Chapter 4

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The park's ambush


She lost him.

She had woken up, and immediately knew she'd lost him.

Her little Darky.

She tried to move. But what she felt on the surface she was supposedly on, wasn't dirt or grass.

Somehow, Juju was on a comfy bed in a place she doesn't even recognized.

Where was she now? Where are she friends? Are they dead?

"Miss...?" Asked a voice. She weakly, but quickly replied. "Lementry. Juju Lementry."

"Miss Lementry, you will be alright. You're safe, I am Dr. Hanston by the way."

Juju ignored him as she kept blinking repeatedly to adjust her blurry vision, especially when she turned her head side to side, her head was throbbing in pain.

When her vision was slightly cleared, Juju saw a small table with a plant at the very corner, and a black couch next to it. There was a window that has the whole view of Rintis Island.

Juju had just realized, she was at a hospital, a place where she hates the most.

"Where... are my friends?" Juju tried to sit up on the bed.

"Uh, uh, uh! Don't get up yet, about your friends? The blue haired girl with the wolf ears and the man with grey hoodie?" The doctor asked.

"Yeah, where are they?" But then she just remembered that they... they got shot!

"Are they okay?!" Juju gasped and frantically got up from the hospital bed.

"Miss Lementry, calm down first, let me explain." The doctor pinned her by the arms to keep her from getting off the bed.

Juju took a deep breath to calm herself for a few moments. And when she had finally composed of herself, she asked, "W-what happened to us?"

"Well, a friend of mine saw you three lying on a park. Your friends were bleeding very badly and lost almost all of it. While you... you have an injury at the back of your head by something hard. Possibly as hard as baseball bat." Dr. Hanston explained. "So my friend immediately called the police and an ambulance. What are your two friends' name, Miss Lementry?"

"Jewel Conny, and Mashy Castillo." Juju replied curtly.

"Right, the one that has the worst injury was Miss Conny. Other than her punctured chest, she has several injuries on her head, left leg and a ripped off animal ears that attached to her skull, and a tail on her tailbone."

"Jewel... Jewel was cursed to be a type of hybrid. We don't know, she doesn't know it either why she has those." Juju just told him.

"Hmm, it's best to keep these strange things to ourselves, don't you think?" He suggested.

She nodded. As long as they had survived from the ambush at the park, she didn't have to worry about their well-being, but her son however, she had to find him. Or else they'll either kill him, or make him one of them.

What happened earlier?

|Flashback on|

The three best friends, along with a small boy on his mother's side, walked on the streets towards a beautiful park.

Jewel wore her favourite light skyblue hoodie and cyan pants. A light grey cardigan were tied on her waist to hide her tail and her hood on to hide her ears. She carried a small basket with some drinks inside.

Mashy also wore a hoodie, only grey and white swirls in colour. The color of his pants were may be just plain dark grey, but carrying colourful snacks for the picnic, in a small picnic basket.

Juju had the picnic blanket with her as well as various types of sandwiches in another small picnic basket. On her right hand, was held by Darky who now wore a black and skyblue jacket and black pants. And they all were wearing sneakers.

"Here we are, Rintis Island Park!" Exclaimed Jewel excitedly. "Finally, Darky can go sociallize and play with other kiddos at the playground!"

"B-but, Auntie Jewel, I-I'm too scared playing with them."

"Ah-ah-ah... no 'buts' in my ears, Blacky Darky," she said, "You gotta get used to sociallize with people!"

"Girl, you know not all kids his age are nice. Remember that time where you let him talking to the other children? I'm pretty much sure I'm not letting you have it this time." Mashy reminded her.

"I was stunned! I didn't know what to do!"

"Yeah right," Mashy muttered. "as if I didn't watch what happened next."

"I heard that! Look, Sissy, they distracted me with those meaty dog treats! I can't really help with my wolf instincts to play." She pouted at her male bestie.

"It was a good thing I did come and rescue that little one, didn't I?" Mashy made a smug look on his face.

"Yup! You are the best uncle ever! You're so great at martial arts. I wish I was as good as your skills!" Darky complimented.

"Aww, you're so adorable that I blushed so hard when being praised by an adorable kid like you~" No kidding of course, he was blushing but not so red. Just a tint...

Juju however, watched the two bickering around continuously with a smile.

'Hhhhh... never changed.'


They'd finally arrived at the new park of Rintis Island, they set the picnic down nearby the playground where children started running and playing.

But Darky was nervous that time.

"Honey, it's alright. If you're not comfortable with this spot, we can go somewhere else if you want." Juju told him softly.

"U-uhmm, no, it's alright. Maybe some kid might come and ask me to play after this."

Juju felt slightly touched by his social progress. He does wanted to make friends with the children around him. That was until one of the children from the playground started to approach them shyly.

"Hm? O-oh... Honey, looks like your little dream came true."

Darky looked at a boy his age came towards him with his fingers fiddling nervously.

"H-hi? Can we uhm... play?" Asked the boy in yellow shirt, feeling slightly nervous.

Darky looked at Juju with uncertainty. She would've gave him an reassuring smile and nod. However, she felt something off about today. So she shrugged.

That made her son sigh, and told the boy that he will catch up later and sat next to her.

"M-mommy? Why you make that tense looking face?"

Why though?

Juju's heart suddenly tightened, her face contorted into a discomfort look, her stomach had turned into knots. This feeling... it felt unnerving, very unnerving...

Her calm thoughts suddenly went wildly everywhere, telling her to look the outer area of the park.

She recognized this feeling, a sense of grave danger.

So Juju looked outside of the park. At the distance, five to six black cars were surrounding the whole area.

In after a few minutes, some men in black suits along with black and gray ski masks, came out of the cars with different weapons in their hands.

Handguns, rifles and baseball bats, with a symbol of a snake forming a letter S on each and every weapon they held.

Juju also happened to recognize those symbols, "The Stonecold Mafia gang."

The other children's parents also noticed of the presence of the men in the mask. Their once happy and smiley faces suddenly dropped into worried ones. This was not good.

Juju quickly glanced at her son. "Darky," She called out to him. "honey, come closer to me."

Darky scooted himself even closer to Juju for protection as he too, noticed the men.

Her two friends? They saw them too. "G-guys?" Jewel whispered and trembled a little as they all huddled each other closer with Darky in the middle. "I-I think, the whole park i-is surrounded..."

"Wh... what do they want from these people?" Mashy looked around feeling very worried about the situation.

Juju soon figured out of what did they want... or to be much precise, WHO do they want.

'They ... they want Darky.' She thought as she held Darky tight. The other parents did so as well with theirs.

All of the sudden, a loud bang was heard, alarming the birds from the trees nearby and the people in Rintis Island park went screaming and running off.

And that was the last thing she heard before something hit her on the head from behind, and she passed out.

|Flashback off|

She was right that the fact there was something wrong of that very day.

She will make sure that they will pay the consequences for taking her baby Darky away from her.

She needed to get out of this damn hospital right now, without anyone noticed of course. Juju looked outside the window. The sky looked like it was getting dark as if it was almost at dusk.

So probably at midnight, she'd escape herself out of here. Stealing some unused syringes won't be a problem, isn't it? She knew what to fill them with.


At the Elemental Mafia's situations, they were about to drive back home.

Their journey back to their safehouse, which was a huge mansion that was located in a secluded area, was quite long. But how the hell did they get to one of the city's skyscraper in just 30 minutes?

Simple, they used the old shortcuts to the city, despite many threats also used there.

And when they get back, they didn't have to use the same road as to avoid someone who Solar hated the most.

Their father, Amato.

Solar held onto Thorn while sitting on the backseat along with Cyclone, while his older brother, Quake and Thunderstorm were at the front. And Thunder, was driving them home.

No one broke the silence ever since the incident at the skyscraper, until all of the sudden the car infront of them jolted to a stop.

Thunder hit the break quickly. "What the heck are they doing now?"

Then, Quake's phone vibrated instantly. Quake pulled it out of his right pocket before answering the caller.

"What's stopping the car?" He asked lazily. He swore if he heard another tyre problem again like the last time, he would be pissed and shot their heads off.

"Sir, we have blocked by the infamous Stonecold Family." Informed the man on the otherside of Quake's phone.

"Stonecold? Thought they're all already dead."

"This guy doesn't seem like it." Replied the caller.

Quake groaned quietly, "I'll check. Be ready in case they started any trouble." He killed the call and turned to Thunderstorm.

"Thunder, we've got company. It's the Stonecold."

"Thought that damn Huntress killed those fucked up assholes." Thunder grumbled in distaste. He knew how much of the cheater the Stonecolds were when they were alive.

"Thunder, I know, but mind the language please? There's a kid onboard." Quake glared at him.

"Tch, fine." Thunder turned to Cyclone, asking him to get his favourite gun at their car's boot.

"Oh, alright!" Cyclone unfastened his seatbelt and got up from his seat. Instead of going out of the car and to the boot, he pulled something at the back of the backseat and the seat itself folded down.

It was another access to the trunk of the car. Cyclone grabbed a sniper before folding the seat back to its normal position and gave the sniper to Thunder.

Thunderstorm grabbed the weapon and unfastened his seatbelt, and got out of the car along with Quake.

Solar who had kept quiet the whole journey, had snapped out of himself, only to hug his son tighter to make sure he won't let go of Thorn ever again.

Thorn was still sounded asleep. Thorn was so tired from all the shenanigans he'd encountered. Including the person that kidnapped him and kept him for three weeks.

"Hey Solar," Cyclone began asking. So Solar turned to him. "do you think this Mafia Huntress is real? If so, why we haven't heard of him or her before?"

Solar just gave him a solemn look and replied, "Don't know. But so far, this person doesn't really do anything to Thorn since they obviously admitted that they liked children."

He looked at the sleeping Thorn, sighing before continued. "I don't want to lose him. You can judge me all you want, Cy. I just saw that 'aww-you've-gone-soft' grin of yours."

Cyclone, who had a stupid grin on his face, had raised a brow with a frown, "Dude, I'm like exactly six minutes younger than ya'. I don't judge my own big brother, nor would I blame ya'. If I were you, of course I want to be retired from all of this crappy situations. But meh, we're still under Dad's protection."

"Tch, so much for being helpful..."

Cyclone just giggled. "At least I get to cheer Thorny up first."

"At least I get to take him in first." Solar countered back at Cyclone. "Geez, I wish you weren't my little brother so I can shoot your grinning face off."

Cyclone grinned again, unfazed by what he said. "Y'know, Quake is scarier than you."

----- {●-●} -----

I know that I said I won't be online for three months, but I feel like I should keep my books updated.

Sorry about that, but it is true I won't be online after this so, bye~!

Jujugalax is out!

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