C●17 A new Beginning

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Y/n was eating her meal, when another doctor entered pushing the door, he's carrying a warm smile

"Hello miss , I'm doctor Jake, I've enquired your wounds yesterday"

Introducing himself, he sat on the armchair,

His presence is also seem harmless, so
Y/n nod ,

"These are the medical reports , your body is internally damaged a lot, bones are weak, no trace of proper vitamins, minerals, there's several injuries near your stomach area "

Doctor enlighten, Y/n lowered her head,
In Jungkook's home  , food is the only thing she get struggling whole day, still that never was filled with nutritions either, moreover he let her starve most of the day, how she'll get minerals and vitamins

Doctor may be understand something,

"I've prescribed the supplements and medicines, take a good care of yourself, if you continue to neglect yourself, you might reach the death door"

Jake advised, handling a chart to Nurse,
Y/n nod ,

After that he left ,


Later, after taking pills, Y/n picked a book, Nurses has rebandaged her wounds already,
Just then Taehyung reenter, with concerned warm smile ,
Y/n couldn't help but to smile

He sat across,

"So , how you're feeling?? A little better??"

He asked, adding a pillow behind her for her comfort, Y/n ,supposed to flinch by such closeness, she didn't.

He sat beside, pulling a notepad

"Now miss, care to inform me your name ? "

Y/n ,fidgeting , replied

"I'm Y/n "

He nod,

"Pretty name , now the important question, how long have you been tortured??"

Y/n turn white  , the grievous memories flood across her mind, each hit , each slap, each humiliation, her mind start to buzz ,
Her uneasiness is palpable

Taehyung immediately tap her shoulders for comfort,

"Don't panic miss  , you're safe here , it's just a routine queries, "

Y/n gulp , under his touch somehow her nerves cooled .

"Approx , three months"

Her words stammered, also fingers rub the palm.

Hearing her , Taehyung's eyes widened with disbelief,

"Three months?? Miss you're bearing this for three months?? Why ?? You should have complained to the authorities or filed a divorce"

Taehyung scold, not harshly

Y/n lowered her head ,hesitatingly she answered

"I'm too weak to complain against him , or divorce  ...he would have killed me if I tried to ....he's too powerful, strong"

Taehyung clenched his jaw ,

"It's all your illusion, no one's weak or strong,  you think you're weak cause you believe you're weak, and your husband knowing your beliefs get a chance to dominate , used your believes against you"

He sternly answered,

Y/n lift her eyes , protesting

"No , he's actually strong, he's powerful"

"He could be, but it won't defy you're weak....you believe you're weak, and once you start to believe you're weak and naive , people start to misuse it"

Y/n failed to defend herself, his words input some reality check, she assumed herself weak ,since childhood, she was often bullied, betrayed in friendship,

Y/n's reverie muddled, by the sudden caressing by Taehyung,

"Young miss, you're not weak, you have a god gifted innocence, your heart is immaculate, it's not a fault ,you must acknowledge, the people who's pushing you down are not strong, they might afraid you'll turn out stronger than them, those who see the strength in us tend to compelled us from doing better"

His words ,made her feel worthy for the first time,the comforting words she's been longing for years ,she used to hate herself for being weak and naive however how beautifully he portrayed this ,

Y/n couldn't help but to stare at this angel, yes angel or else who could have saved her ?? Comfort her ,enveloped her with warmth.

Taehyung finding her gaping, chuckle slightly. Y/n's heart fluttered, a strange emotion run inside her nerves, she avert her gaze being embarrassed.

"I understand, you might having hard time to rely on my words , however I suggest for at least once ,consider the thought...you're not weak , you're never weak"

Taehyung assured, Y/n nod ,

Then He removed his hands from her shoulder,

"Well , now ....the reason I'm here is ,your wounds started to heal , so you'll be discharged tomorrow....care to inform me ...your parent's address or any other address...I'll drive you there"

Taehyung's words ,wriggle her heart ,mom's face flash before her eyes turning it vague.

"What happened??"

Taehyung noticing her tears asked,

"My mom died on my wedding day, "

Taehyung's felt sorry Hearing that, he apologise

"I'm so , sorry "

Y/n wipe her tears ,shaking her head she answered

"No need to be sorry, you're doing a lot for me, and you didn't know it too, however I don't have a place to stay......the landlord might have kicked my belonging as I hadn't showed up in 2 months...and I don't have relatives or friends to catch up "

She sniffle, loneliness veiled her ,

Taehyung's eyebrows curve with worry,

"So you have nowhere to go ! ....."

Y/n nod, saying

"Don't worry, I'll handle things from here , I'll try to find a job and apartment"

Taehyung sigh, protesting

"Young miss, I didn't bring you from the mud to push you back there again....I'll arrange a stay for you.....you can find a job and repay them later,I'll speak to them ..."

Y/n's eyes widened with gratitude,

"But you didn't have to ....."

Taehyung interrupt,

"You're my responsibility,miss, I brought you here, how can I leave you in such condition....it's against my morals "

Y/n's heart swells with emotions again,
She lowered her eyes ,


Around mid day, finishing lunch, Nurse advised her a stroll, Y/n agreed as sitting on same position ache her back more ,
With the help of Nurse she walk outside,

They were walking through the corridors, when near the elevator, Nurse made her sit,

"I'll be just back OK, your medicine is left inside "

Nurse rushed behind,

Y/n sat , with a ting sound , elevator opens patient or doctors enter this floor ,

She stood up,  tottering, towards glass wall, when someone's words gather her attention,

Acknowledging the voice, her feets stopped,

Before the glass wall,
Doctor Kim Taehyung, doctor Jake and many other doctors were standing in a circle, discussing something.

"I understand your point ,you're the director  , no one will reject your request, doctor Kim, however...I bet she'll be better under your care "

One advised ,

Taehyung nod

"Moreover, Most of us are bachelor,lives alone , also messy , moreover females Nurses won't afford two people's living "

Other one elated

"Yes, you have peoples in your house who might take care of her in your absence as well, what I saw ....she really need perfect care and guidance, her internal organs were damaged badly,if we leave her such way ....she might return to the worst stage "

Doctor Jake insist,

"I understand you all , I can assure, in my home she will be treated good,but what worries me ...she has been tortured by her husband, a man , will she trust me ?? and will she be comfortable to go with me....After all I'm a man too"

Taehyung stated, rubbing his temples  ,

Y/n ,standing aside ,heard
Her  heart heat up ,

"He's concerned about my comfort?? Is it possible for someone??"

She mumbled underneath, recalling the horrific experiences she had gone through.

The other doctors chuckle,

"You're such a gentleman, I mean, you want to help her , still minding the point that she  feel safe and comfortable "

Jake compliment,

"Don't worry , doctor Kim, I believe she'll trust you, your  presence mean no  harm...."

Other one informed,


Y/n stepped aside, there's a thin smile present on her lip, she nod with agreement,

"He do look no Danger...how he's such a Nice person  , care about his patients that much "

She mumbled

Just she was thinking such words ,Nurse returns with a vitamin bottle,

After drinking, Y/n walk with the nurses, her mind is filled with many queries,

"Excuse me, can you tell me ..how Doctor Kim is ??"

Y/n asked the nurse, unable  compelling her curiosity,

Nurse's cheeks gleamed,

"Doctor Kim, he's a true gentleman, a man who prioritises his work , passionate towards this service,  you see he's such a man who'll ready to starve for days if a patient needs care , he's such type of person, who values women empowerment, who direct this hospital with rationality, no corruption, no Unnecessary drama, a calm composed, dedicated person....he usually stays quiet but humble for the patients "

Nurse chirp, Y/n nod , she find the words relying with what she  experienced here .

"Do you like Doctor Kim??"

Watching Nurse's totally red cheeks ,Y/n asked,

"I mean who wouldn't!! Whole Hospital, including male doctors and nurses, patients ....everyone loves him ...we female peek for a romantic chance however he doesn't believe in love"

Nurse answered, Y/n chuckle slightly at her words.


Later after dinner, Y/n was in her cabin , reading a book .
When Taehyung entered,

"You've taken the medicines?"

He asked sitting before her,
Y/n nod ,

"You love to read ?"

Taehyung asked  noticing the book,

Y/n's eyes followed and she chuckle slightly, saying

"Yes , romantic novels, however some motivational books are not bad"

Taehyung nod, returning a warm smile

"Well , miss , I'm a little hesitate to ask but ,would you mind staying in my home....my Aunt will take a good care of you  ...I can assure...Still if you feel uncomfortable, I'll search for another residence.."

Taehyung's words escape in a rush ,

"Doctor Kim,  I'll be glad to receive anything you offer, no need to feel so hesitate,you've given me this new life"

Y/n answer,

Taehyung assuming she's pressing herself under his suggestions tried to defend, however

"No , don't think I'm saying this because I believe I'm weak , you can provide me better, I'm saying this cause I trust you ! Yes I do , it's would be early to say this , but your presence can never make anyone feel uncomfortable, "

Taehyung's lips sealed, he sigh saying

"Well ,you know....still you should have become a little selfish....anyway rest well "

Y/n chuckle slightly and nod,


Aside ,

Jungkook was under cold shower, letting his outraged body cool down under the water drops ,

After a long shower he returned with a towel, picked his shirt and trousers,
Dressing formally, he walk outside.

Yoongi was downstairs, noticing him descending the staircase, his eyebrows furrowed,

"Where you going at this hour ??"

Yoongi asked, Jungkook ignored him and amble near the exit

Guards were about to follow him ,however

"I'm going alone, no need to follow me"

Instructing that he left,
Yoongi stood vertiginous.


Jungkook drove his car crossing many abandoned buildings,
Finally stopped before a Building where few drunk people were having fun .

Noticing a car , one of them rushed

"Boss you're here ?? Unnoticed?? You should have called me !"

One chirp,

Jungkook's face remains neutral,
He shoved his phone outside, there's a wedding picture of Y/n and him

"This girl!! Find her .....alive or dead...I want information as early as possible"

Jungkook's raspy tone  rumble,
The guy look cautiously, then taking a picture return the phone.

"I'll report you as early as possible"


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