Chap. 6

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{edited 6/11}

"Rox!" I heard through several knocks on my door. I flashed opened my eyes, staring at the crisp white ceiling. The fan above me shuttered around in circles, causing a slight breeze. I moaned and got up.

"Wha-" I managed to say before Olivia swung the door open, almost knocking me to the ground.

"We're going to be late for our lesson!" She shouted. My brain spun on and I gasped, eyes open.

I rummaged through my closet and found a deep purple polo, white breeches, my usual belt, and my Zocks. I ran to the bathroom, splashed my face with water and checked my phone. 9:26.


I slid my pajamas off and put my polo on along with my breeches, tucked my shirt in, slid the belt through the loops, put my socks on, and brushed my teeth. 9:34. I grabbed my phone and put my boots on, and walked out the door, Olivia standing by the door tapping her foot.

"Let's go!" I shouted and grabbed her arm.

We ended up running to the stables, getting some muffins on the way. Olivia had a light pink polo and tan breeches. Her outfit was clean and tidy, along with her ponytail that would probably get messed up, as well as mine, while riding.

Sweat was beading down my forehead as I was went to take Tigger out of his stall. I grabbed his braided shank and padded halter. I slipped it over his ears and buckled under his chin, clipped the lead on, and lead him to the grooming stalls. He tossed his head as I started currying his body. I grabbed the dandy brush and swiped over his body, in short strokes. I did the same with the body brush, but with long strokes. I got his face brush out and softly brushed his face. I gave him a kiss on his muzzle, which felt like velvet. I smiled and took out the hoof pick. I went to the tack room and grabbed his tack.

"Hey Rox!" Sophie said to me as she walked in.

"Hey," I replied.

"Can't wait for the lesson today!" she said to me.

"Yea me too. There was note on the bulletin board earlier saying that Anthony was going to tell us something after our lesson," I told Sophie.

"Yea I saw that. I wonder what it is," and with that, I walked out with Tigger's tack.

I turned around the corner and slammed into someone, throwing Tigger's tack around the spotless floor, flinging my arm out trying to protect my fall.

Unfortunately, that didn't work. I felt my palm hit the ground and a shock went up my arm. I lay there frozen in fear, hurt, and anger.

I saw a red headed girl, two brunette haired, and one shaggy haired boy rush over to me.

"Roxy!" I heard Olivia shout. I winced in pain and tried to get up. People were crowded around me and Anthony rushed over with several grooms.

"Roxanne. Can you move parts of your body for me?" he asked calmly.

I moved both of legs fine, my neck and head, my left arm okay, but definately not my right arm.

"I-it hurts," I tell Anthony. "I can't move it too much,"

"Okay. That's alright. We'll have some people take you to the infirmary where they will examine you," he agreed upon.

I nodded and Olivia, Sophie, Sebastian, and a groom went to help me up. I extended my left arm so that Sophie and Olivia could grab me. Ash stood to the side and grabbed my waist, helping me stand. The groom stood behind and walked with us to the infirmary. When we got there, Sebastian carried me bride-style to a couch and laid me down. I smiled and thanked him. He nodded and walked back to Sophie and Olivia. They rang a little bell and a nurse walked to the desk in scrubs. They explained to her what happened and that I couldn't move. She nodded and walked over to me and knelt down. She explained that she would take me to the back, wrap my wrist, and put a brace on it.

"Unfortunately, you won't be able to ride for a few weeks, since the sprain isn't too serious," she told me. I sighed and answered with a simple yes.

I got up and she led me to the back room. I looked at her name tag and it read 'Mandy'. She took out a bandage wrap. Mandy unraveled it and started wrapping my wrist around my palm, thumb, and extra on my wrist. She went beach to a closet and took out several braces.

"We're going to try some on and see which one feels the most comfortable while giving support," Mandy explained. I nodded and she out the first one on me. She adjusted it, but it didn't feel good.

"No. I don't like it," I said simply. She nodded, took it off, and put on the next one.

"," I said.

She nodded and she put on the final brace.

"This one has a little gel on it so it should mold on your wrist and make it more comfortable," I nodded and she out on the fancy brace. I smiled at it and she just said, "Okay then,".

"I'll have one of your friends fill out a form and you can tell them the answers. I'll send you back to the stables, but only to watch," I smiled and thanked her.

"Thanks, Mandy," I said and walked out the room. Olivia and Sophie were standing by the desk talking to another nurse while Sebastian was pacing in front of them. Sophie saw me and ran over to me, along with Olivia and Ash. They pulled me to a bear hug and I pulled away in pain.

"Whoops, sorry," Sophie said while blushing.

I smiled, "It's alright. I just can't ride for a few weeks."

Mandy walked out with a clipboard.

"Ok so you won't be able to ride for three weeks. Come to me every three days so I can do a mini-check up. If you feel any pain, headaches or anything unusual, come to me and I'll take a look at it. You may do your usual routine, including watching lessons, but just no riding. Clear?" She asked us.

"Crystal," We all replied in unison.

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We all walked back to the stable where several grooms were holding Sophie's, Olivia's, and Sebastian's horses. They rushed over to them and mounted up. I smiled and followed them to the arena where Anthony was standing in the middle.

"Everything ok?" he asked.

"Yup! Just a minor sprain," I clarified.

"How long?" He asked, definitely knowing that I won't be able to ride.

"Three weeks,"

"Okay, well you'll have loads to catch up on," Anthony informed. I nodded and sat down on the gate, making sure not to disturb the lesson.

"Everyone come to the middle and halt," Anthony commanded, "Now all of you probably saw the note that was posted earlier today?" He asked us all and we nodded along.

"The important information is about an upcoming show!" he announced. We all got excited and he continued.

"The show won't be for another two months, November 23, right before Thanksgiving. Luckily, you'll all have enough time to prepare, even you Roxanne," he looked at me and as I smiled.

"The lessons won't get tough until a few weeks from now on, so you still have time to relax. This is a hunter show so you will have to braid and do a small clip, but not major. Clipping will start in two weeks, when we will start heavy work. Okay?" some groaned and some high-fived.

"Yes!" the group replied with excitement.

He dismissed the riders back to the rail and they continued working. After 30 minutes, everyone dismounted and started unpacking. I followed them and stood inside Tigger's stall, watching everyone untack.

"Are you bummed about what happened?" Olivia asked me with curiosity.

"Sort of. I'm fine with the brace but I'm not fine without riding!" I said, causing Sophie to stifle a snort.

"It's not cool!" I defended myself.

"I know, I know. Not funny," She responded quickly.

"Ok ok. So what's up for lunch? I'm starving!" I said, changing subjects.

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hey so hope you like this chap!

keep reading!

the gif on the side is Roxy! Love Hailee Steinfeld!


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