2| The Dreemurrs

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Sighing, I leaned back on the seat and stared out the window, watching everything pass by like a blur.

"Dreemurr....Why do I get the feeling that name sounds really familiar to me?" I thought to myself.

Then I closed my eyes and sighed, before looking back out the window, as I unconsciously began to recall a memory.

A memory long before mom and dad's death...

~ ~ ~

"Ryobo and Itachi, dearies, could you come downstairs and over to me? I have something I want to tell you since you've reached that age..." I heard my mother call out, while me and my brother were playing with our toys.

"Sure, mommy!" I said before setting my toys down on my bed, as me and Itachi hurried out of the bedroom, heading downstairs to see our mother.

"What is it, mom?" Itachi asked after we went to her.

"There's something you two have to know since this has happened a lot to kids around your age. And it has to do with Mt.Ebott..." She says as she picked us up and rested us on her lap.

"Oh! The mountain that carries a lot of stories and legends?" I went as Itachi was listening.

"Yes. That's right dear. You see, there's a legend about kids your age who have climbed the mountain before but never returned. I happened to be one of those kids who climbed the mountain." Mother explained.

"Really, momma?"

"Yes. I'm serious."

"How did you get back here safely?" Itachi asked.

"There's a certain 'friend' that I know who helped me. If you two ever go there and happen to end up in the same situation that I have, and you come across her...Go to her.

She is the most kindest, loving, and trustworthy friend I've ever had." Mother instructed us.

"What's your friend's name?"

"Her name is......"

~ ~ ~

"Ryobo? Ryobo!" Ruby went as she shook me by the shoulder a little.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" I replied as I immediately snapped myself out of my thoughts.

"Were you daydreaming again? I said we're here at our destination, silly." Ruby says as she chuckled.

"My bad." I say as I sweat dropped a little.

"Let's get going. The Dreemurrs aren't gonna be waiting for us all day, four eyes." Itachi says as he rolled his eyes and smirked at me.

I nodded before we unbuckled our seatbelts and got out, as the vehicle was taken to be returned to headquarters.

Looking at the house, I was impressed with how nice and cozy it looked.

Then we approached the front door's steps and rang the doorbell.

"Coming!" I heard someone say, their voice sounding like a child.

Then the door opened, revealing a young monster who looks like a goat.

"Hi, are your parents here?" Ruby asked him.

"Yeah! Gimme a sec!" The boy replied before closing the door.

For a moment, there was only a few seconds of silence before the boy returned with a grown up who is the same monster kind as him, only he had blonde hair. As for his beard, it was pretty much the same color as his hair.

"Howdy, I'm Asgore." The man says as he smiled.

"I'm Ruby. The girl with the glasses is Euna, the white and ice blue haired boy behind me is Ryobo and the one with black and red hair is his little brother, Itachi." Ruby says as she introduced herself and us to Asgore.

"Nice to meet ya. What can I help you with?" He asked.

Then Ruby began to summarize the explanation of what's going on, to Asgore.

"I see...C'mon in. I'm sure you have more to discuss." Asgore says as his face changed, showing seriousness.

Even the look in his eyes were showing how serious he is.

Ruby gave Asgore a nod in return, before he letted us in the house.

After I stepped in, I got hit with warmth, coziness, and the feeling of safety.

"Asgore? Whose at the door?" I heard a woman ask from another room, before she came over, as Asgore turned to face and explain to her about us.

He even mentioned our names too, so, she'd know who we are.

When Asgore was finished, the woman had a serious look on her face too.

As soon as I saw her, that's when I immediately remembered and realized something.

~ ~ ~

"There's a certain 'friend' that I know who helped me. If you two ever go there and happen to end up in the same situation that I have, and you come across her...Go to her.

She's the most kindest, loving, and trustworthy friend I've ever had." Mother instructed us.

"What's your friend's name?" I asked, wanting to know.

"Her name is...Toriel Dreemurr." Mother answered. "She lives inside the mountain and is willing to help anyone out. Even by her looks, her love and kindness is immeasurable."

Then she pulled out a family album and showed us a picture of what Toriel looks like.

~ ~ ~

"You must be Toriel." I said as I looked at her.

In response, she and Asgore gave me a small surprised look.

"Yes. How did you - - ?" Toriel went.

"My mother's told me and my brother about you." I answered as I looked at her by her dark ruby colored eyes.

The color of her red eyes were so dark, I could almost easily mistaken them for the color, black, unless I got a closer and a better look at her eyes.

"Your mother? But, we've never met before..." Toriel says as she smiled and chuckled a bit.

"You have."


"You have met her before. She was only a child at that time." I said while I was just standing.

"What was her name? I might remember if I was told their name." Toriel asked.

"Haruhi. She's the little girl with red and blue hair, amber eyes, and wore a light, comfortable white dress." I answered.

"Ah! Now, I remember! She's the one who liked to make pies and reading my favorite books with me.

It's been so long since I last saw her...But, I never expected you and your brother to be her children." She went after remembering.

"How is she anyways?"

In response to that question, I had the look on my face that says it all to Toriel.

"She's dead. Her and Dad are dead...They died in a car accident when me and Itachi were young." I could only choke out tearfully, as I was remembering that.

"We're already at high school age, in human years, and we're still orphans."

In response to my reaction, Itachi came over and pulled me into a tight hug, as he rubbed my back soothingly.

Toriel looked a bit sad when she heard that, but, she hugged me too in attempt to give me comfort.

"I'm so sorry for your loss..." Toriel says as she looked at me.

Me and Itachi nodded our heads in response to that, while Ruby, Euna and Asgore went upstairs to talk more about what's going on.

"Would you both like something to eat?" I was asked next.

We nodded again in response after noticing that it was getting close to lunch when we checked the time.

"What would you both like to have? Cinnamon or Butterscotch?" Toriel asked, making us confused.

Then I immediately realized what she's talking about.

"Butterscotch." I answered.

"I want cinnamon." Itachi says next.

Just like that, she smiled at us and left the room as we watched her head into the kitchen.

"Why do I get the feeling this is the pie question, mom had mentioned to us about before?" Itachi went as he sat down on the couch.

I chuckled a little at that as I sat down as well, knowing Itachi is one of those people who don't realize what the question meant.

Pretty sure all he knows is that it's related to food.

As for me, I'm one of those quick thinkers who can easily figure out what others are referring to, with questions like the one Toriel just asked us.

Feeling a bit bored, I got up from the couch and just started looking around.

Looking in one of the bedrooms, it was easy for me to tell that it was Toriel's.

Noticing a diary open and sitting on her desk, I glanced over at it, only seeing pages full of bad puns and jokes.

The ones circled in red, are probably the ones that made her laugh hard, due to the shakiness when the circles were being drawn over some of the puns and jokes.

As for her drawer, it was just full of socks.

"Why does she have so many socks in her drawer?" I thought to myself in confusion as I sweat dropped a little.

Then I just left her room, seeing that there was nothing else to look at.

Glancing over at some of the bookshelves, I noticed the books were mostly cooking, gardening, and snail facts.

"Looks like she loves snails..." I thought to myself again as I chuckled a bit.

Then I headed in the kitchen to see if Toriel needed help with anything.

"Hmm...I suppose I'll make a pie for Asriel and Chara too, while I'm in here making some for Ryobo and Itachi." I heard Toriel say to herself a little, as I was standing at the entrance of the kitchen.

"Asriel? Is that her son's name? How bizarre. Yet my cousin shares the same name as he does..." I thought.

What I found pretty funny to myself is that she didn't notice I was standing at the entrance, the entire time she was in there, getting things ready to make the pies, until I knocked on the wall to get her attention.

"Hm? Oh! Hey, Ryobo. What's up?" Toriel went after turning around and seeing me.

"Nothing much. Just wanted to see if you needed help with anything." I answered as I smiled at her a bit.

"Sure. If you want to, you can help make pies with me." She says before smiling and doing a cute head tilt.

"I don't see why not." I replied as I chuckled a little while looking at her.

Seeing that I'm short for someone my age, Toriel grabbed a stool and set it down on the floor so I could stand on it, being able to see and reach the counter.

After I did that, Toriel gave me a summarized explanation of the pie making thing, before we both got started on it together.

"So, what does your son like when it comes to eating pies?" I asked. "Cuz, I want to make it so, it's easier for you."

"Aww! You're such a sweetheart! As for what my son likes..." Toriel went before she told me.

"How do I make that?" I questioned her as I sweat dropped a little.

"I'll teach you that in a moment." She replied simply.


Then we continued on with the pie making, as I caught Toriel sneaking sugar in her pies during that, before she began to tell me the next step.

I know we're supposed to be serious about what's going on and what the situation is, but, there's nothing for me and Itachi to do.

And I'm pretty sure that all Rave had said to us was to watch over the Dreemurrs and help them out if they are unable to fend for themselves, after the enemy happens to make a move and strike, without any warning.

He didn't really say anything on what we should do next, while we watch over the Dreemurrs and wait for anything to happen.

- - -

After we were finished making the pies, they were eventually baked and served.

As for Asriel's pie that I made for Toriel, so things were easier on her, I took it over and handed it to him.

"Thanks!" Asriel says as he smiled.

"No problem, goat boy." I joked, making him and his human sibling, Chara, laugh.

I laughed a bit too in response.

"Also, Tori's gonna give Chara his pie in a moment, she's currently in the process of making it."

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