Chap. 24

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I atand like a statue, so stunned to move. My forefinger and thumb held the thin, delicate red strand. It may seem like an impossible thing to happen, only in a detective/mystery novel, but it really happened. I lifted my arm to raise my hand to my eyes, scanning the small item. I could barely see it with the snow, but I knew it was there.

I suddenly got up, kissed Tigger's nose and stomped over to where Rodney was tied up, a few meters away. The white of his eyes showed and his nostrils were flaring, hooves punding the snow and causing more snowballs to grow from the ground.

"Easy." I cooed, putting my hands up to soothe him. He lifted his head, and stared me down, still flaring his nostrils.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not like her." I promised him, although it sounded more for me than him. He deflared his nostrils and lowered his head, step by step calming himself down. "Good boy."

I walked closer to him, careful not to scare him. He cocked his hind hoof in the deep snow and sniffed the ground curiously, snorting every few seconds. I ran my soft, nimble, and cold fingers across his thick winter coat, inspecting the few scars left behind on his neck, stomach, and rump. I slid my hand over a big scar, with hair starting to grow back every so slightly around it. I untied him, put my hands on his back, and propped myself atop of his soft back.

"Let's go get some help." I squeezed with my legs and Rodney sprinted away in full gallop, or as fast as he possible could with the snow still 6 inches high, and growing.

The flurries blocked my eyesight as I saw large buildings speed by us. I was looking for my dorm. Counting the building towards the secret path, I slowed Rodney down to canter, and made a sharp turn towards the small open patch between a line of bare white trees.

"C'mon." I galloped down the path, swerving out of the way of trees and bushes, leaping over the occasional log and fallen down tree; It wasn't like he couldn't handle the jumps, and he has studs, so it was very unlikely for him to slip in the snow. Plus, it was pretty deep anyways.

My eyes searched for the familiar bench, and when I saw it, I knew it was the one. Minutes passed and I still haven't found it. I was in the same spot it was in, but it's not there! My eyes spotted four gaps in the snow a few yards from me, and I walked Rodney throught the snow.

"That she-devil!" I shouted softly. She stole the bench away from me! I shook my head and galloped across the open field, spotting my dorm nearing towards me and Rodney.

Once I got towards the dorm, I did an emergency dismount, flying into the snow. Rodney slid to a walk and pranced next to me, letting me tie him up to a near tree.

"Good boy. Now, stay." I commanded, pointing my finger. He bobbed his head, making me laugh.

I trudged towards the door, flinging it open with rage. Storming up the steps, I stop in front of Scarlett's door: 620. I narrow my eyes before knocking as politely as possible.

"Go away." I hear her voice shout.

"But I think I need some vet bills to be paid first." I sweetly respond.

I hear nothing, then shuffling, then the door slams open.

"Excuse me?" She raises her eyebrows along. With her voice.

"You heard me. I need you to give some moolah to pay for my horsah from your accidentah." I say in a baby voice.

"Um...I think you have the wrong-"

"No, Scarlett. You crossed the line here. Go through me, but don't go through my horse. He is innocent." I threaten.

"Look. I don't know what you're talking about, seriously. "

"You really don't?" I ask.


"Then how come I found one of your hairs next to my horse with a huge gash in its side?" I question.

"And! You left before me which gave you enough time to hurt him."


"Ok! I get it!" She hesitated. "You found evidence because...because I was trying to save him."

Ok I'm being really generous to you guys by updating really quick!! dont get used to it!!

So enjoy!

This is coming along really well! I really hope you like it!

-Winter, Equestrian Dreamer

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