Chapter 3

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Son of Elemental Mafia


Juju went into her son's bedroom with the pancakes she brought along.

The whole room was quite dark, but clearly she and Darky had decorated from the plain dark blue room into something a little fun.

His bed was also a queen sized bed, but with galaxy themed color. Stars and planets were painted on the ceiling that would always calm Darky down to sleep for every single night, a dark oak bookshelf with a night lamp on top of it was placed next to the left side of his bed. A window with purple curtains on one side of the room, a telescope, and a tall closet filled with his clothes and costumes.

Everything was galaxy themed.

Darky's room also had a little study desk for himself. And a few books from school.

Did you readers think he wasn't registered to school or even he was homeschooled, did you?

Well, Darky is a 10-year-old kid. He is a student from 2nd grade of Rintis Island Primary School. He did very much well in class and often have good grades.

But he preferred to be in third or second place if he succeed. Overall, he was a humble type of kid. He had a few friends in school and they were all decent to both him and Juju.

He loved to make friends.

Speaking of which, let's go back to Juju's purpose of entering Darky's room. The curtains were half closed and the window was locked.

She looked at the bed with a small figure in the blanket before closing the door.

He was staring at her with those innocent emerald eyes. A small boy, for about 5-6 years old, he looked terrified when looking at her.

She wore a dark blue hoodie and a scarf that time, so he couldn't really see her face much.

Whose child is not afraid when they got tied up and gagged?

All tied up and gagged. All he could do was whimper in complete fear. Dried tears were visible on his face. Juju could tell that he had cried last night. She had learned that the boy's name was Thorn, the next generation of Elemental Mafia.

She had kept him for three weeks. He wasn't being held as a hostage or something, but she just simply saved him from a group of gangsters.

What about Thorn's family?

Oh boy, they went frantic as hell. But don't worry, she decided to send Thorn back to his family today. She already gave them the same origami of a flower but with lemon yellow and the symbol of Earth with a word she rarely used;


There was also a picture of Thorn who got a few small bruises on his face, arms and legs.

The gangsters... well, they're already dead by Thorn's father, whose name is Solar if she caught it right when he had a conversation with the person on his phone. He seemed calm that night, but she knew that he was fuming in utter anger.

On the same day, one of the Elemental family, which was a man in black and red suit or Thunderstorm, found the flower on one of the city's skyscraper's rooftop when he scouted the whole area in search for his nephew.

She grabbed Darky's chair from his study desk, and placed it next to Thorn's right side of the bed. She had to feed him every now and then.

And by the way, Darky knew Thorn was inside his room as well as his mother's job as a Huntress.

"Good morning, little Thorn. It's time for breakfast. I'm going to take this cloth off your mouth, okay?"

Thorn only whimpered quietly, and looked down as to not want to look at her blue eyes. They were bloody red before. Maybe it happens when she was on the hunt?

Is she going to hurt him this time?

Will she going to torture him like other baddies?

Thorn felt her soft hands gently taking off the dirty cloth. A silver tray that held a plate of blueberry pancakes and a glass of milk was placed in front of him.

Thank goodness he did not scream.

"There you go. Now, time to feed you up with yummy blueberry pancakes." She cooed to make him feel a little better when she fed him. Well hey, it worked though.

"Here, have some milk first."

Juju held out the glass full of milk for him to drink, and slowly inched closer towards his mouth since he's all tied up.


Meanwhile, with the Elemental Mafia's situation.

Several black cars racing on the city's streets, following the silver car which was at the front. Leading the black ones to several directions.

"Where did you saw that damn flower in the last time, Thunder?"

"It's on one of these motherfucking skyscrapers, you four eyed bastard. Geez man, calm your wits."

"I'm not calming my fucking wits until I have my son back." Solar hissed. "Right after you fucking showed me that picture of him, I will find that mastermind behind that matter and torture them. Including the one who took the fucking picture of him!"

"Solar, we will get your son back if you remain calm. You know we can't really show how attached we are to Thorn. Especially if he's your son." Quake told him. "Unless they demand it for a ridiculous ransom."

Solar forced out a sigh. "It's been three weeks, Quake. Three. Fucking. Weeks. If Thorn dies in the person's hands, I'll go and kill this person and then I'll go with him."

Seriously, he would and he will do that if Thorn really dies. Solar wasn't just filled with paranoia, but his fear for his son's life and his sanity. He won't live for another day without Thorn.

Solar was desperate to be a good husband and a father in the past. But he could only achieve one; a good father.

Due to how his family live as mafias, he had a conflict to his father. His father, Amato, disagreed of Solar's dreams of having someone to settle down with after he retired from the mafia society.

It made him mad.

Just a thought of his father already makes him sick.


It is time.

Time to return Thorn back to his family, where he belongs to.

"Enjoy while it lasts, little Thorn. Soon, you'll come back to live with me for good." She muttered, giving him a dead serious glare. Even though Juju wouldn't mean that.

Thorn could only whimpered quietly while looking down, but didn't say anything. He hoped that it will not be happening. He cared for his father, and his family. Despite he was not really one of them.

Thorn was once a nameless boy who lived on the streets. He lived in one of the alleys in the city ever since he was two years old. Until... a man with white and gray cap, a visor on his face, came into his life... changing his horrible fate, into a slightly better one.

"Thorn, eat this first. It'll save us both a trouble. You don't want anything bad will happen to your family, right?" She showed him something small and circular.

It was a sleeping pill, in which he doesn't know what it was.

"N-no... I-I love my Daddy... and my whole family..." He stammered.


At a skyscraper's rooftop,

A familiar person had arrived at the top of it. Wearing a dark brown cloak and all black clothing with a feathered belt, and a scarf to cover up their face to avoid being seen by anyone. What only revealed was only their red fiery eyes and a pair of owl wings.

Except, their right wing was bandaged up due to them trying to save Thorn from the gangsters from the streets. Now, they can't fly.

This is Juju, in her Hunting Mode.

She stood at the very edge of the roof. In case if they decided to capture her. Juju, in her hunting mode and without her glasses, scanned around the area for any suspicious activities (despite it was a little blur) as she held a big dark green gym bag containing Thorn, motionless.

But don't worry, he was merely asleep due to the effect of the sleeping pill she gave him.

She carefully placed the bag to the floor slightly far away from the edge, and waited for them to arrive. And you've guessed it.

As far as she concerned, something told her that the father's family may come along with him, aside from the bodyguards.

Juju kept on waiting patiently, yet cautiously. Until...

she heard several rushing steps from lots of shoes.

"Are you... the one that kidnapped him?" Asked a voice. It sounded more demanding rather than asking. And Juju did not have much time to lose as she had made a promise to her Darky and her two best friends.

And she guessed it right about something else.

Solar's family came along.

Juju's gloved hand pointed at the bag, and just like that, she jumped off the skyscraper and teleported off using one of her secret magic spells.

Solar was surprised that as soon as the cloaked stranger pointed at the gym bag, they jumped off.

He immediately rushed past the bag and towards the edge to look. Is this stranger have to die after returning something instead of someone?

Surprisingly, no.

And he did not see anything aside from people walking on the streets, no screaming or shouting in terror, no blood... and no dead body.

"What the hell..." he murmured.

For now, he did not think about it. The only thing that came into his mind first was the bag and what was inside of it.

He quickly went to the gym bag to investigate.

"Solar, where the hell are they?" One of his brothers came over to look inside the bag.

"I don't know, Cy. But I need to see this." He replied. He took off his expensive gloves and began touching the gym bag, to feel what could it be inside.

If that was not enough, he pulled out its zipper to open it.

They gasped of what was inside. Solar quickly took out a small familiar figure from the bag and hugged him.

It was, of course, the little Thorn. He wore a baggy sweatshirt big enough to cover his whole body. The once bruised marks were now treated and plastered with band aids as well as clean bandages. The cuts on his torso were probably treated as well. It must've been the person who delivered Thorn back to him.

"Oh my sweet little Thorny... thank Heavens you're alive..." Solar smiled, letting a few tears of joy out.

"Oooh, you might be surprised about this letter, bro!" Cyclone exclaimed.

"What did they say on the letter?" Asked Thunderstorm, his face remained cold and serious.

"They say;

'Next time, do not let your child wander around when enemies roam at night.

I have a very soft spot and very fond of children including yours. Perhaps someday, I will make sure that he will permanently be with me. Enjoy while it lasts...'

Sincerely... Huntress??"


Juju looked at her own reflection in the mirror of a makeup dresser, she now wore a yellow t-shirt that says "Who's Happy Now?" imprinted in cursive and black in colour. Her pants were dark blue jeans along with a light blue skirt above it.

At least she had enough time to change her assassin outfit into casual and non-suspicious one.

Suddenly, her bedroom door was knocked, making her jumped slightly. That almost freaked her out.

"H-huh? Who is it?!"

"Mommy, you're done yet?" Asked Darky softly on the other side of the door.

"I-I am, honey. Give me a second." She took a deep breath, 'Okay... don't worry, Juj, just this once. Little Darky can take care of himself while going outdoors.' She thought, before sighing.

Nothing could go wrong, right? She had done this one several times when Darky was a baby. Hopefully this one, no one can find him while they're going out to have a picnic at Rintis Island's new park.

----- {●-●} -----

This chapter is dedicated for Jewel_Conny_5601

Don't forget to vote, comment and share and I will see you guys in the next chapter, bye~!

Jujugalax is out!

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