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(A/N: slight mention of past self harm)

Error Papyrus's P.O.V

It had happened quickly and just as soon as it started it stopped, I had been preparing some food for myself when suddenly a cup cracked which as most knew that it was a rather bad sign that something was about to happen and the next thing I know I hear yelling. When I went to check I saw mine and Error's 'parents' and Ink passed out on the ground. When I looked to my brother he seemed completely different and his speed had increased. I could of sworn I saw glimpses of his strings despite being out in the open. I went to aid him in battle but, a field of some kind blocked me from getting closer so I had to watch the battle unfold which didn't take long but when I went to call the cops I saw a female give the hand signals that she already called and that they would arrive soon.

Whoever this female was seemed like a nice person and seemed to know Ink as she had pulled him out of the battle zone before the field had gone up. Where the battle was there was a very faint red and blue field that only we were able to see as everyone else that happened to walk past seemed uninterested and didn't even look in the direction of the battle. The female looked concerned when Ink made a sound of worry despite being out still and not knowing fully what was going on yet she guarded him like her own child speaking quietly trying to sooth him. I wanted to help but, deemed my brother's situation more dire as I remebered the few times he actually fought he would become so exhausted that he would pass out which was very bad as he became very vunerable so he would have to hide someplace safe before he passed out.

If our 'family' would of found him in that state they would of taken full advantage of him which disgusted me and pissed me off. Again if I would of gotten the primary care giver postition I could of saved him but, unfortunatly error was used as a pawn. If I would of taken him they would of literally killed me and him with zero mercy saying things to the very end till both of our dust ended up wind blown and desicrated in very inhumane ways.

They had been charged as abusive parents yet they should also be registered as sex offenders they used error as their personal fuck toy and if he didn't obey he was beaten, burned and was given broken bones. His shoulder had been busted twice as a result of being thrown into a wall as well as had his leg or arm stomped several times. Just thinking of all those times I should of saved him makes me feel unworthy of being his older brother yet he seems to have forgiven me as he kept all the letters I managed to get to him. It hurt yet made me slightly happy he kept them as it was the only thing that seemed to keep him going and now he had Ink.

I'm glad it had been ink that found error and not someone else as everyone seemed to mean harm towards error and even if he doesn't relize it I have seen Error's cuts on his arms and legs but they had mostly faded leaving behind red marks that went against his natural bone color. For him to be driven to do that was saddening. Nobody should be driven to that extreme. I will try my best to make it better now and hopefully he can find happiness and be able to recover enough to trust more people. It will be a long road and I know a ton of hurtles are ahead but, I hope to be one of the people Error and Ink can talk to if needed. I will help where I can but, some things Error and Ink will have to figure out on their own together.

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