C●19 New Friend

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Taehyung was all ready to kneel down,
The other doctors and nurses protest however Jungkook's men silence them smacking their head with a gun,
Taehyung's eyes are burning fixed on Jungkook's mocking smug ,

Jungkook stood there with amusement,
Taehyung's slowly, fold his knees however.

Just then a heavy  sound of stilettos heard from behind,
Jungkook ,care less, indulge in Taehyung's defeat .

  Just when Taehyung's knee is about to  touch the ground, a heavy jerk on the calf made Jungkook loose his balance ,
He  drop on the floor on his chest ,
Before he could fully get up , someone grasp his throat from behind, digging it's elbow on his neck cutting his air supply,
There's a scalpel shoving just a inch before his skin.

Another arm sneak from behind reaching around his torso ,pinning his arm to his sides, 

Jungkook  tried to twist and turn, but the  hold is  unyielding. His  movements were blocked, anticipating his every struggle. Something sharp is digging above his calf as he struggle.

Everything happened like a flash ,that other's blink twice in order to formulate .

Taehyung straighten himself again,
Jungkook is  struggling, however the sharp scalpel hanging before his throat leaving him with sweat and nervousness.
He can't even move his legs , the person behind has held their knee on His calf or something sharp to prevent him from moving,

Between struggling, Jungkook discovered few golden hair reaching near his face from behind along with a vanilla scent,
He's certain It's a woman,  his blood boil more , his body riled up with the fact ,a woman dared to defeat him ,

"You want to make my Brother kneel down ??"

A steady , sweet female voice grumbled before his ear, Jungkook's body tremble with humiliation and rage,
He scan the members, Taehyung and other staff carries a smug of victory.

"Ask them to leave the nurses "

The voice again shriek, pressing her arm choking him ,

"You're not doing right !"

Jungkook threatened, while his breath ragged.

The woman pressed the scalpel on his skin , a red line appear making Jungkook squirm ,

"Ask them to leave the nurses "

The female tone is stern .

Jungkook struggling, gesture his men

The armd men immediately let go the nurses, everyone rushed behind Taehyung. Doctors has arrived towards him as well,

Everyone watched Jungkook's defeat,
Taehyung carriers a proud smirk ,crossed his arms before his chest

"Let him go , Ina , he had enough"

Taehyung instructed compelling his laughter,

The grip loosen.

Jungkook huff , catching his breath however his ego hunt him , he jerk up ,turning around he threw his arms  aiming her throat, he pinned her on the Marble scribbled wall,
This also happens so suddenly that ,both Jungkook and the girl didn't get a chance to see each other,

"Doctor Cristina!"


Taehyung and other doctors shriek in terror,

The girl has her eyes squeeze shut , however  she opens her sapphire eyes instantly, where A  fierce determination burning , the golden hair swing away from  her face giving a clear view .
However beauty can't sway Jungkook,
, his malicious gaze fixed on her .
body still jerk  with heavy breaths

silence has enveloped the hall ,all of a sudden,

Taehyung rush near, his body tense Up with worry and concern, however

Cristina, blonde hair girl , clenching her jaw,  shoved her knee aiming his groin, making him instantly back off with a groan , Jungkook caught his groin, an electric wave run through his nerves ,
Cristina immediately grasp some of his hair, pushing him on the floor just before Taehyung's feet .

Jungkook grit , he's clearly riled up by such humiliation. He scowl ,while holding groin

"You'll have to pay a huge price  ,you yellow pig !!"

"Suits me...I don't like cheap products"

Cristina flash her charming grin, making the other  male doctor's heart fluttered,

"I won't let this go easily "

Jungkook growl ,

Cristina rub her temples with a chuckle, stating

"If you stand here more, I bet you'll have to surgery your ball "

The whole staff laugh loudly,including  Jungkook's guards ,Taehyung carriers a cocky smirk ,clearly amused.

Jungkook grit ,

Cristina turn towards his men , asking

"Do you want a special treatment like him ?? Or you'll take the trash outside"

They're totally intrigued by her charismatic appearance and bold movements , shaking in fear they shook their head ,

They held Jungkook.

"Don't return"

Cristina mock , waving

The staff sigh in relief, 
Taehyung reached, stating

"My little wolf has all grown up ,I see, you fought with him for me !"

Cristina purse her lips , complaining

"However, I returned after a week ,still my Hyung didn't hug me properly!! I  arrive hospital straight to surprise you...and see you, still not hugging me"

Taehyung chuckle, pulling his sister into his embrace, squeezing her

"Hey !! You're suffocating me ! I didn't mean that tight "

Cristina pulled out,hitting him playfully.

Between their moments, the nurses barge in ,hugging Cristina,

"Doctor  Cristina!! You saved us today"

They chirp ,
Cristina giggle, Taehyung smile proudly. A protective brother figure relaxed


"Btw ! Who was he ?? And why he behaves that way"

Cristina asked walking towards her cabin,

Taehyung shook his head,replying

"Just a random brat "

Cristina nod , chirping

"Btw ! Nana (grandma) has sent fresh Kimchi !!"

Taehyung sigh , scolding

"And you still arrived hospital first?? You should have dropped that home"

Cristina roll her eyes , blurting

"I missed this place more, and you Should be grateful that I arrived here!! Or else you'll be kneeling before a creep"

Taehyung's eyes darkened, recalling Jungkook's unhuman behaviour, he nod


Y/n was with Emi aunt the whole day, she has learnt some embroidery work ,
Emi makes beautiful art on handkerchief or in sweater , Y/n tried to learn, it's a refreshing start for her, Emi's motherly affection set Y/n at ease ,
They gossip about Many things, Y/n get a lot of information about Taehyung and his sister, She's waiting patiently for the most talk sister,

At that time doorbell rang ,

A maid opened the door,Y/n tilt her head to get a clear view of the newcomer, however Cristina bouncing her hair, rushed inside straight and jumped into Emi's embrace, totally endearingly hugged,

"I missed you !!"

Her voice is like a melody, Y/n was on couch ,watched a golden beauty before her , She's mesmerised by the gorgeous thick  wavy  hair , long lashes, perfect curves,

Cristina's eyes finally discover a unfamiliar charming beauty on the couch, a smile stretch her lips, She examined Y/n's pretty fragile figure, her youthful face,  within a rush she reached before Y/n ,almost kneeling before her, placing her hands on Y/n's lap , claiming her as her's

"Are you my sister in law?? Omg ! You're so pretty! I'm Cristina....it's so good to meet you "

Cristina's words made both ,aunt Emi and Taehyung sigh ,as they facepalmed

Y/n chuckle at the cute misunderstanding,

Cristina tilt her head being clueless, however she's fascinated by Y/n's immaculate laugh

"That's not my girlfriend...she's the patient I talk about "

Taehyung enlighten pulling Cristina away from Y/n ,

Cristina gaped, then  pout

"How ,bad .....I wish you were my sister in law"

Y/n chuckle again,  her heart thump. Unwittingly her eyes reached Taehyung.
Where Taehyung sigh closing his eyes.


The three had dinner together,
Cristina has enveloped Y/n with love and affection, as if she's her own sister.
Y/n find Cristina more endearing and joyous, she observe Cristina is very straight forward,which is quite bold .


Later before bed,  Taehyung knocked

"Yes ,doctor"

Y/n smile ,

Taehyung standing at the door , lean his side on the doorframe,

"Your Husband, has arrived in search of you"

Y/n's face turned white , recalling all horrific memories, her body tense Up, sweat popped, anxiety palpable

Taehyung noticing it quickly reaches near, he assured

"Hey , miss ....don't worry....he didn't get any information about you"

Y/n lift her eyes for an explanation,
Taehyung held her hand , giving a gentle squeeze he elated everything that happened from the start

Y/n's eyes widened as she's hearing, once he stopped, Y/n lean in with curiosity

"Cristina?? Did that ?? Wow !!she's so bold and strong"

Taehyung proudly nod, saying

"See, your husband is not strong how you've considered ....you can defeat too ....once you acknowledge your strength.....however can you explain exactly who's your husband "

Y/n's heart fluttered hearing his encouragement, she sigh and replied

"He's Jeon Jungkook, a Billionaire Businessman ,"

Taehyung only nod, which confused Y/n
Tilting her hear she asked,

"You didn't get shocked?? He's such a big personality "

Taehyung chuckle at her cuteness,

"Big personality?? Well I rank people how they behave...rich ,poor is same....I believe Human becomes a big personality based on their behaviour , and your husband is never a big personality in my eyes "

Y/n stare with admiration, his words are breaking the walls of false assumptions inside her.

"You're surely out of this planet "

Words escape, reflecting her admiration
Taehyung chuckle, His smile made her skip a beat , y/n shyly avoid her eyes.


Both were unaware, two pair of eyes were inspecting them from outside,

Cristina turn towards Emi , asking in whisper,
"What you think ??there could be a chance?? I mean Y/n unnie can break my brother's ethics?? She can stop him from being a monk life long ?? "

Emi roll her lips,enlightening

"I can't guarantee, however, yesterday at midnight hearing some noise when I arrived here to check her , I had seen your Brother, hugging her , comforting her , the girl was looking pale, sweating, possibly had a nightmare....however Taehyung stayed until she slept again"

Cristina's eyes flicker with hope

"Then ,let's wait...until they make any visible change, however....I feel sorry for Y/n Unnie....how can her husband treat her that !! Such a bastard! "

Cristina grumbled, Emi cover her mouth and dragged towards her room,


Other side ,

Jungkook, like a mad bull is throwing objects here and there !

"How dare  she ! How ! "

Jungkook grumbled, making everyone flinch

Yoongi wasn't in home,  Jungkook's madness knows no boundaries,
His breath ragged cause of jerking however he didn't stopped.

Previous men were present, has sank themselves at corners in fear ,
One of them with hesitation asked

"Boss ! What should we do about your wife then ??"

The stammering words made Jungkook jerk behind, His eyes are burning with rage ,

"Search her!! I don't care where she's hiding!! I want her before me...dead or alive "

Jungkook shriek, making everyone flinch,

They sealed their mouth lowering their head , Jungkook grasp the couch

"Find her ! Don't return empty handed!!"

He murmur, fuming in anger . His jaw tightened, a creepy silence filled the living room

"You find my wifey !!...and I'll rip that face of the  blondie by myself!! .....you messed with the wrong person Blondie....I'll make you beg for mercy at my feet"

Jungkook grumbled, his body jerk with heavy breaths...

The subordinates nod,


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