Darkest Hour: chapter one

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It was official Shela got her hooked on the show supernatural, more so they any other show.
"I hate you right now because I'm watching it at 11pm jerk!" She screamed playfully one day after making her tenth supernatural video on YouTube.
"You're welcome bitch now get back to meditating." Shela responded which earned her a huff in response.
Their parents once told them that no one has the same college experience but if there was an award for strangest college experience. Shela and Kristina were sure they would be at the top, as while the two had the education part of college. Like classes, grades, teachers they didn't like and the social part of making friends. The two had experiences that could only be described as Supernatural.

In other words the two were empaths, able to feel others feelings, put up mental barriers to avoid having their thoughts being read, and had a powerful connection with the supernatural. Each empath was like the seasons no two were alike, but all came from the same power source. Shela was more developed in her abilities as she discovered them during her Freshman year. Jonathan who at the time was her fiance, was always depressed and she felt every part of it. While talking with the school's counselor, she brought up the fact that Shela might be feeling his emotions. Shela took this words to hurt and did some research but couldn't find anything logical about it. While she was a firm believer in ghosts, she had to be sure to consider everything else first.

Her research came to a close as her school work was more important, however that changed when she befriended Kristina. While Kristina hadn't had any encounters with anything supernatural, she found herself often feeling others emotions and getting tired from it. Even as a young kid she was able to tell if others were lying, found comfort in nature, and had a strange connection with animals. At first it was just reading all about them to gain information, then she kept all that knowledge and kept gaining more, next she found that animals began approaching her when they didn't know her. Shela was shocked and remembered all about her similar expression with the paranormal.

It wasn't a phase as some people called it, it was a discovery that binded them together. The two girls realized they were empaths and had to learn how to use their abilities against supernatural enemies.
"I don't know about this girl," Kristina said as she sat on her bed and prepared to meditate. "I can barley sit still in class without thinking."
"That's because you're over thinking it, I've been doing it for awhile," Shela responded. "Now just remember what Darren said, imagine the warm feeling of a glove." she explained. Kristina let out a nervous breath and placed her Bluetooth headphones in, she had doubts about this so called shield.

It sounded like something she wouldn't be able to pull off, but given that Shela had managed to and the possible evil entity around. She had to at least try, she wasn't going to run and hide from all the evil out there. Shela placed the play button on Kristina's phone, playing the music she always meditated with, and pulled out her own phone to time how long Kristina could hold her shield up. Their friend Sarah was acting strange and they were always tired when she came to their room. It was like each visit was sucking the energy from them like a sponge.
"Did I do it?" She asked after a few minutes.
"Yeah I felt it and you have a lot spiritual energy, I think you can learn this." Shela responded.


Sarah was eagerly waiting for everything to fall into place so that her Lord could return to earth. She read through the spell to summon a demon a few times, and looked over at the two girls she had captured. They were tied up as she had orders to bring them in, to recruit them.
"So Elizabeth, Shauna how are you two feeling?" She asked placing her book down. Elizabeth fought against her restrains violently and tried to get her hands on Sarah. "There's no need for that, I only summoned you to talk, refuse and I'll send you back to Hell." The witch removed the gags on her captive's mouth, and the blonde haired demon screamed at her. Sarah had been prepared for her large wings and horns, so she cast a spell to keep them from being used.

"How dare a spell casting mortal like you try to give me demands!" she yelled. "I am a succubus and I will not bow to you!" Sarah had to hand to Eliza she was resilient, which is exactly what her Lord wanted. He had sensed that Kristina and Shela were beginning to strengthen their abilities, so he wanted them out of the way. This was why Sarah had been ordered to be friend them and he wanted to pass the same order to these two. Eliza was a psychotic succubus and had managed to seduce and kill hundreds of people. Shauna might not be a demon or a witch but she was an empath, a conduit and overall just a person full of wrath.
"Oh but I'm not acting alone," Sarah responded. "My master has asked me to recruit you two to accomplish our goal."

"What goal?" Shauna asked. Sarah smiled as she thought about all the things her master would do once he was freed from the cage.
"To free Lucifer from Hell of course," she responded. "Ever since he's been trapped down there he's been whispering to me about how we can bring him back." Shauna and Eliza blinked before the two of them laughed at Sarah's claim. Sarah was shocked and couldn't understand why they didn't believe a word she said.
"You a mere mortal? My king would never ask a weak human like you to assist him, you're just way over your head kid." Eliza responded.
"I don't even know how I got here but you sound crazy." Shauna added on. Sarah's eyes furrowed and her magic lit her hands up with a brief flame but a loud booming voice, interrupting all three of them.

It was only one word, simply just enough yet it caused all three girls to turn and look at the man with glowing yellow eyes.
"Azazel?" Eliza asked in surprise. "I thought you were dead, Dean Winchester killed you." The yellow eyed demon growled at the mere mention of that.
"And you think that hate like mine could be destroyed?" He asked. "My hate is what kept me awake in the empty and this lovely lady was kind enough to give me enough power to come back to life." Eliza realized that Sarah had sold her soul to Azazel but it had been over ten years, so he didn't plan on taking her down to Hell, at least not yet.
"What do you want?" Shauna asked. Azazel wolf whistled at her and placed his hand on her face.
"Revenge on the ones who killed me, and I know exactly how to do it, but first you must do something for me."

Shauna looked at the so called demon holding her captive and wondered what would be in it for her.
"What would I have to do?" Shauna asked.
Azazel laughed while Sarah looked through a book of spells. Shauna didn't understand what was so funny and looked at Eliza for help, but the succbuss didn't say anything. "And whats in it for me." Shauna grumbled.
The yellow eyed demon laughed again and used his powers to cause the air in Shauna's lungs to tighten. The red head struggled for air until Azazel released her grip. Shauna coughed harshly and looked up at the demon with terror.

"How about I spare your life," he said. Shauna huffed and retorted that she didn't care about her own life. Sensing this Azazel read her mind and saw the hate she had for her family. "Ah I see how about I make them go away."
"You can do that?" Shauna asked.
"I'm a prince of Hell I can do anything," Azazel responded with a smirk. "All I ask for is your complete and utter loyalty to our king."
Shauna agreed instantly as she didn't care about anyone else except for her well being. Eliza asked questions but Azazel told her to obey since he was in charge until Lucifer was freed.
"Very well, I assume you have a plan." Eliza said.
"Oh yes the blood of innocents." Azazel responded his eyes glowing in the dark room.

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