Chap. 7

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{edited 6/11}

Two weeks later, I woke up the next morning with sunlight streaming through my window, causing rays of light floating and dust flying. I looked down at my healed wrist, which healed a few days ago, earlier than what was expected, and I sat in my bed for fifteen minutes before getting up. It was Saturday, so no classes. I hopped out of bed and walked to my closet. I reached for a light blue v-neck shirt, the advanced riding team sweatshirt, and black breeches with belt loops. Since we rode earliest, we were considered the advanced team, as Anthony put it. We would go to more shows, do more heavy work, and be tested on more advanced studies. The sweatshirt was a black sweatshirt with your name embroidered on the right side (when it's on you and you're looking down at it) in gold with silver trim around the letters, white about two inches thick on your sides, and a black hood. It was fancy and I loved it. I took my things in the bathroom and got changed, and walked out with my riding boots and iPhone in hand. I headed right out the door and towards the stables, trying my best not to wake anyone, even though everyone else was probably at the stables.

I walked at a brisk pace, but trying to enjoy the peacefulness here at HGRA. It was always busy, crowded, and the air always felt so stressful. It was getting towards the end of January, so that meant more snow, air, and show season only months away. I got excited and started breathing heavier. The cold air made my breaths like clouds of fog coming out of my mouth. I smiled and continued walking to the stables. I slid the stable doors open and turned on the aisle light which contained Tigger. Only a few stable hands were here doing morning barn chores that students couldn't do. I looked at my brace and sighed. Only a few more weeks and I could finally ride. I took Tigger from his stall and I was greeted with a nicker.

"What are you doing up so early boy?" I asked with a voice I only use to talk to horses.

He snorted and I clipped on his halter and lead, and lead him to the grooming stalls, which was only a few steps away from his stall. I clipped the crossties to his halter and went to fetch his grooming supplies from my locker. I walked around the corner and stopped in my tracks when I heard a snarling voice. I leaned against the wall to the tack room, careful not to make noise, and started to listen.

"-You did what?!" I heard a girl shout.

"I-I just told her. It didn't do anything Scarlett. I don't know why you're freaking o-out," A familiar voice said. Sebastian. What was he doing? What was he doing with Scarlett?

"I don't care if it didn't do anything Sebastian! If you told her then it's ruined! My plan is ruined!" She shouted at him. I leaned away and sighed.

Her plan? She had a plan? To do what? I mean, I know she wants to get me expelled but I didn't know that she had a plan!

Footsteps were heard coming towards me and before I could do anything Scarlett whipped her strawberry-blonde hair towards me.

"Were you eavesdropping on me?" She snarled, emphasizing me.

"N-no. I jus-" I stuttered but didn't get to finish.

"Y-you just w-what?" She mimicked. I smirked and shook my head. I started walking towards the tack room and brushed past her, purposely shoving her shoulder as we passed.

"Excuse me?" She said, turning to face me again.

"Hmm?" I replied.

"You almost knocked me over!" She shouted at me.

"Huh? Scarlett I just brushed past you and accidentally hit your shoulder," I said, "Don't be so overdramatic, geez." I walked into the room and saw Ash leaning against the wall, smirking.

"What are you laughing at?" I shot back at him.

"Nothing..." He answered with suspicion.

"Ok then... Well I'm going to get ready for our lesson,"

He suddenly got up and went to his locker to grab his XC tack for our lesson today.

He smiled back and nodded. I smiled and grabbed my XC tack which included: a Stubben Zaria Optimum saddle with matching leathers, a red Roma Circle Quilt saddle pad, and a Showmark Deluxe Jumper Bridle with a Dr. Bristol bit, since Tigger gets strong in XC.

I strut back to Tigger with all of his tack, including my protective vest, helmet, gloves, and a crop.

"Hey boy!" I say in a cute voice. He tossed his head causing the cross ties to jingle. I laughed and placed his tack on the racks and hooks. I brought out his grooming things and started brushing.

"Hey Rox," I turned around and saw Sophie standing next to her horse grooming.

"Hey Sophie," I replied with a smile.

"I'm nervous for our lesson today!" She blurted out at me.

I gave her a reassuring smile and said, "Don't. Even if you're not good at it we all have room to improve,"

That made her smile, "Thanks Rox. You always know what to say," She said. Sophie came and gave me a big hug. I hugged her back and said, "You better get going now. Our lesson starts soon,"

We both went back to tacking up and the rest of it was peaceful.

"All right everyone! Start mounting up! Head out to the cross country field afterwards. That's where our whole lesson will be held!" Anthony said.

We all nodded and I mounted first. I put my left foot in the stirrup and swung my right leg over, careful not to hit Tigger, and landed softly in the saddle. I got more comfortable in the saddle and squeezed Tigger into a walk and steered him towards the XC field.

"Hey Rox!" I heard Sophie shout.

i turned around and gave her a smile, "Hey!"

"Rocky's being good today so I hope the lesson goes well," She trotted up on her chestnut Selle Francais gelding.

"That's good. Tigger was good too," I replied.

"Well Tigger's always good so I think you'll do fine," She said.

After 5 minutes of walking, we arrived at the XC field.

"Wow," Sophie and I said simultaneously. We started laughing until we saw Anthony leaning against a jump.

We waited for everyone to show up when Anthony started talking, "Ok everyone. Welcome to the newly redone cross country course! Everyone shorten up your stirrups one or two holes for jumping. When you are ready start out on a large circle around these jumps," He waved his hands around a group of jumps, "And start doing walk, trot, canter transitions and we'll do jumps."

I shortened up my stirrups one hole and decided I will do another one before I start to jump. I squeezed Tigger into a working walk and after a few steps I nudged him into a good trot. I could tell he was excited. Both ears were pricked forward and he was really picking up his feet. I sat in the saddle for three beats and half halted him. He sent one ear back and slowed down a bit. I gave him a small pat before I picked my hands up off his neck. After some trotting, I brought my outside leg back and gave a light tap. He excitedly picked up a canter and I quickly half halted. He slowed down a bit and I remained in two-point. My hands went with the movement of his neck. I squeezed with my lower calf and after five or six strides, I pulled back to a walk. I did that a few more times before Anthony started talking again.

"Alright! Enough warming up! Everyone start with the single log over there," He pointed to what seemed like a 3'3" log. I smiled at the thought and he continued, "And then canter over towards the Trakehner and work your way to brush fence," He explained the course.

I followed his hands and soon found the Trakehner jump. It looked about 2'9" and the brush fence, only four or five strides away, 3'0". I smiled at the sight of the course. I looked over towards the other riders. Some were giving big smiles, like me, some were fiddling with the reins, and some were giving a slight smile.

"Ok the jumping order is: Derek, Olivia, Rebecca, Sebastian, Scarlett, Roxanne, Anna, Lilly, Zachary, and Sophia. Derek, you may start when you're ready."

Derek gave a small nod and urged Annie into a canter. They had a forward canter, but not fast enough to jump the log. Annie gave slight hesitation but went over it. They immeadiatly headed for the Trakehner. Derek looked nervous but urged on. Annie paused and leaped over it. Derek guided his mount towards the last jump, a brush jump. He looked nervous but managed to get over it with a little more encouragment.

"Ok. Good job. Little more enthusiam next time though. Olivia. You can go now," Olivia cantered Beacon towards the log and they flew over it. It was the same with the next two jumps. I had my mouth open in amazement. She trotted back into line and I told her, "I didn't know you liked cross country!"

"Yea..." She said with embarrasment.

"Rebecca you may go now,"

Rebecca's round was similar to Derek's except Auggie refused at the brush jump. I felt bad for her but I wanted to become known for riding, not feeling bad for someone who's not me.

"Sebastian. You're up," I watched Ash canter Lucy smoothly towards the log. They went to the other two jumps like the first. I was shocked at how the worked together. They obviously had a strong bond already.

"Great ride. Scarlett, you're next." Scarlett strutted her grey Andalusian gelding towards the first jump and went over it perfectly. She headed towards the next one and flew like an eagle. She steered for the next one and gave her gelding more encouragment, even though he didn't need it.

"Perfect Scarlett. Ok, Roxanne, you're up," I nodded and felt a pang of jealousy for Scarlett.

No Rox, I thought, It's time to ride. Not the time to think otherwise, I scolded myself. I shook my head out of my thoughts and nudged Tigger into a smooth canter.

Once we got 10 strides away from the log, I gave Tigger a tap with my leg to urge him forward more. He happily picked up a fast canter and I counted the strides in my head.

One, two, three, four. I rose into two point and ran my hands up Tigger's silky mane. He tucked his front legs under neatly and I fell down into a sitting position, making sure my heels were still in good position. I looked to the next jump as we landed and steered Tigger towards the Trakehner. He perked his ears up and I did a half halt as he sped up.

One, two, three, four, five. I folded into two point again, keeping my heels down, and ran my hands up his neck as he tucked his legs cleanly over the jump. I sat up quickly and pointed him towards the center of the brush fence.

One, two, three. I quickly folded into two point and ran my hands up his neck and he tucked his knees again. I smiled like a doof and sat back as we started to land. I cantered slowly towards the group and gave Tigger a big pat.

"Good boy Tigg!" I praised him. I rested his neck down and was panting a little.

Anna, Lilly, and Zachary were mixed together. They all had a refusal. I guess they didn't rock at XC. I shrugged the thoguht off and paid attention to Sophie.

"Sophie. You ready?" Anthony asked. She gave a slight nod.

"You'll do fine Soph," I reassured her. She flashed me a faint smile. "Don't worry about anything else. Just focus on you, Rocky, and the course. Nothing else," She relaxed a little but I could tell Rocky was uneasy under her. She softly nudged Rocky to canter and they headed to the first jump. She had hesitation and rockily landed on the other side.

"C'mon Soph!" I cheered her on.

They headed to the next jump and they carefully went to the next one. I didn't want to look anymore, their ride was disastrous. I winced and opened my eyes to see Rocky sliding to a stop, sending Sophie flying to the other side of the jump, causing a thump on the ground which I could hear from all the way over here.

I cried, "Sophie!"

✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒ ✑✒

Hey guys! So sorta cliffhanger here??? Idk. But the pic to the side is the XC course, which I love!

So enjoy! Next chapter to be posted very soon!!

Dedication to @OfLionsAndLizzie for always being there! Gracias!


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