Chapter 5

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Hunting has begun


At Juju's apartment, she just sat on her study desk.

Her hatred eyes never left the private documents of the Stonecold Mafia Family. And apparently, the person that led the men in ski masks was the older brother, Kenzas Stonecold.

He had a scar on his forehead and cheek as well as jet black hair. He also had a piercing on his left ear.

She glared at him. He was supposed to be retired from the society. But now he rejoined to avenge his younger brother's death.

Kenzas, or known as 'Snakehead', and his men had kidnapped her son and were on their way to take him to their old warehouse full of illegal trades.

The Stonecolds were known to ship several weapons and stolen golds from their robbery of banks.

Someone must have located of Darky's whereabouts and decided to inform the rest of the Society.

"Those motherfuckers," but then, she grinned, her once dark blue ocean irises turned into a pair of burning bloody red ones.

"If they stole my Darky, they're asking for trouble, and taunting me to hunt them down. Fine then, I'm destroying the whole Stonecolds... and their allies."

Then, she threw a sharp dagger made of ice and it landed straight for the picture of Kenzas, on forehead between his eyes.

Juju looked at her closet, before standing up and went towards it. She then opened its doors to reveal her hunting outfit, the same one she wore to hide her identity from the mafia king, and while returning Thorn to his family.

"Thorn, I may have to put on hold for taking you, I need to save my own son."


At the safehouse of the Elemental Mafia.

The grayish silver eyed man just stared at the new documents on his tablet. A profile that contained a very little information.

Solar sighed silently in frustration. Who and where does this boy they've found came from?

What boy you readers asked?

Yep, the little Darky.

After the encounter with the last family of Stonecold Mafia from last night, in which was Kenzas Stonecold or known as 'Snakehead', they ended up in a gun fight.

Solar, that time, was in a terrible mood and decided to finish it himself, and shot Kenzas straight in the head. Solar was awfully tired from the lack of sleep despite he can stay up late..... or a 'night owl' you can say.

After the last Stonecold's death, they shot the rest of Kenzas' men. Cyclone and Thunderstorm had already began looting everything in Stonecold's first three black cars.

Short range guns, long range ones, tons of cash in briefcases, grenades, smoke bombs, etc...

The duo was about to loot the last car, when they suddenly heard some muffled, timid whimpers in the car's trunk. Thunder used his crowbar to force the car's boot open.

And like the three cars, it opened. To their utter surprise, a small boy in black and dark blue clothing was lying inside the trunk.

Tied up and gagged, he couldn't do anything except for closing his eyes and cried silently.

So... they took him in the demand of Quake, who suddenly had turned his 'motherly instincts' on, ready to raise this boy if he had no parents.

"Hhhh..." Solar sighed tiredly. He had been looking at the documents and profiles of Darky. It wasn't enough.

But there could be a possibility that this kid wasn't in the system just yet, as he was too young to be in one.

What he could find of this boy, was from the adoption papers.

He learned that the boy's name was Darkyner Lementry, who was around 10 years old this year. He was found at the front of an orphange in Italy. He was adopted by a woman with cyan hair.

The woman's name was Jujuline Lementry, aged 25 years old. She lives in an apartment somewhere at the city of Rintis Island. She met and adopted the child when she had an attachment to stay in Darky's orphanage as a two-week matron.

They claimed that the boy had caught her eye and she decided to take him under her wing immediately. For what reason? No one knows why.

That may raise some suspicion among the authorities, as she is not married or even reached mid-life crisis. But the woman had eventually persuaded them until they finally made an agreement to let Miss Lementry to adopt the child.

"Hmm, perhaps the first stop is the orphanage. I have to take flight to Italy. But I have to be careful not to draw any attentions." Solar muttered to himself.

He stood up from his chair, and went over to the notice board. Solar looked at one of Quake's many apartments, George's Apartment. According to the profile, the Miss Lementry used to live in a house with her parents. But due to her rough past and the death of her parents and siblings, she now lived in that apartment alone.

Perhaps she was in need of a little companion. But she could've got a pet or have a boyfriend at least to keep her company. What are her motives for adopting Darkyner anyway?

"Hmm, I might have a talk with Quake."


At the alley of the Rintis Island city, a middle aged man was dropped down from a window of an office with full force. The Huntress, had pinned him down with her foot from getting up, while she went growling and panting viciously.

"I am not going to ask it again, and again. Where the Hell is the last family member of Stonecold Mafia, Vinco?"

"H-he's- Kenzas is d-dead, Huntress! Please, I-I just received t-the news! H-h-here, I-I show you!" Vinco the Violent, stammered in fear, and quickly showed her the letter that he kept from his pocket.

"Strange, Vinco the Violent, plead to the Huntress that stands in front of him? Do you think I don't know you are acting right now?"

She took the letter to take a small glimpse of it. "P-please, Huntress, p-please d-d-don't kill me... I h-have family at home. I-I have children, please...!"

That's a definite lie. He never had children or relatives. She paused for a moment to think. Until she spoke, with a venomous tone.

"I do have soft spots for any small infants. But, I know you don't have any children." She made a malicious grin behind the scarf that covered her face.



The man's eyes widened, almost as wide as round plates while grunting in pain. His mouth suddenly drooled with red blood. The blood then streamed down his lips like rivers and tainted his clean grey suit with it.

"My name, is Juju~Galax by the way..."

She mercilessly dragged her Ice Blade up in Vinco's chest, and pulled it out to make him bleed even more. "And I will send you to the eternal fire of Hell."

Vinco made a gurgling noise as if trying to mutter out words as he was drowning with his own blood.

The Huntress walked off the alley, leaving Vinco to bleed to death. And there was nobody around to even witness the murder she had just done to him. Not even his own men would notice...

Before Vinco could even close his eyes and breathe his final breath, he saw the Huntress he now abhorred so much placing down the same pink origami of a flower.

The same flower he saw when visiting Stonecolds family home after hearing the rumors of their fall.

"S-so... i-it... was..... y-you..." His eyes closed as he left the rest of the words unsaid, and the sound of the death rattle was followed last.

With the Huntress, she read the Vinco's letter with the help of her another advanced sight of night vision. "Hm. Looks like he wasn't lying when he said Kenzas the fuckin' Snakehead was dead by the Amato Family of Rintis Island."

She crumbled up the letter, and burnt it with her fire magic.

"Looks like my next stop is entering the crime scene investigation."


"So apparently, this lady named Jujuline Lementry adopted the kid we found. What's his name?"

"Darkyner Lementry. His actual last name remains unknown, brother." Solar replied.

The two brothers were talking in Quake's office, which was twice as big as Solar's.

"Since she lives in one of my apartments, I will visit her tomorrow while you go for the orphanage."

But then Quake let out a soft sigh. "Solar, I was thinking of returning him to his mother, but since you said the authorities have suspicion... and she persuaded them and succeed in adopting the child with no further questions... it also somehow made me feel suspicious of her as well."

"Oh? Playing detective now, are you, big brother?"

"Suspected by the authorities? Of course I am playing detective now. This is one of those rare cases that I sometimes want to solve for myself. Besides, I am curious of who she is now after the past."

----- {●-●} -----

Hey guys! Jujugalax is BAAACK! Sorry it took me for so long to update this chapter, I was lazy and less motivated.

My life's been a little complicated but I can get through it! So don't forget to leave a vote, comment and share, if you want to!

Anyways, I'll see ya guys in the next chapter so, bye~!

Jujugalax is out!

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