Darkest Hour: Chapter two

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Kristina closed her eyes in concentration while working on her shield. The wind from the fan flew her hair lessening the sound of Shela's keyboard. The two had been working an another one of their stories since they were now roommates. Kristina let out a sigh after she couldn't handle sitting still anymore.
"Okay how long was that?" Kristina asked.
Shela checked her watch to see how long it had been since Kristina had started.
"Over seven minutes you've definitely improved." Shela responded. "How much of it did you feel?" She asked.

"At first in my legs then it slowly moved up," Kristina said. "I think I'm starting to get the hang of it, I'm going to try again."
"Easy girl you'll get tired, here let's take a break and work on something," Shela responded. "Don't forget that Shauna is coming over in a bit."
Kristina frowned at the mention as well she enjoyed the red head's company sometimes she was a lot to handle. She seemed lazy, messy, and a little gross by the state of her room.
"Oh whats on the agenda today?" Kristina asked.
"Well I don't know if you'll want to but..."

Shela trailed off. Kristina's eyebrows furrowed at her best friend confusion and wondered what she was trying to say. There was a strange look on her face, one that happened whenever strange things happened.
"Girl whats going on?" Kristina asked.
"Okay so Shauna wants to talk to her grandmother and I tried to talk her out of it, but she won't give in." Shela answered.
Kristina blinked in confusion before realizing what Shauna wanted to do.
"You mean she wants to do a seance," Kristina said. Shela tried to say it wasn't all that but it didn't cease Kristina's worries, what would happen if they actually talked to a ghost. "Girl I don't think that will work, you know how I feel about ghosts."

"I thought you said you believed in ghosts?" Shela asked.
"I do but I think talking to them is possible outside of movies." Kristina responded.
Shela sighed and approached her best friend to tell her about her paranormal experience. Her brown eyes widened each time a new story was told and couldn't make her mouth move.
"Oh no the last time you had that look on your face, was when you told me about Evan." Shela said.
"That's because he's a part of my life I thought was behind me, but tell me more." Kristina responded.

Shela shook her head and told her best friend that she had to get ready for Shauna's arrival. Kristina frowned again but didn't protest against it and moments later the three girls were all sitting on the floor in the pjs with a cup and piece of paper. Shauna wrote down the phrases a ghost could respond to and placed the cup onto the paper.
"You guys remember the rules?" Shauna asked. "Never play alone."
"Why are we doing this at night again?" Kristina asked yawning a bit. "I have a lesson at 7am tomorrow."
"Don't worry you're an early riser besides I'll make sure it doesn't go on for too long." Shela responded.


Sarah watched everything from outside, cloaked by the darkness of the night. Shauna was playing her part brilliantly as she let the experience seem harmless while talking with her grandmother. Sarah smirked every time the cup moved or one of the girls cried. These are the girls he is worried about, they hardly seem like a threat. Sarah thought to herself but she knew better than to underestimate the duo, after all they had figured her out in only a number of months. While her magic was still secret, Sarah hadn't been able to keep her dark tendencies or desires from the girls. This caused them to question their friendship until they cut ties with her, and maybe one day that would change.

Yet now Sarah was eagerly awaiting for Shauna's next move. Azazel's plan had been clever and thankfully the pesky Winchesters hadn't caught on yet. The game dragged on which caused all three girls to sob at talking with their deceased relatives. Now Kristina was tired so Shela told Shauna to walk back to her room.
"Typical she's being bossy, I bet thats why she didn't listen to me when I tried to tell her I was trying to be better." Sarah grumbled. The brown haired witch waited in the dark until Shauna's red hair came into view and the two discussed terms. "You know I almost bought that. " She said.

"They sought my comfort, it was sickening," Shauna responded. "I want to get rid of them right now."
Shauna's face twisted into a scowl and her eyes flashed with a sickly green. Ever since taking Azazel's deal Sarah had been tutoring her in the arts of dark magic. Shauna was a natural and Sarah gave her pupil a special spell that Lucifer had trusted her with. One that would allow him to return in the caster's body required years of preparation.
"Patience please, remember what Azazel said we have to test the girls so we can destroy them at their highest point." Sarah told her.
Shauna nodded in understanding and changed the small cup and paper until a Ouija board.

"I think its time for Ferrum to have a new shade of darkness." Shauna said. She placed a hand on the board causing it to glow and shake. After that moment the due met up every time Shauna spent time with Kristina and Shela. This caused a ton of spirits and demons to be released into the campus, which strengthen Azazel's plans. Once the spirits became angry they would start attacking people, and he would be reunited with some old friends. What Azazel didn't expect was for the girls to encounter some demons or spirits before he was ready.


Much to their displeasure Shauna had gotten possessed again and the girls had to use multiple tasks to kick the demon out.
"If you don't get out of her right now, I'll send you back to hell." Kristina threatened.
The demon inside of Shauna laughed and taunted her saying she didn't have what it took. In response Kristina grabbed the demon by the neck causing it to scream in pain at her touch. Even slapping her didn't take the pain of her touch away. Shela watched the scene with a stern look on her face, and a new strength ran through her. She motioned for Kristina to let the demon go and rubbed on her crystal.
"Stupid girl your faith isn't going to save you!" The demon screamed.

"Neither are your taunts," Shela said. "Now I won't say it again, tell us how you got here."
The demon laughed even when Kristina used her locket against it, claiming that they couldn't stop it.
"You can't stop it, its starting and he's coming," she said. "And he will set us free, and there's nothing you humans can do."
"You mean the devil?" Shela asked in disbelief. Kristina shuddered at the mention of him but hid it with her desire to expel the demon. The demon shrugged and told them both she was only one of many messengers.
"And we should trust you why, all you demons do is lie." Kristina said.

"Well my name is Ruby after all, the last demon who came by was Meg so I guess you can't. " She declared.
The name caused both girls to become unhinged but successfully sent Ruby back to hell. Shauna burst into tears after that claiming that Ruby caused her to hurt them. Kristina consoled her while Shela wondered if there was something more going on then she originally thought. Those were the name of the demons from Supernatural but it can't be the same one, can it? She thought and a chill ran up her spine when she saw her best friend hug Shauna.
"She waw going to kill my mom!" Shauna cried. "And she wanted to give you two a message."

"What's the message?" Kristina asked.
Shauna cried making Shela wonder if the tears were real.
"Something about a plan with Meg I don't know I'm sorry." Shauna said.
One demon having one of those names  was a coincidence but not both. Unless those demons were all real which could mean that the characters might be real to. It was stupid and Shela even rebuffed herself for thinking such a thing, yet the idea wouldn't leave her. She stayed up late into the night looking for any information about demons, portals and anything else that might help her. All that came up were articles about sudden crop failure and incoming lighting storms.

"Strange," Shela whispered. "Its almost like demonic omens."
She continued to type on her computer until she heard the annoyed yawn of her best friend who was trying to sleep.
"Shela we have to go to sleep sometime." Kristina groaned sleeply.
"Sorry girl I was just thinking, something big is coming and I wanna be prepared."
Kristina yawned again but said they could deal with it in the morning, unaware of what the following days would bring or the pair of yellow eyes watching them.

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