Chap. 23

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"U-U...I-I...Roxanne-" My dad stuttered.

"What's going on?" I ask with a confident voice.

"I-..." He hesitated and looked down with that sad puppy dog face. "I can't tell you. Your mother-"

"Don't! Do not bring Mom in this conversation!" I shriek.

"Roxanne! Don't speak to me with that tone." Dad fights back.

"Really? We're in this situation and you decide to scold me about my tone? Whatever happened to 'What are you doing here? Why are you in the office? Why aren't you in your dorm?'" I sass.

What is happening? Where did all this attitude come from?

He stood frozen, with a questioning face. I turn to Scarlett, who is awkwardly standing still, fumbling with her fingers.

"I'm sorry, Scarlett. I didn't mean-"

"No! It's fine. I'll...I'll just wait ouside. Check on the horses, you know?" She innocently responds.

"Sure. Ok. Thanks." I respond with short statements.

She nods and I turn back to still face my frozen-faced dad.

"Seriously, why are you here? What are you looking for?" I command.

"I'm looking for some files." He simply states.

"Really?" I say sarcastically. "You were looking in the file cabinet." I state as if it's the most obvious thing.


"What files were you looking for?"

"The horses'" He hesitantly responds.

"The horses'?" I repeat.

"The horses'" He repeats.


"They're in danger." He replies, staring at his feet.

"Wait...why are they in danger?" I say with fear in my voice.

"Because Anthony isn't a true Olympian, nor equestrian." My dad speaks.


"If one of his horses lose a competition, he brings them back to the slaughter house. He was lying about everything he said to you, Roxanne." His voice trails off.

"You know what? I'm so indecicive right now. I don't know who to trust. So many people told me what is going on from their own point of views. So, I'm going to follow what my head, heart, and voice is saying. Now, if you will excuse me, I'm going to see my horse who is waiting in the freezing cold outside."

"Roxanne! I am your father." He drifts at that one word. "You should believe me."

"You hesitated before you said father." I state.


"Are you not my real father?" I ask.

"I didn't say that-" He extends his arm towards me, but I smack it away.

"You've been lying to me!" I shriek, unable to understand.

"Now, I wouldn't say-" He calmly stated, walking towards me.

I shook my head. "No. Stay away from me." A tear is itching itself into my vision, blurring it as I slam the door open, letting it close behind me.

My hands turn to fists as the anger erupts inside me. How could he?! I rush out the front door with a cold gust of wind and flurries blow into my face. I lift my arm up to block the snow, and the sight I see is unbearable.

Tigger lying on his side.

And blood.

My heart speeds up, my stomach churning inside me and my head racing with bad thoughts. Tigger lies there motionless and the worst thought erupted. Is he dead?

I shook my head rid of the thought and rushed towards him, soon jogging and then soon sprinting through the snow.

"Tigger?" I softly question, putting my hand to his wound.

A loud whinny erupts and I breathe a sigh of relief. Thank goodness.

"Oh, Tigger." I squatted, rubbing his cheekbone. "What happened?" 

I sat there for a few more minutes, investigating what happened. And then, as cheesy and unrealistic it may be, I saw a single red hair.

 Ermergerd! This chapter sure did escalate quickly! I enjoyed writing it a lot; lots of drama and such not. Anywho! I rewrote the summary since it wasn't exactly corresponding with the plot so it sound better now!

And thanks for 3.2K!



-Winter, Equestrian Dreamer

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