C●16 Hospital

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"Why can't you understand! Her departure will only leave me with embarrassment! Let them go"

Jungkook grumbled, slamming his fist On a wall,
Jungkook's Grandfather, sip his drink being wholly unbothered.

Jungkook grit,fuming in anger.

"Nobody's going anywhere,  let the girl go   . ... I don't care what image you'll leave afterwards...you've tainted my name already much"

Grandfather growl,
Jungkook clench his jaw,
Yoongi was standing aside,felt relieved


Seoul  Hospital

hospital's interior was a maze of sterile corridors, lined with gleaming white tiles and punctuated by the soft glow of fluorescent lights. The air was thick with the scent of disinfectant and the hum of medical equipment.

To one side, a nurses' station bustled with activity, its countertops cluttered with charts, medication, and the quiet beeps of monitors. Nurses in crisp scrubs moved with purpose, their faces focused on the tasks at hand.

Throughout the hospital, signs pointed the way to various departments – Radiology, Pharmacy, ICU – while quiet alcoves offered respite for weary visitors, their walls adorned with soothing artwork and calming colors.

Down a side corridor, a row of patient rooms stretched out, each door marked with a name and a chart,

Before a certain room, a man wrapped under his white coat , instructed a nurse showing a chart,

"Doctor Kim !"

His ear perked up, without any Hurry he turn around, flashing an charming face ,

"The patient, you've brought yesterday has woken, however she looks frightened could you please come .."

A nurse report,

He pass a reassuring nod,

Before he could move ,

"Taehyung Hyung!"

A shriek halt his steps  , before turning he exhale a annoyed sigh,

"What now ?? Doctor Yeonjun?"

Taehyung asked finally facing the other gleamed face

"I wanna know...when Doctor, Cristina is coming??"

Yeonjun stammer fidgeting his fingers,
Taehyung's eyes rolled once ,

"I don't know"

Informing that He walk away, leaving a pout lip Yeonjun.


Patient's cabin was  a cozy, private space designed for recovery and rest. Soft, warm lighting illuminated the room, casting a comforting glow over the crisp, white linens and the patient's bed.

To one side, a small bedside table held a pitcher of fresh water, a glass, and a few personal items – a book  to provide comfort. A comfortable armchair sat in one corner, inviting visitors to stay awhile.

Opposite the bed, a large window let in a flood of natural light, offering a view of the outside world – a garden, a cityscape, or a serene landscape. The window's curtains could be drawn for privacy or to block out the light.

The bed  was a comfortable haven, equipped with adjustable rails and a subtle array of beeping monitors that tracked the patient's vital signs.

Y/n is currently, sitting on the bed,squeezing her knees tightly,
Nurses tried to ask her questions as soon as she opened her eyes ,however
Y/n failed to utter anything. She's in trance.

Her heart thump loudly, fearing Jungkook can arrive anytime or if he find out...or is she really safe ?? Will there not be monsters like him ?? Questions devour her from inside.

Just then , pushing a glass door, a alluring physique revealed himself.
His eyes flicker no cruelty , she found a warm uncertain smile present on his lips, with slow and calculated step he reached near her bed,
The stethoscope made obvious he's a doctor,

Y/n failed to remove her eyes, there's something more in his face rather than ethereal charm, his eyes shows sincerity, honesty,

"Are you alright ma'am"

His raspy deep voice, sent tingles down her spine , stomach twist in a knot ,however it's not frightening..it's different...his appearance is not scaring her , rather filling her with a assurance that she'll be fine ,

After encountering Jungkook's demonic behaviour, she believed she'll probably hate all men ....cause they can't be any better ,do they ??

However under his calm demeanour,
Y/n failed to keep  the promise,
It's just few seconds, still she can sense no Danger from him , moreover she observe her nerves are not anxious anymore...it's cooling slowly. She feels safe , However Y/n didn't respond his words ,just lower her eyes , playing with the blanket.

Taehyung observed her ,
Yesterday when he  brought her to his hospital, Doctors had informed there's many wounds on her body which shows she has been tortured, unwittingly Taehyung's heart had wriggled, he got furious and curious to know who dared to hurt such immaculate  fragile women , he doesn't carry any explanation for this emotions, however he had decided he'll ask her , ask her what had happened with her .
But now as Y/n remained silent, Taehyung, who knows what understood,walk outside.

Y/n and the nurses look a bit confused,
Soon he returned with a notepad,

He sat across her ,on a arm chair, and scribble his pen on the notepad, after that he shoved it before her, Where's written

"Are you alright?? , "

Y/n tilt her head with confusion, why he's showing her this , when he just asked it a while ago,  soon the point click on her head ,

He's assuming her deaf and mute ??
In spite of the tortures she has faced just yesterday, Taehyung's such act fail to suppress her chuckle, a real laugh after a long time,

This time, Taehyung blink twice with confusion,  Nurses squinted their eyes not understanding what's happening,

"I can speak ! I'm not deaf either"

Though her voice was low   , Taehyung clearly heard it , and bite his tongue with embarrassment,

He retreat the notepad,

"So , I wanna know....why you got such wounds all over you ?? Don't you take care of yourself?? Those wounds might spread infection and it will cause cancer"

He scold lightly, however this scolding carries an affection and care ,

Y/n lowered her eyes again, fidgeting her fingers.

"You've been tortured??"

His voice turn stern, as his eyes darkened.

Y/n lift her eyes , slowly nodding.
Nurse's eyes glistered with sorrow,

"By whom??"

Taehyung's words turn colder, his jaw clenched.

"By my Husband "

Y/n's reply was short,  Taehyung bolt up with a frustrating sigh ,

"Ridiculous! How can a man tortures such brutally?? And you let him ?? Why ?? What a jerk ! What's gotten with our generation's men !"

Taehyung grumbled, rubbing his temples

Y/n stare at him, this scolding also carries warmth , care . However she chuckle innerly only if he knew how much she had bore,

Taehyung composed himself, before leaning before her ,

"You haven't eaten anything....have your meals and medicine...don't worry...no one's gonna hurt you now on"

Taehyung's just so reassuring words ,swelled her heart with emotions,
His face before her, made her heart heat up .

Taehyung straighten his posture ,before walking outside.

Y/n's lips form a small smile,she's feeling like  ,  as long as he's with her , she'll be safe . Doesn't know why she's feeling such way. But there's something in his voice or words, each sentence carries a strength and confidence.

"He's the standard! I can only imagine men being like him ! "

One of the nurse chirp ,

"He's such a gentleman....respectful  and supportive towards everyone, even though he's so above us"

Another added,

Y/n smile more , hearing more about him ,

"What's his name ??"

Being curious, Y/n asked.

"Oh ! You don't know! He's Kim Taehyung,  doctor Kim "

This sentence widened her eyes,

"Kim Taehyung??"

She mumbled, drifting into her past.




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