C●20 New Feelings

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Next morning

At Dining hall Cristina was serving the meals , while Emi was helping,
Y/n descended the staircase,
Taehyung was at the couch inspecting some documents ,

Noticing Y/n ,Cristina rushed near

"You're up ?? Did you get enough sleep Unnie?? "

She nod, sitting before the table ,
Cristina served her meal, The view of the food made Y/n's eyes widened with skepticism, a uncertain smile form in her lips ,

"You made all my favourite dishes?? How you know??"

Y/n questioned, Cristina and Emi spare glances,

"Well , I didn't knew this....Hyung has asked me to cook this...they are your favourite??"

Cristina replied, making Y/n's heart skip a beat, her eyes pursue Taehyung , he's still indulge in his work,

"He remember??"

Y/n mumbled underneath,

Flashback  in hospital

Taehyung entered at dinner time, nurse is trying  Feed Y/n,

"The meal is not your liking??"

He questiond, Y/n pull a awkward smile

"That's not it...they are all boiled ..no flavour..."

Taehyung's lips form a smile as he sat beside her ,

"What you like to eat ??"

"Bulgogi, shrimp dumplings, Galbijjim....
My mom's special Kimchi stew"

Y/n replied, as the nurse shove rice porridge,

Taehyung nod,

"Well , once you'll be discovered...I'll feed you all that...promise"

Y/n take it lightly, however grateful for the promise

End of Flashback

The four sat for breakfast, Taehyung didn't brought any topic about this food being Y/n's favourite at all, Y/n didn't brag ,however her heart has heat up .

"Eat up"

Cristina shoved a piece of pork to Y/n,

"You should eat more...."

Taehyung added as he chew rice from the bowl,

Y/n giggle,

Just then their door bell ring,
Maid is supposed to open, however Cristina was free so she went to open,
The remaining three get curious only peek behind her figure,

Opening the door ,Cristina discovered a delivery boy ,

"Ma'am it's your parcel , please sign here"

Cristina take the package, it's a large box ,

Signing it ,she walk inside,

"What's that ??"

Emi question first, Cristina roll her lips before answering

"Books ! But I Don't remember ordering one..where these are almost 12 books"

Emi's eyes squinted, Y/n sat being clueless, However Taehyung's posture straighten, announcing,

"I've ordered....Y/n loves to read books, and staying inside she'll be bored so I've ordered them for her"

Y/n's eyes sparkle up , heart fluttered,

Cristina's lips pull a mischievous smug,however she just said

"Well , you're right...."

Emi caressed Y/n's face ,

"Thanks "

Y/n uttered, lowering her face trying to control her flushed expression

"No need to be thankful...you're my responsibility...your comfort comes along.......moreover...you only have to describe the story once you finish them"

Taehyung's words multiply her rush of emotions...making her awestruck,

"You'll hear the stories?? "

Unable to suppress her exhilaration, she asked

Taehyung chuckle finding her mirth satisfying and endearing,

"Ofc,I don't get time to read a novel ...however if you describe in brief we could enjoy together "

He chirp ,

Y/n's heart swells with emotions,

"Together huh !!"

Cristina tease ,Y/n immediately lowered her face , feeling flushed.

Taehyung cover Cristina's mouth,

"Stop bothering her more...see you aunt ...see ya Y/n"

With that , He literally dragged Cristina, covering her mouth.

Y/n chuckle, with a nod ,


"Hyung! Hyung!"

Cristina's constant call flurry Taehyung's

"Huh? What ??"

Taehyung respond , he hadn't touched his lunch yet , sitting in canteen he was in his reverie,

"I'm calling you for 10 times ...what's wrong?? What you're thinking??"

Cristina scold,

Taehyung shook his head ,

"No nothing..."

"You're a terrible liar"

Cristina charge , making Taehyung surrender 

"OK  , so the fact is....Y/n's husband is searching her...and he gets to know she was here....I'm a pondering  about her safety "

Cristina nod, After a moment of silence Cristina's eyes glimmer

"What about you take her in Grandma's home ?? I mean it will be out of everyone's reach !!"

Taehyung purse his lips , before agreeing

"Yes , Nana's (Grandma) Village, will be perfect....unless that jerk settle down"

Cristina added,

"It's also time for festival...so I guess, Namjoon Hyung and Jin Hyung will come too....Y/n would feel happy around their affection "

Taehyung nod ,

"Then it's final...tomorrow you two will be going "

Cristina chirp,
Taehyung frown ,asking

"Two ??you're not coming??"

Cristina chuckle,

"I visited her just two days ago...I have work here....moreover if I also Leave, Emi Aunt will be all alone"

Taehyung bolt up ,

"But , I can't leave you here all by yourself...."

Cristina sigh ,making face

"My dear protective brother,....I'll be all right ....I'll have fun with Aunt...so don't worry....please....pretty please"

Cristina's pleading made Taehyung agree,

After the meal Taehyung return, Cristina sigh

"If I went with you, you'll surely be protective around me , saying Ina Don't do this , don't say that...blah blah...then how you're gonna focus on Y/n....here I'm desperately rooting you two...I've seen her red cheeks....so give me a green signal soon , brother dear "

She mumbled underneath dramatically,
Just when she turns around, A junior Doctor appeared

"Doctor Ina !! Tomorrow's Saturday! Are you free in evening??"

Cristina's startled, however she nod

"Yeah , I'm free ...why , lia ??"

The girl Lia beam ,

"Well, a group has invited for the club...I'm new so I want you to join me"

Cristina nod,

"Sorry Lia , but I don't drink...I don't like clubbing either "

Lia turned pale, pleading

"Don't say that , Doctor Cristina, you don't have to drink...just company me...I'll be grateful"

Cristina hesitate for some moment before agreeing   ,  Lia looked both relieved and happy.


Later at night.....

After meal,  Taehyung knocked Y/n's room

Y/n's face gleamed, 

"I'm here to request something "

Taehyung stated sitting across her , Y/n place her book aside ,

"What's that ?? "

Her face pull a worry,

Taehyung grasp her hand giving a gentle squeeze,

"Forgive yourself, Y/n "

Y/n tilt her head not getting enough,

"Forgive yourself,  I know you used to believe yourself worthless, weak...and these haunts your present self....in order to heal your wounds...Forgive the past..Forgive yourself for being weak....only then you'll be able to rebuild yourself "

Taehyung's words,  implant a different heat inside her , a rush of sorrow just wash over.......she stare at his face

"I'll be taking you to my Grandma's home....I Want you to enjoy there ....so set your wings free....allow yourself collect the happiness....forgive the previous self"

Taehyung added, making her out of words, Y/n's eyes glistened, heart thump a different warmth embrace her.

Y/n stood vertiginous , a silence spread across,  Taehyung's face is expressionless.

"I'll try"

Y/n's response curve a smile on his face,


Next morning,

After breakfast,
Y/n was in room,  about to get dressed, when Cristina entered with few bags

"Unnie ....no need to wear my clothes...here I've brought clothes for you"

Cristina dropped the bags which carries different beautiful attire   , She pulled out a cherry red full sleeve top , and a white skirt

"Wear this "

Shoved the dress to Y/n,

Y/n is mesmerised by the dress ,

"Why you're doing this for me ??"

She question, Cristina squeeze her cheeks

"Cause.....I love you...you're so pretty..that anyone would love to adorn you"

Y/n chuckle at their playful banter, before taking the Dress, once dressed Cristina made her sit before the mirror,
Doing the minimum yet elegant make up .


Taehyung has inserted the luggage, once done he shriek

"Ina ! Hurry up ....we'll be late in arriving..."


Hearing her response, he lift his eyes
To the stairs , but the view fascinated him, Y/n was descending the stairs ,
But that's not what concerned him ,
Her appearance is alluring....he fail to remove his eyes , his heart fluttered, stomach twist with a strange emotions, his eyes darted on her , She's giggling with Cristina as they're coming here,

Taehyung find himself vulnerable all of a sudden,  yes all of a sudden...he has seen her many times ,however just now...Y/n appear as a different new person..the affection has made a way towards his heart already where  he was unaware until this very moment,

When they've arrived too close,  Taehyung avert his eyes in embarrassment,  He was literally gawking .

"Isn't she looking beautiful..."

Cristina asked holding Y/n's arm ,

"She's beautiful...she looks beautiful every time....women are born beautiful"

His words stammer cause of embarrassment , however Y/n's heart fluttered hearing him calling she looks beautiful every time...

Taehyung get inside the car , Y/n after hugging Cristina, get inside.

Waving lastly the car crossed the house boundary.


Taehyung's driving silently, Y/n was enjoying the view outside,

However Taehyung fails his eyes  pursuing her ,time to time,  He mentally to scold himself however it's difficult not to look. A different new feelings has enveloped him right now.

Taehyung cleared his throat , to gain her attention,

Y/n glance at him carrying a  innocent curiosity in her face,  which hitch Taehyung's breath,  he gulp , it's first time he's experiencing something like this

"You're looking pretty "

After a lot hesitation he finally confess,
Y/n's cheeks turn crimson red in an instant, her heart pound immensely....


Words escape in a low tone,

Taehyung nod feigning his further emotions he's confused about himself, focusing his eyes on street he round the steering .


Aside  ,

Inside a office room 

Jungkook was inspecting some files when his phone buzz , his eyes darkened as he received

"Boss, she's not in hospital currently...she had  discharged already"

Jungkook's jaw tightened , fingers clutch the paper work.

"Search the whole country....I want her back anyhow.....dead or alive"

With that he hang the call, rubbing his temples  he's about the drop the mobile, when it  vibrate again, this time another number


Jungkook asked in a raspy tone,

"Sir,  she has agreed...I'll be bringing her to the location tomorrow"

A female voice report,
Jungkook's lips curve with a fiendish smug

"Well done....you'll get your reward"

Saying that Jungkook finally toss his phone on couch,

His eyes flicker mischief.


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