1| A New Enemy

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Do you ever just get the feeling in your body and soul that something's not right or it's trying to warn you about disaster and chaos happening soon and coming your way?

That anxiety feeling? Your heart pounding so hard in your chest that you can feel it? The feeling of your blood rushing through your arteries and veins, as it's giving you a boost of adrenaline, making you feel so restless?

Or the feeling like you really don't belong in the very place you were born and raised in for your whole life, and felt like you were supposed to be born and belonged somewhere else?

Well, that's me and how I feel right now.

And it all started, right before that demonic looking girl and the giant pink, blob-like monster came in the picture.

Putting everyone in danger and spreading fear into their bodies, making them run for safety and to prevent themselves from getting killed...

-A week after Betty and Kumu's defeat-

"Hey, Ryobo! Get up you lazy bum!" I heard my little brother, Itachi, say as he entered in my bedroom and knocked on the door.

"Oh, c'mon...Five more minutes...Please, Itachi?" I whined as I yawned a little while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

In response to that, Itachi immediately walked over and yanked the blanket off of me and my bed, making me roll over and face the wall as I had the pillow over my head.

"Nope! Get your ass up! You know we're going to the headquarters today, just like we always do!" Itachi says before grabbing my arm, dragging me off the bed.

As soon as I fell to the floor, thanks to my little brother for that, I immediately crawled under the bed and growled at him a little.

"Ruby! Can you help me out? Ryobo's crawled under the bed again!" He called out, after leaving my room for a moment.

Then I heard Ruby's footsteps and the creaking sound of her climbing up the stairs before she immediately pulled out her lightning whip and dragged me out from under the bed, once she showed up in my room.

"Ugh, why are you such a total pain to get up early in the morning like today?" Ruby asked as she smacked me in the ass with her whip next, making me bolt up from the floor as I yelped.

"Yeowch! That hurts!" I said as I held my butt in pain.

"If you got up like your brother told you, then you wouldn't be smacked in the ass by my lightning whip. Now go take a shower, get dressed and come downstairs to eat with the others! Breakfast's almost ready, damn it!" Ruby replied as she rolled her eyes, before she and Itachi left the room.

I grumbled a little to myself in annoyance over that before I started to do what Ruby told me to do.

-  -  -

Once I stepped out of the shower and was dressed, I putted my glasses on and headed downstairs to eat with the others.

"About time he showed up, we were just about to eat our breakfast without you." My cousin, Asriel, says as his girlfriend, Setsuna, was busy sipping her black coffee with caramel macchiato cream.

"Ryobo, you should really learn to not only stop being on the computer so late till three in the morning, but going to bed and getting up early more often. It's no wonder why you sleep in until the afternoon." Asher, a friend of mine, says as he sighed while Lukari looks at me wearily and nods her head in agreement.

Two of my other friends, Euna and Astell, nodded their heads in agreement to that, as Astell was silently reading a book to herself, while Lukari was jotting some notes down for a project that she's working on for her job.

As for Euna, she's just being her.

Euna's not really what you'd call a 'friend' but she sticks around with us.

She's more like a rival but an ally whose part of the headquarters like us, to put it that way.

"Oh, spare me the lectures, you guys..." I replied as I sweat dropped a little, before taking my seat.

In response to that, Ruby took a hot pancake from her plate and threw it at me, perfectly hitting me in the face with it.


After seeing 'Ruby's pancake throwing' happen right off the bat, I heard Asriel and Itachi begin laughing really hard at that.

"Ha ha, so funny I forgot to laugh, Azzy and Itachi..." I said sarcastically, in response to them, as I took the pancake off of my face and began to eat it.

It was a good thing Ruby didn't add maple syrup to the pancake yet, when she threw it at me, because I'd have a hard time trying to wash the pancake syrup off of my hair and face.

After we ate our breakfast, we all mostly went our ways.

Me, Itachi, Ruby, Astell, Asher, Euna and another friend that I know, went to headquarters, while Azzy, Setsuna, and Lukari left to do their things.

Once we showed up at headquarters and were about to enter in the building, I almost could've sworn for a moment that I spotted some monsters that look more like goats, heading to where we're at, before I blinked a bit, only seeing nothing next.

-  -  -

Few minutes later, we were in the building and giving Rave our status report from the monsters' point of view on their end, shortly after Undyne killed Kumu, while Ruby and the others were doing their part of their position.

But, I couldn't get my mind off of what it is I saw for a moment, before it turned out to be one of those illusions that your mind likes to pull on you.

While Rave was checking something over for a moment, I happened to notice someone entering in the room and coming toward Rave and us.

"Sir! We just immediately picked up on some readings after Betty's defeat.

Apparently, a new enemy is already here and lurking in the shadows, but no one knows where it's located at." Astell says as she entered in the room after knocking.

"Just when the battle's over, a new enemy is already coming, huh?" Rave went as he sighed.

"Afraid so. But, this time, they seem to be targeting the monsters and the humans who are connected to the council from a long time ago.

That includes the monster king of the Underground, Asgore Dreemurr." Astell continued, before showing Rave pictures of the monsters and humans who are connected to the council in the past.

Especially those who are still around today.

"But, the humans who are connected to the council are deceased..." Rave went as he was looking over the pictures, files, and documents.

"True, they are deceased, but that doesn't mean the enemy could be targeting the humans who are connected to them by blood." Euna says as she stepped in the room next before adjusting her glasses, as her purple eyes were gazing over at us.

"Euna..." Rave went as he looked at her.

"I've been doing some research and looking into and through people's DNA tests lately.

While I was doing that, I happened to come across the DNA files and found the human descendants of the council that are still alive, and are young adults who are currently walking around today." She continued before showing him the documents.

After Rave took and scanned through them, he sighed and closed the document files before looking at me, Itachi, Ruby, and the others.

"Change of plans...Ryobo, Itachi, Ruby, and Euna, you four track down and keep a watchful eye on the Dreemurrs from the distance.

If anything should happen and they are unable to fend for themselves from the new enemy, that's when you should step in, help them out and protect them." Rave says as he looked at us.

"Astell...Contact Lukari. You, her and Asher will be doing the same thing with Gaster. Even though he's strong enough to defend himself as well, it's best to keep an eye on him in case anything happens."

"Yes sir!" Astell says before she and Euna left.

"As for Setsuna and Azzy, I'll be contacting and informing them about this while sending some reinforcements along with them, since they'll be looking for and protecting the human descendants of the council." Rave continues as he looks at the pictures for a moment.

"Everyone is to stay on their toes. We don't know when or where the enemy will make their first move and strike."

After Rave was finished, we nodded before taking our leave, after we were given healing devices for any kind of injuries or medical emergencies.

Well, Itachi and Ruby were the ones who walked out the door.

I didn't because there was something I wanted to ask Rave, despite out of my curiosity.

"Is there something you need, Ryobo?" He asked as he looked at me.

"Yeah...About the Dreemurrs. Are we allowed to make physical contact and interaction with them?" I asked, as I felt my heart pounding hard in my chest, full of anxiety.

"Yes. How else are you gonna tell them what's going on?" Rave answered as he smiled a little bit.

"Valid point." I went as my face turned red a little before I looked away, out of embarrassment.

"It's alright, Ryobo." I heard him say.

Then I only stopped and stood there for a moment after I turned away to head out the door.



"Do you ever sometimes have that feeling like you strongly belong with the monsters more than belonging with the humans?" I asked as I turned to look at him.

"Huh? What makes you say that?" He went, showing concern and confusion.

"Because I keep getting that feeling constantly every single day. It felt like that I was supposed to be with the monsters since I was an infant. And to be with the Dreemurrs too." I answered as a shadow fell over my eyes when I lowered my head down a little.

Apparently, Rave seemed to know what I was talking about, because he got up and walked over to me, before resting a hand on my shoulder.

"I understand..." He says. "For you and Itachi to be orphans since you both were kids, it's tough and hard to stay on task in situations like this, when you don't have a mother and a father to cheer you on."

"Yeah...It is hard. It hurts and aches my heart so much that I can feel the loneliness in me." I went as I felt tears appearing in my eyes and running down to the sides of my face.

We only stood there in silence for a moment as I sniffled a little before taking my glasses off and wiping the tears from my eyes.

"I'll think of something up for you, okay? For now, try to pretend that you do have parents who'll cheer you on, alright?

Me, you and everyone else has got an important matter to take care of on our hands, so, we'll talk more about this later..." Rave speaks up, breaking the silence that filled the room.

I nodded my head in response to that, after I sniffed a little again, before I felt Rave give me a light pat on the head.

"Don't worry. I know you can pull this through..." He says next as he gently smiled.

"Thank you. I'm glad you're our leader." I replied as I attempted to smile in return.

"Good luck, Ryobo." Rave went as I resumed on leaving the room.

"You too, sir." I replied before I left.

After I stepped out, I noticed Ruby, Itachi and Euna were waiting for me, before we got going.

"Ready, snowflake?" Ruby asked as she looked at me, while we left the building and got in the vehicle, as she started it up.

I nodded in response as we had our seatbelts on.

"Good. Now, let's go..." Ruby went as she smiled before she began driving.

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