Chap. 27

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A month passed by, a month full of injuries and court. Scarlett and I convinced my dad to sue Anthony, and everything worked out right. He got fined for animal cruelty and was put in jail. We never visited him, although it would've been the nice thing to do. I never thought about it, but he was actually a great instructor.

The academy fell apart after everything that happened. We have no one to teach us, the academic trials were cancelled and we all basically just stay in our dorms or do nothing or ride. I, on the other hand, have different ideas.

The snow melted faster than I thoght and the temperature rises a good 15 degrees in the three weeks. March was coming and the sky was lighting up. But everything else was dropping. I felt like my future was falling apart and I didn't know what to do; I felt guilty for everything, though I know most of it wasn't my fault.

"I'm going to the barn to check on Tigger." I tell Olivia, who was Skyping her parents from Michigan.

"Alright. You want me to come?" She asks.

"If you want." I shrug.

She nods and quickly says goodbye to her parents and jump off my bed, landing right next to me.

We walk over in silence, a comfortable silence.

The soggy grass sunk under my feet, and we arrived at the big brown barn in front of us. We both had bad memories here, and neither one of us know why we are still even here, since there's no point to it.

"Hey, Tigg." I nudge his muzzle, his head hanging low.

He jostles awake and nickers at me, putting his face into my cupped hands. I walked towards my tack locker, grabbing a soft brush and hoof pick, since Tigger fully healed a few weeks ago.

I brushed his soft coat, now shedding his winter coat, getting brown hair all over my black shirt. I carefully pick out his hooves, avoiding any more damage to what happened to his legs.

I think about my memories, good and bad, while petting his velvet muzzle.

I don't think I can forget about this place whether I want to or not. I met my greatest friends, the best guy ever, and Tigger: my new partner. But, I won't get to keep him. I don't know where any of these horses will go after the school year. They certaintly can't stY here even if Anthony was gone. It's not safe and I wouldn't feel good if they were here.

I don't know.

I really don't.


now that that's out....we only have a few more chapters because I feel like I'm just dragging one. I gave you all a bunch of plot twists and excitement but I just needed to update this and it's a really crappy and short chapter so whatever. But it's been a few weeks and I felt bad about it so here you go and stop worrying!!

I just posted a new sorry called Heart Break and I would love it if you could check it out!!



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