Chapter 3

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      The door shut quietly behind him, and the room had a unsettling silence. Well if you didn't count the heart monitor in there. Placing my hand against the wall It was smooth, and also left something a nerving inside of me.

        It reminded me of my old room, the silence, and the confinement all around me. The walls I had known so well, my hiding area. The room was suffocating, but I didn't care back then, it was the only place I had felt safe.

         Slolwly I slid my feet over the side of the bed and It was maybe half a foot from the ground. I felt weak, but, I needed to walk. I followed my gaze to where my I.V was. A bag of some type of fluid was conected to it. At the bottom, it had wheels so that I could move it with me.

         I jumped down, but almost collapsed from the pain at my chest. I put my hand against the bed to catch myself. Then I slowly regained my balence. My legs felt weak, I could barley hold my own weight up and It made my breathing unsteady.

         I continued to walk slowly towards the door. Although two whispering voices caught my attention and I stood in my tracks. Well, half stood, half leaned against to wall to support my weight.

           "How is she?" I heard a familiar deep voice say, it was Damari.

            "A bit shaken," he paused "man this is all my fault, she is hurt because of me. I can't stand this." I heard another voice mumble below a whisper. I knew the voice right away, It was Blaine.

              This wasn't his fault, it was mine, I didn't listen to him when he told me to run. I wouldn't.

             "Come on don't say that, she's a fighter, just like you were, that's it. She's fine now." Damari rushed back in a whisper.

             "Well, she is now, but what if they come back when I'm not around? What then? I can't watch her being so hurt, I-I just can't." Blaine whispered, and his voice was starting to crack.

             "We'll teach her to fight..." Damari responded.

              "You know that isn't going to help." Blaine's voice seemed defeated.

              There was a pause. "Maybe we just need to send her back?" Damari replied.

              I stiffened, and sucked in a deep breath.

       Blaine responded way to quickly. "What the hell is wrong with you? We can't do that, you have no idea what type of hell she's gone through."

            Then there was another long pause, and Damari came up with the same thing Blaine had. "Than there's nothing we can do..."

             I didn't want to go out there now. So I started to make my way back to the bed, I put the Fluid where it had been before, than I tried to pulled myself back up. Only to land face on the ground with a loud thump. I let out a yelp and tried to pull myself up.

               The door opened up quickly, and I heard steps running toward me. Out of habit I cringed and waited for the pain to come, although none did. Instead I felt warm hands wrap around me and lift me up. Then I was laid down onto the bed.

               Blaine watched me for a second, "Are you okay?" He questioned quickly.

               "Blaine..." I whispered.

               "What?" He questioned.

               "You don't have to-" He cutt me off.

               "Raylen, you don't understand, I do have to, I have to be here for you. I- I" he paused as if deciding his words. "I can't just leave you like that." Then silence filled the room. After moments he broke it. "I'll get the nurse now."

               "Blaine." I croaked as he put his hand on the door.

               In responce he turned his head towards me.

             "You being here... It does mean a lot." I smiled lightly.

              "Well," he paused. "you mean a lot to me." and he walked out without a word.

              My face became warm with a rush. I looked straight at the wall and caughed quietly. I had this itch on the back of my neck, and my head it somehow seemed lighter.

         I continued to watch the ceiling for what could have been eternity. I didn't move a single inch. I wouldn't take in too deep of a breath. I was sore, but I wanted to go back to my 'home'.

          I hadn't been here that long, nothing seemed right. My apartment was simply where I slept, but apparently I'll get used to it. I don't think so though. I'm used to silence, confinement, complete yelling, and beatings. That's what makes it so hard for me, I don't know home, I don't know normal. Oh how I wish I did though. It would be so much easier, not just for me, but for everyone here. Especially Annora, having to deal with my night terrors. When I wake up screaming, crying and sweating.

           Me? I was just a burden, to everyone here. Everyone who had taken me in as one of there own.

            The door creeped open and a petite body walked in holding a clipboard at their side. In after her was Blaine standing by the door watching me, his arms crossed over his chest. The woman continued to walk towards me, she was dressed in dark blue and her brown hair was worn up.

          I slowly pulled myself up, taking in a sharp breath as I felt the stabing pain at my chest again.

           "Hi sweetheart, I'm your nurse. " she looked down at her board than at me. "You were beat pretty badly, broke 3 ribs, and, you had a bad blow to the head. Do you have any pain?" She questioned.

            "My chest... You just explained that. I Also can't really support my own weight." I informed her.

              "Not unusual after being beat so badley. I can send you back home with a wheelchair. You'll have to use it up to a week and a half. I'll send you with some medication for pain sound alright, dear?"

           "Yeah." I responded quietly.

            "Alright I'll just get out of your hair and leave you with this gentleman, while I get your wheelchair. Your prescription will be at the front." The informed me before leaving the room.

          I stared at Blaine for a second, I had no words, what was I supposed to say to him. I looked from wall to wall. "So uhm, where's Annora?" I asked breaking the silence between us.

          "She's waiting in the hallway, but, If you want I can have her come in here while Damari and I get your apartment set up."

           "I-uh, sure." I said giving up finnaly. I knew that Blaine wanted to help me out with whatever he could. Him being as stubron as me he wouldn't take no for an awnser.

            He looked at me for a second. Still leaning against The wall. No sudden movements, we were both still, and silent. Then he took in a deep breath and clapped his hands. "Okay, well I'll just go do that." He simled awkwardly and started to walk away backwards. His shoulder hit against the wall beside him, and looked at me horrified. "Ohhh, haha, there's a wall there... Well I'm just going to." And he ran out of the door with this look of embarrassment on his face.

            I shook my head and let out a small laugh. My head landed into my hands and I watched around my surroundings again. The door creeked open but I knew who it was, It had to be Annora. Except... I was wrong.

           "Hey sweetheart I'm going to have to take your I.V out now." I heard a chirpy voice behind me. Turning I saw the nurse holding her clipboard looking down at it.

            "Uh, alright." I replied.

          Her steps were quiet as she stepped towards me. I winced as she pulled the tape fromy arm, but after that it was all quick, she pulled the tube out and used goss to cover the area. She then put medical tape over the goss.

       "Alright, I'm going to bring you that wheelchair, but I need you to continue to drink a lot of water and eat at least 2 times a day. It seems you have trouble keeping up with that. I'll give these instructions to your roommate so she can help make sure you do as such." And she excited the room as quietly as she entered. It.

          I rolled my eyes and cuffed my hands together. I haven't been able to eat normally, and its been that way for awhile, I can't just break that habit. I have a weak stomach I can't hold much food, nor water, which is why I don't eat or drink that much.

       The door opened again and Annora walking in, her hair falling down her face as she pushed the wheelchair towards me. I let out an uncomfortable laugh, realizing how much attention this is going to draw towards me.

         "I know you don't want to use it." Annora said looking at me. "But, you have no other choice."

         "I know, I just, It's not like me." I mumbled awkwardly. My hands were placed flat on the mattress, and my legs were dangling off the side.

          "Well," she put it at a stop and sat beside me. "Its only for a week, and then you'll be fine."

           I rolled my eyes, "There's not much else I can do." I said.








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