed my eyes and smiled. Tigger was as happy as he could be and I opened my eyes as we were galloping down towards the lake. My hair was flying in wind, as I did not put it in a hairnet. He was happy and his legs were still stretching out in front of him. We were getting near the end, about 3 miles and I kept pushing him not to slow, even though it seemed he wouldn't.

"C'mon Tig, we got this," I encouraged him and he stretched out his neck.

I craned my neck around to see the group of riders and horses standing by where I started. I searched for Sophie and Olivia. Instead, I found a boy with dark brown eyes, my eyesight competing with my focus, staring at me with a thumbs up. I didn't recognize him but I just smiled, even though he couldn't see me. I turned back around and saw a big log, about three-six and I gasped in fear and excitement. Tigger started to get anxious and I just kept him going. He started to raise his head and I sat in my seat. We got closer and he stated to get even more excited. We got nearer. My breath stopped and I stared wide-eyes at the huge log.

Three strides. Two strides. One stride.

Fly. Tigger leaped up and I squished myself into two-point raising my butt as high it could go. We soared like a literal comet and I was smiling with joy. It was at the end of the field as I slowed down Tigger. He unhappily took the hit and slowed a little. I made a small circle on that side and started heading uphill it was basically the same feeling and the same log to jump. We were going pretty fast coming back, as it was uphill. We got closer to the group and I asked him to trot when we were 100 meters away from Anthony.

"Amazing job, Roxanne," Anthony congratulated me. I pat Tiggers' neck as we watched others do the same we did.

Two hours later, we were heading back to barn, as some horses were struggling with the log. As I was untacking, a shaggy brown-haired boy was standing next to me, leaning against a nearby post, which was only two or three meters away from where I stood. His chocolate brown eyes stared at me and I could feel my cheecks get hot. I smiled and finally turned around.

"Can I help you, mister?" I asked him.

"No. I was just admiring you," he told me and I knew I blushed.

"Why? There's nothing good goin' on here," I replied, trying to act cool.

"Are you sure about that?" he asked as I was struggling to balance all of Tigger's tack on my two arms. He reached over to help me and he took the saddle off.

"Thanks, but I didn't need your help," I said coldly.

"Well, I was trying to be a nice person," he teased. I walked back to where Tigger was standing patiently as his back hoof cocked and fed him some treats.

"I don't think you realize how good of a rider you actually are, Roxanne,"

"How do you know my name?"

"A lot of people know you," he responded.

"How? Why? Why am I so popular?" I asked curiously, questions loading my mind as I led a confused Tigger to his stall.

"The ride. Today's endurance ride. You were amazing. You don't know that?" He asked confused.

"No. I don't pay much attention to my rides. My trainer says that it's nicer to compliment others than paying too much attention to you," I explained.

"Well sometimes you may need a break and try and focus on you for a change," he told me.

"Ok, I will. But not now. And what is you name stalker?" I asked him jokingly. He laughed at my terrible joke but answered anyway.

"I'm Sebastian Anderson," he said "But you can call me Ash or my actual name. But of course, my mom only says that when I'm in trouble so yeah," I nodded and smiled.

"Well, maybe a change for you, you should call me Roxy. It seems more me than Roxanne,"

He smiled and started to walk away towards the exit. I latched Tigger's door, left hi with a kiss and some fresh hay and ran to catch up with Ash.

"Hey!" he stopped and I saw the corners of his mouth curl up. He turned around and put his hand on his hip.

"Yea?" He asked impatient. Like he has somewhere to go.

"I have some questions for you,"

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hey everyone! hope you're enjoying this! sorry this chapter is so bad! I had to write it before going to a practice HSPT today sooooo yea. I didn't want to leave ya guys hanging! I promise the next chapter will be very exciting and full of surprises!

and the picture on the right is Sebastian Anderson! He's from the Maze Runner (which I did not get to see :( so don't spoil it!!!!!) anywayyyyy enjoy!


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