Chap. 28

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I rubbed my eyes, which were flashing with colors and lights as I just woke up. I tilted my head, which was now facing my nightstand and I watched my phone flash lights and an annoying ringtone. Ugh. I reached over and tapped it, accepting the incoming call.

"Hello?" I grumbled.

"Hello, Ms. Mattews. It's Ms. Harris, the dean. I'm here to inform you that Hunters Grove Riding Academy, sadly, will be closing. After much discussion and talking with the rest of the faculty and staff, we have decided that it would be best to just close the school. Unfortunatly, you will be leaving your assigned horse behind, and after much partnership, it will be tough."

I paused after hearing the words.

"W-What?" I mumbled, lost for words. "What will happen?"

Ms. Harris sighed. "Your cousin, Alicia, will be here to pick you up at 1 o'clock on Saturday. So, say your goodbyes and start packing. It was a pleasure to have you as part of the Academy for the short time I've known you."

I didn't say anything, hoping she still wasn't on the phone. After hearing the quiet beep, I knew it was gone. It was all gone and everything has fallen apart. I don't even know Alicia; I've only met her a few times, enough to know I didn't really enjoy her company.

"Roxy?" A faint, deep voice asks from the other side of the doorway. Sebastian.

I jump out of bed, still in pajamas, and swing the door open. I'm face to face with those beautifu eyes I loved.

"Ash." I whimper, jumping into his arms and just holding him there, he holding me back in his large arms.

"It's alright. I don't know what's going to happen but you're safe." He calmly says, embracing me in his arms and holding me there.

I shake my head in his chest and just sob, for no reason. "I won't see you ever again. We live in opposite sides of the country, Ash. It's highly impossible."

"You must be clueless. Because 'impossible' is 'I'm possible. And I'm going to make it possible." He says, pulling away from our hug. "And I know you hated me just a few days ago, and before you apologize, I want to forgive you."

I smile weakly. "Thanks. I guess. But long distance..."

"Are we...?"

"I don't know. But usually they don't work." I shake the feeling off.

"Then we'll be the first." He rubs his finger along my cheek, smiling sweetly.

I nod and walk away, out the door and down the steps, leaving Ash standing there.

A few days later, my room was full of boxes that was only just introduced here a few months ago, and too soon to leave. I sighed, putting my laptop into my bag and walk out the door.

"Roxanne!" I turn towards thhe voice and see a tall, blonde haired women, maybe around 20 or so, walk towards me with her stilettos clicking across the pavement.

"Hey, Alicia." I answer blandly, not showing any excitement whatsoever.

"You ready?" She asks, turning on her heel so we're walking side by side.

"I guess."

We follow the group of workers carrying my boxes towards Alicia's car, a sleek silver Acura parked next to the curb. I check my phone: 1:10.

I help load the heavy boxes, although I'm not much of a help. I bring out the last box: a box full of my memories here T Hunters Grove that I printed out.

I flip through them, most of them of me and Olivia and Sophie, Ash and me, and Tigger.


"Alicia I'll be right back." I drop the box and run towards the stables, my legs pumping with adrenaline.

I stride through the barn doors, loving the smell of horse and hay like every other equestrian, and walk to Tigger. His head pokes out and he nickers once he sees me clearly.

"Hi boy." I rub his muzzle, just next to the right corner of his mouth where it curls up, just the way he likes it.

"I'm leaving. And I probably won't see you for a long time, but just stay strong and don't forget me. Okay?"

He puts his face into my cupped hands and I lean forward. Planting a kiss on his forehead, I walk away.

I walk back to Alicia, in short strides and still hesitant about leaving with her, since she abandoned my family three years ago. But I guess no one else can take me, so I have no choice.

"Let's get rolling." She hops into the drivers' seat, me sliding next to her in the passenger and she starts the ignition, and the whole car shudders to life.

I stare at the window, not once forgetting about my big boy.


HGRA is finished and I thought it would be longer but I didn't really plan it this way but I hope you enjoyed my book!

Please let me know if you want a sequel because so far only one of you care for me to write another book about Roxy and I want support!!


I love every single one of you and I wouldn't be here! 5.7 freaking K reads?!?! There must be a mistake...


-Winter, Equestrian Dreamer

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