Chapter 4

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        The walls all around me were, white. My feet barefooted, scratched and bruised all over. A white dress barley hung over my ankles In elegancy. There was no door, and looking around, The, white floor, and walls, they seemed to go on forever. I took a step forward, but I was still right in the center

       Confinement, all around, white, clear. PurityNo. What was itYet it seemed comforting, the walls I grew so accustom to. Silence drew from wall to wall, andI could only hear my thoughts as the silence drew through the walls. I took another step, and it echoed through. The walls shifted and I almost jumped. Though there I was, still in the center.

           The whisper started out soft from wall to wall, but it grew, louder. "Get out, get out, get out, now Raylen! Now!" The womans voice was eerly like my mother and I followed the voice from the wall . I tried to step forward, but the walls just shifted again. I couldn't move.

          Then I heard the scream, as it echoed around. I took in a deep breath, and tried to move, but the walls shifted again. I wouldn't be stupid enough to scream at that moment. Although I new that scream, eerliy the sound of my mothers.

          Then the walls shifted, again and again, and they were coming toward me fast. I started to panic but there was no way out of it. I threw my arms infront of myself to stop the wall. It was no use because the force of it it was now pushing against my hands, and I was fighting to keep it away. Then I heard a second scream, and another. Not from me, still the female voice sounding errliy to my dead mother's. Then some type of fluid filled my hands and streamed down the walls, fresh Crimson blood.

         I started to panic more, and now, I was punding the walls and screaming. Feeling the walls crush against my bones and lungs. It wasn't helping that I was hyperventilating at that moment. The walls would not come apart, no matter what I did. I gave up, I couldn't getout of this death trap anyhow.

       Then the walls gave too, as they crumpled into amillion smaller pieces, drenched in crimson blood. I took in a breath of relief and tried to take a step forward. Only I stopped, I realized that I had stepped on something.

      I was horrified, and I gasped at the sight. Me. My reflection. Drenched in blood and on the ground. Hesitantly I stepped back still mesmerized at the sight.

          Then I heard another scream, and I jumped looking around trying to find which direction it came from. That scream was familiar, way to familiar.

           "Blaine." I whispered under my breath and I turned. A gush of wind surrounding me. Looking in each direction I saw nothing but then, there was another scream. I looked closer, and my breathing steadied with concentration. Then out of nowhere I saw it, in the distance. I ran towards the screams, sounding with frustration.

        Blaine didn't seem to see me, and I was right in front of him. His eyes focused somewhere else. Full of pain and hatred. I slowly turned toward where he was staring, a dark figure standing there, long hair, eyes just like his.

        "Oh come on son, you know you couldn't save her every time." Her voice was twisted.

       He straightened himself up, "You did this?!" He screamed in anger as if he was going to rip her head off of her.

      Her eyes seemed furious and her dark dress reaching from the ground grew fire. I backed up not knowing what to do. "It was easy son, I take from you, the same thing you take from me." She paused and and her eyes grew furious again. "And I will now also take life from you, as you took from me." She lifted her hand, and paused, stopping halfway. Looking as if to stop, but then, Blaine's face begin to turn blue. He couldn't breath.

         "No!" I screamed but, it was like I wasn't there. I turned toward her and I felt something inside of me rising. Though she let her hand up and then she slammed it downBlaine was bleeding now. His chest full of blood as if he had been stabbed. He fell to the ground with a grunt. "Blaine! Look at me, I'm here!" I screamed and tried to grab his hand, but my hand just slipped.

        His eyes begin to close, and the rise of his chest slowed. I felt tears welling up at my eyes. "Blaine, see me, please see me." I was whisperingthe rise of his chest had completly stopped.


        My body jolted upright, although I didn't  scream. Looking around it dawned on me that it was only a dream. My lungs had released a sigh of relief. I then pulled myself off of my own mattres. Letting my feet dangle a foot above the concrete  ground. I needed to walk,I needed air, I couldn't breath. Forget the God forbidden wheelchair, I didn’t need it, I felt fine.

            Every step forward sent agonizing aches through my chest and legs. I didn’t  care, I knew where I wanted to go, nothing was going to stop me, nothing. Out of habit I checked  the clock  as I laid my hand on the door, 3am. Heck, Annora would not let me out of the appartment if I said anything. So, me being the reasonable type, I just left.

           Opening the front door with a silence like no other, I would be back, and she would probably kill me, but I did not care one bit. I silently  shut the door behind me and picked up the candle lantern beside our door so I could see through the dark halls of the cave. I was wearing a white long sleeved shirt, and grey sweat pants, my hair falling down my back. My bruised feet were barefooted.

          I continued to follow the halls until I saw a blinding light shining, the information room was shortly ahead of me. I stood for a seconed there, barley able to support  my own weight. I then continued, and walked to the room and swing the door open. I looked at the tierd figure slumping on the opposite side of the desk.

            "Uh, hey, didn't know you worked night shifts." I said awkwardly looking at his dark skin and tierd chocolate colored eyes. My instructor Damari was sitting tapping his hand on the desk, untill he looked up at me. He sat a bit straighter in his chair and coughed quietly.

            "Woah, where's the wheelchair?" He said quickly, as if to change subject.

            "Abandoned... I need to try and move a bit don't you think?" I responded awkwardly, twirling my hair in my fingers.

           "It's only been two days you need to rest..." he began to stand up.

           "No, I came here for a reason." I let out an annoyed breath.

            "And that is?..."

            "I want to see my mom, well I want to go to her ashes...or grave, do you mind looking her up for me?" I felt uncomfortable talking about this to anyone other than Blaine but I stayed put and waited.

            "Yeah sure, Her last name is obviously clover, but what is her first name?" He questioned and sat back down, typing at his computer not looking up at me.

             I hesitated for a second, and in responce, he looked toward me patiently waiting for an awnser. "Amelia." I whispered. "Amelia Clover."

          He looked back down and typed the name out. There was a pause as he read the screen. "She's near the pond, you take a left and go straight from there."

         I smiled lightly, "Okay thanks, but, can you like not tell Blaine about this." I questioned.

          "Our secret, now go ahead." He motioned toward the door.

          I smiled shyly and turned, aware of the door in front. My eyes had adjusted into the light and now it would look pitch black soon. So I held the candle bit forward as I limped out. The halls weren't to wide, there was only enough room to have two more people by my side. Today I was only accupied with myself. It felt normal to be somewhere by myself, somehow relaxing.

         I followed the halls and finnaly found my feet near the pond, I looked around It but for some reason my eyes lingered on my reflection. My eyes were tiered. I looked as if I would collapse any second, and there were bags under my eyes completing the look of exhaustion. I found the hall off of the left, and I dragged my hand across the rocks beside me as I continued to folow the hallway. The surface was cold as usual, but it still seemed unfamiliar.

         Then I saw it as the candle light showed many different types of coffins layed ontop tables made of porcelain. I felt a lump in my throat and I limped toward the coffins looking for the last names.

          There it was... Right in view her name planted into the table. I gulped in a breath and looked at it, folding my hands in front of me. I saw on old wilted flower and a envelope on the table, it was written out to Raylen Clover and Cole Clover. I took in a small breath and reached for it. Looking at the table I felt a single tear fall down my face.

          "Mom..." My voice was shaking. "I barley knew you, I wish that I had though, from what I can remember, you were," I stumbled at words. "Amazing, you were there when I needed you, when I had a nightmare, and I wish I didn’t have to tell you it this way, but, You will always stay in my heart, even if I didn't know you too well. You are my mother, and you are part of me, I just wish I could remember you, how you looked. I will always love you mom." I whispered. I then wiped the tears away from my eyes.

       Holding the letter near my chest, I felt awkward, not being able to share it with Cole. I also knew I couldn't contact him, it would be to dangerous. I sat beside the table and looked at it a bit, I felt weird. It was like I was five years old again. "I miss you mom." I whispered so quietly thar I could barley hear myself say it.

         I sat there in silence, and I knew should head back to the appartment before Annora freaked out, but I didn’t want to. I felt safe here, in the place that I wanted to be. I barley remembered the hug of my mother. I wished I could throw myself into her arms and we would cry together. Although I felt like I was safe here, the same way I had when I was five in that embrace. It just wasn't the same.

          I sucked in a small breath, and decided to go get some coffee. The Cave had a cafe near the store. The coffee here did have a different taste, It came alive with more flavor, you buy chocolate coffee breyer it will have a good twang of chocolate in it. I pulled myself up still holding the letter. I wasn’t  ready to read it yet. I then grabbed  the candle lantern and held it infront of me as I still wobbled down the halls.

           It felt good to walk after the two days being stuck at the appartment, but I knew I would regret this from pain soon to come, and Annora would probably kill me for leaving and not telling her. I didn't  want to think about that though, so I continued to follow  through the narrow hallways. Minding my own business and staying silenced.

           Then a rough hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me back. Making the envelope fall from my hand, along with the lantern. I let out a gasp, startled and unaware of what was happening. Then I saw the familiar jet-black hair again and his eyes were cold. His grip tightened even more as he saw my face. "Remember me princess?" Nick growled under his breath.

              I was angry, but fear still was taking me over. I tried to remove his hand from my wrist but he still wouldn't move. "How could I forget a bastard like you." I retorted.

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